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Everything posted by TQR

  1. TQR


    I was beaten to 24th April for GHW. And 25th. And 26th. And 27th. And 28th. And 29th. So I’ll go 30th then and not be happy with that.
  2. TQR

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    You shall fit right in. Welcome!
  3. TQR

    Queen Elizabeth II

    ...not to my knowledge, no. Neither did the Queen. Maybe that’s something they have in common.
  4. I’ve been reminded in the car recently just how much I love Nirvana and haven’t stopped listening to them since. I even found a song I hadn’t heard before (Sappy). 207 seconds of brilliance, despite the lyrics being written in the style of a 16-year-old stoner penning a song for his pet tortoise.
  5. TQR

    Class Of 1937

    Ah yes, October ‘36. Good spot! In his honour then, I’ll have to change my vote to Mr Banks, as GORDON’S ALIVE
  6. TQR

    Class Of 1937

    I’d love Brian Blessed to outlive the lot of them and celebrate his 150th birthday on the top of Mt. K2, but I reckon it’s Jane Fonda, on the basis that she’s 80 and most people still would.
  7. TQR


    There’s a lot of vitriol directed at Avicii from irate people that don’t know who he was. How unjust is that? It’s justified, however, from those that listened to the utterly lamentable bilge he put his name to.
  8. TQR

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I mean if you’re going to be comparing our Queen Liz with Mugabe then I’m afraid you can get in the bin mate.
  9. Sting and Shaggy's new album. Brilliant. What a match made in heaven. Why didn't they think to pair up before? (Yes, of course that's bollocks.)
  10. Found it just here mate if you want it.
  11. Another thousand in four fucking months. Congrats, and please do take a long, hard look at yourself
  12. TQR

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Do we think the Queen is sufficiently a fan enough of Shaggy to warrant him playing at her birthday thing?
  13. TQR

    Name Shame?

    In light of my profile pic, can I have "Give that meat a good ol' rub" as my tagline wossname thing please? EDIT: Thank you DI!
  14. TQR

    World's Oldest

    Duly translated the opening paragraph. Thanks.
  15. TQR

    World's Oldest

    I hate to do this, but someone beat you to it
  16. TQR

    World's Oldest

    Bit aggressive. Poor old lady.
  17. TQR

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    There's going to be a world one day in which only Keith Richards, Sri Sri Sri Sri Sri Sri Sri Sri and the Duke of Edinburgh remain.
  18. TQR

    Queen Elizabeth II

    The BBC are struggling for coverage, can they use this?
  19. TQR

    World's Oldest

    Ah. Apparently Ida Troupe may not be verified. This would make Chiyo Miyako (born 2nd May 1901) the oldest. She'll succeed Nabi's age on 18th January 2019.
  20. TQR

    World's Oldest

    Oldest living person (if this is confirmed further) will now be Ida Troupe of Jamaica, born 25th December 1900. She exceed's Nabi's 3rd place longevity record of 117y 259d if she's still knocking about on 12th September. EDIT: All total crock. She was verified when I looked but isn't now I looked again.
  21. TQR

    World's Oldest

    Apparently Nabi's dead. Link to follow. EDIT: May as well link you to drol's post, having got there seconds earlier in this thread.
  22. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Nina Simone got her hair, got her head, got her brains, got her ears, got her eyes, got her nose, got her mouth, and it all got cremated after she got her death on this day 15 years ago, aged 70.
  23. TQR


    Avicii. Blimey. And to make things even more terribly sorrowful, he was just too old for the 27 Club.

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