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Everything posted by TQR

  1. Sorry to hear of said ball ache (or other applicable maladies). Take it easy
  2. TQR

    Leah Bracknell

    Lager, preferably a Sol. Yes, I'm ashamed.
  3. TQR

    Leah Bracknell

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4977572/Leah-Bracknell-says-alternative-remedies-kept-alive.html Sorry it's the D**ly M**l, but apparently she's feeling well, Shamanist bullshit or not. She's been going well over a year now. If she's alive on January 1st, though, I shall eat my own shoes.
  4. TQR

    Nicholas Parsons

    And a total cert to reach 100 !
  5. TQR

    Shadow Lists

    DL 14-12 TQR Balls. My ambition to beat them in my first year of DLing appears not to be happening.
  6. TQR

    Meat Loaf

    Hmm. Younger, jovial opinions are aggravating, it seems. That's a shame.
  7. TQR

    Meat Loaf

    Oh yeah. Sorry. I'll write 100 lines, 'Advanced age is key to taking the high ground'.
  8. TQR

    Meat Loaf

    Just streamlined that for you. It's true, I wasn't around in the 70s. Lucky really, that means I suffer with less age-related auditory degeneration for now. Lucky, that is, unless Meat Loaf is playing. Then I see a good case for it.
  9. TQR

    Meat Loaf

    Let's be fair though, he's not brilliant is he? Even Bat Out Of Hell...some people rave about that song but as far as I can make out it's about 38 minutes too long and no discernible part of it is unshit.
  10. TQR

    Candy, Bonbons, Chocolates, etc.

    Generally I don't have much of a sweet tooth but I've only recently found in my local supermarket Oreo Donuts. Fuck mine! I'd happily clog my arteries with them tasty bastards
  11. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    On this day 168 years ago (who remembers it?), Edgar Allan Poe put down his Stylus at the age of 40.
  12. TQR


    Right, what say we to a Leah Bracknell sweepstake next? I say she's been defiant so far but she'll die 1st November 2017. Either that or the first time I actually vote for someone else in the fucking 'Next DL Death' poll.
  13. TQR

    Most Significant Death Of Each Month

    January: Sir John Hurt (or Mary Tyler Moore) February: Tara Palmer-Tomkinson (or Kim Jong-nam) March: Chuck Berry (or Martin McGuinness ) April: Emma Morano (or Don Rickles) May: Chris Cornell (or Roger Moore) June: Peter Sallis (or Helmut Kohl) July: Chester Bennington. It's Chester Bennington. August: Bruce Forsyth (or Glen Campbell) September: Hugh Hefner (or Liz Dawn)
  14. TQR

    Death In The Family

    Oh Christ, that's so awful to hear. Do take it easy, man.
  15. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    'Twas on this day that the great James Dean crashed and burned, 62 years ago. What a guy. He sure looked good with a fag in his mouth.
  16. TQR

    The 15th death of 2017

    Pulled straight from the top drawer of the very finest filing cabinet of masterful logic.
  17. TQR

    Javier Perez De Cuellar

    So what kind of jolly japery do we think ole JP has been getting up to of late?
  18. TQR

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    Interesting shouts some of the picks may have been, I don't really think any of them would be that unexpected; pretty much all of them take residence on the Deathlist for the simple fact that, to a degree, they are expected to fuck off this mortal coil pretty soon. I think what is unexpected is that Bracknell's still going. She's amazing! She's essentially now treating aggressive cancer solely with poetry and prancing around a pot in a yurt.
  19. TQR

    The 15th death of 2017

    Certainly will, given some people's propensity to change their votes when someone does die
  20. TQR

    The 15th death of 2017

    Good spot!
  21. I'm voting Bracknell. Again. Which means if you want any chance of being correct, you probably shouldn't.
  22. TQR

    The 15th death of 2017

  23. TQR

    The 14th death of 2017

    You sad, sad cheating little shits.
  24. TQR

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    Bollocks, I missed the action
  25. TQR

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    So, 14 weeks left of the year to break the record...I reckon there's another 4 left in this list, leave alone 2.

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