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Everything posted by Bentrovato

  1. Bentrovato

    Frank Bough

    When you learn the English language and are able to articulate your thoughts in that manner, then we may be on a wavelength of understanding. Otherwise fuck off.
  2. Bentrovato

    Frank Bough

    I would bet on the latter.
  3. Bentrovato

    Frank Bough

    Oh do fuck off dear.
  4. 3 fucking days to go. Then finally I can read about the important things in life. The price of pistachios has rocketed recently.
  5. Bentrovato

    Unrequited Love / Secret Crush

    Yes. She would do that to me after sex. Wonderful. A way to go. You read my mind.
  6. Bentrovato

    Unrequited Love / Secret Crush

    Priti Patel. Just for an hour or two.
  7. Bentrovato

    Sean Connery

    RIP. Bond and the marvellous The Man Who Would Be King.
  8. Bentrovato

    Saddam Hussein

    Quite right. There has been a hung jury on that.
  9. Bentrovato

    Sir Michael Caine

    Within the year. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiv5uLg9t7sAhXSiFwKHXCRAosQyCkwAHoECAUQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dj-5yn3v3N8A&usg=AOvVaw3M8yDBJnK3PwnfSUUjnoX3
  10. Bentrovato

    Famous Last Words

    Mish Moneypenny aaagggggghhhhhhh
  11. Bentrovato

    Famous Last Words

    Either the wallpaper goes or I do
  12. Bentrovato

    how long till' the next hit ?

    Today 31 October.
  13. Bentrovato

    The 16th Death of 2020

  14. Bentrovato

    Diego Maradona

    Happy 60th Birthday to Peter Shilton's BFF.
  15. Bentrovato

    Titanic Survivors

    Don't worry about that. All their parents will have been helping them with their schoolwork for the last few months and will have been using their collections of historical fiction novels as factual historical documents to explain the world we live in.
  16. Bentrovato

    Titanic Survivors

    What?? Kate Winslet is not dead. She was on TV the other week.
  17. Bentrovato


    The BBC do not like to shock their elderly readers with overly descriptive headlines. But the stench and the flies did get a mention in the article.
  18. Bentrovato

    Animal Antics

    Even a nuclear strike could not liven up Corry. Maybe amalgamate it with EastEnders and Emmerdale and then nuke them all. Now that I would watch.
  19. Bentrovato

    Animal Antics

    "Police officer raiding illegal cockfight gets killed by rooster". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-54715327
  20. Bentrovato


    "Rapper Brian Trotter found dead in car after Florida highway crash" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-54714242
  21. Bentrovato

    Olivia Newton-John

    One way of looking at it I suppose. Though I can think of better things to get as a pressie. "Olivia Newton-John sees cancer as a 'gift' " https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/celebrity/olivia-newton-john-sees-cancer-as-a-gift/ar-BB1apTXS?ocid=spartan-ntp-feeds
  22. "Covid-19: US pulls plan to give early vaccine to Santa Claus" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-54686844
  23. Bentrovato

    Frank Bough

    Footie results, line of , blowjob, footie results, line of, blowjob. They don't make them like they used to. RIP.
  24. Bentrovato

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    Covid-19: Poland President Duda tests positive for virus. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-54672736
  25. Bentrovato

    French speaking deathlist

    La voix d'Olivia de Havilland

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