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Everything posted by bladan

  1. bladan

    The Chequered Flag

    Rene Arnoux's 70th birthday was on Wednesday
  2. bladan

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Sad news! We need electric cars ASAP
  3. bladan

    Death Anniversary Thread

    She was hot
  4. bladan

    Dead Pop Stars

    Sad news! I will spend the night listening to my BCR collection
  5. bladan

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Jacob Obrecht, a famous composer, died in July 1505 of the Black Death
  6. bladan

    World Cup predict the scores 2018

    Argentina 5 France 1
  7. bladan

    World Cup 2018

    But 1938 did end well- less killer apes in 1945
  8. bladan

    Professional Cyclists

    Double Olympic winner Kristina Vogel (27) is in IC and stabile. https://www.bild.de/sport/mehr-sport/kristina-vogel/erfolgreiche-not-op-nach-schwerem-unfall-olympiasiegerin-kristina-vogel-auf-intensivstation-56140314.bild.html
  9. bladan

    Diego Maradona

    First the hand of God. Now middle fingers. God becoming manifest?
  10. Cipriano de Rore's Missa Praeter rerum seriem (c. 1550) - Huelgas-Ensemble Paul van Nevel it's de Rore's stuff from the 1550s so of course it's good.
  11. bladan

    A Joke

    I am trying to be funny. I just invented another joke in Finnish.
  12. bladan

    A Joke

    What is a sure sign that Jesus is taking a walk? A boat adrift with no one aboard. My own joke.
  13. bladan

    World Cup predict the scores 2018

    Brazil 0 Costa Rica 1 Nigeria 2 Iceland 0 Serbia - Switzerland match canceled
  14. scarlatti sonata d minor K41. harpsichord: scott ross
  15. bladan

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Yeah, I know that list. Some gems: According to Valerius Maximus, Aeschylus, the eldest of the three great Athenian tragedians, was killed by a tortoise dropped by an eagle that had mistaken his bald head for a rock suitable for shattering the shell of the reptile. Pliny, in his Naturalis Historiæ, adds that Aeschylus had been staying outdoors to avert a prophecy that he would be killed by a falling object. After watching the "Kung Fu Kapers" episode of The Goodies, a man named Alex Mitchell laughed continuously for 25 minutes and then fell dead on his sofa from heart failure.
  16. bladan

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    An Indonesian man has died after his mother’s coffin fell from a funeral tower and crushed him during a service on the island of Sulawesi, police said on Sunday. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/18/indonesia-man-killed-mother-falling-coffin
  17. bladan

    Death In The Family

    rEAPER I see you're a nice and polite man. My brother was murdered 31 years ago. He was 31 and hopelessly drunk He was strangled. Not long ago my little cousin whom I never knew killed himself- he drove his car under a truck. I am now 56 and drunk, but under control. I never drive when ii'M DRUNK. I am always in total control of Bladan. Bladan is a Master of Science. No one is smarter than poor Bladan except Einstein. I am joking even with my typos - alcohol has no contro over me – I think I, Bladan, I am beginning to be God. According to news, Einstein considered the Chinese filthy, stupid and ready to take over the world. 90 years later that is what is happening.
  18. Bombay Jayashri - Keshavaya Namaha
  19. bladan

    World Cup 2018

    Yes. Germany wins in a penalty shootout against France. In the end Griezmann kicks the ball 4 feet over the goal
  20. bladan

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Harpsichordist Scott Ross died on this day 29 years ago, aged 38, of AIDS.
  21. bladan

    Kim Jong-Un

    Kim's suit is like Dr Evil's. Dr Evil vs. overweight & aged Austin Trump?

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