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Everything posted by TQR

  1. TQR

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    Can we just go along with your dream so I get the 5 points for James?
  2. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Crash and burn for NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Sr. and his moustache on this day 17 years ago, at the age of 49.
  3. TQR

    You Write The Headlines . . .

    I'd love to see this one on the front page of a newspaper!
  4. TQR

    You Write The Headlines . . .

    Ladies and men, please welcome the editor of Tourette's Weekly.
  5. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Prolific French playwright and comedy actor of the 17th century, Molière, died of TB at the age of 51 on this day 345 years ago. At time of death, he was starring in his own written stage show in which he played a sick man. When he had a fatal coughing fit on stage, he was presumed to be playing his part tremendously well and the audience applauded.
  6. TQR

    June Brown

    To put it in the profound words of Frankie Boyle, she's now so old her pussy is haunted. To put it in the profound words of Quim, though, I'd gladly be her exorcist #FitAsFuck
  7. Oh no, that's not English, that's Northern.
  8. No, Roey, don't rise to it! Stay strong! Don't do it Roey! See point 7 of above diatribe:
  9. Shit Sandwiches and Quiche on a Platter ...is the title of my upcoming autobiography.
  10. This is sadly becoming the Roey thread at quite a pace. Joey, first and foremost, don't feel ashamed to be you. Everyone is their own individual person. You're not half as irritating as you may expect. And when people make some kind of sarcastic quips at your expense, it's not for the sake of slagging off Joey. It's just a laugh. Laugh it off, double down on whatever you're having the piss taken out of you for, maybe quip straight back at them if you can, at their expense. Have a problem with a specific person on here? It'll be the same out in the real world. And, much like in the real world, it's probably best not to take any notice of them. Getting upset simply makes things uncomfortable; learning to stop taking things seriously makes for a much more amusing time. As for your daily post count growing faster than the death toll at an American school, read what you type before posting. Ask yourself: Does this make you laugh? Will it make other people laugh? Will it make other people react with a quizzical expression and let out a "hmm, interesting"? If not, it's probably an idle ramble; maybe just save those for Twitter or something and become a star over there. You're clearly rather well informed, and evidently enjoy partaking in this site full of sick cunts. Good. That's excellent. It seems like you're in the presence of a fairly easy-going bunch on here, who'll pass through a couple of times a day whenever they've got a spare 3 minutes to see how their deadpooling's going or to take the piss out of a dead/dying person. That's largely all. PotM made some very salient points: this is not a reaction log, it's not a place you come to make an exhibit of how little you think of yourself, or to simply correct someone like you're marking their homework. Just take a little more laid back approach, that's all you need to do. And everyone curls out a bit of a turd of a post from time to time, just don't fret about it. And as for your life outside of here, you need to start respecting yourself a bit more. You've got anxiety? Sorry to hear that. I'm a manic depressive, pleased to meet you. Life serves all of us shit sandwiches, you've just got to get on with it. Trust me, whatever pessimism or angst or worries about your life or self could 1) always be worse, and 2) won't be half as bad as you think. Things will work out fine, you'll have better days ahead of you. But this site, as willing to help as some of us are, is not a psychiatric ward (contrary to how it seems sometimes). If you think you need help, or figure out what's bugging you the most, for crying out loud man go and get it sorted out. Now, re-read the italicised first sentence in this pile of drivel I've shat out into this topic for you, and carry on as normal. Although, of course, do at least try and take some of the points in these posts on board.
  11. TQR

    Valentine's Day

    It’s all good though; following on from SBJ, proposals also exist for men to return the favour with a Chicken & Licking day.
  12. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Nat King Cold, on this day 53 years ago. He was 45.
  13. TQR

    Shadow Lists

    Tsvangirai's my first list outtake to die this year. Irritating. Still on 2.
  14. TQR

    Valentine's Day

    You can go and poke 14th February up your arris. 14th March is the one to look forward to. (If that date doesn't ring a bell, this is what you've missed out on)
  15. TQR

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    So in the space of a day, 2/5 of my preliminary March team is gone before I could reap the rewards. And I've lost the lead now to Sean. Poo, bum, piss and cock.
  16. TQR

    Morgan Tsvangirai

    You are a bizarre individual, if I may say
  17. TQR

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    Wow, no Prince Henriks in the list! Quite surprising. And annoying, he was my provisional 4-pointer for next month.
  18. TQR

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    Not all casual observation is perving. That's my defence, anyway.
  19. TQR

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    It makes me die the amount of people you see in shops buying a ready made pancake mix...like they're such spasmaloids they can't even fucking mix together a batter of four ingredients.
  20. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    True to the song, country/rockabilly singer Waylon Jennings proclaimed 'I Ain't Living Long Like This' on 13th February 2002, aged 64.
  21. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Oh how we all long for the day when one of us can post in this thread "And on this day X years ago , Jon Venables was torn in half by a fast-growing arse tumour, aged X."
  22. TQR

    The Dead of 2018

    Excellent, you guessed correctly the death of someone famous. Gee whiz. What a novelty on deathlist.net. Congratuwelldone. If I may also just add, you've got 1 hit out of 6 there. That's an accuracy rate of 16%. So, in a list of 50, you'd statistically manage about 8. Only 3 years in the last 25 have had an accuracy rate of that or less. Poor. Are you glad you piped up now?
  23. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Steve Strange, off of 80s synth pop, Faded to Grey on this day 3 years ago, aged 55.

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