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Great Uncle Bulgaria

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Everything posted by Great Uncle Bulgaria

  1. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    Saw Tolkien film this afternoon. Very little in it for LOTR geeks to get excited about. Mainly a coming of age drama about JRRT and three of his oxbridge chums growing up in the run up to the first world war. Only uncertainty was guessing which of them were going to get killed in the trenches. Rather like chariots of fire, personally had little connection with any of these upper class oxbridge types so didn't get too upset at the outcome. Lead actor (can't be bothered to look up who) looked disconcertingly like a young John Redwood. Lily Collins as his love interest was rather cute - if not quite up there with Jenna Coleman (or Madame Cholet, obviously).
  2. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    Saw Red Joan today (about spy Melita Norwood). Quite enjoyed it, although it wasn't not entirely sure whether it was a cold war drama or a comedy at times. Tom Hughes had exactly the same haircut, accent and vocal mannerisms as he does as Prince Albert in Victoria. Shame the scrumptious Jenna Coleman (only reason I watch Victoria) wasn't in it, got pictures of her all over the burrow.
  3. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Who'll Be Last One Standing II

    Olivia De Havilland
  4. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Death Anniversary Thread

    rideric Handel Georg Frederic could no longer handel life, so went to meet his Messiah this day in 1759, aged 74.
  5. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Windy City Deadpool 2019-2020

    1. J-l Trintignant 2. Ruth Bader Ginsburg 3. Kathleen Blanco 4. Herman Wouk 5.Nobby Stiles 6. Leslie phillips 7. Stirling Moss 8.Bernard Cribbins 9. Jackie stallone 12.Michael Schumacher 13. Jimmy Greaves 14.Frank Williams (Vicar) 15. Kirk Douglas 16. Rosalind Carter 17. Jimmy Tarbuck 18Tommy Banner 19.Mike Batt 20. Roberta McCain 21. Des O'Connor Subs Richard Bonynge Vera Lynn Martin Peters Thanks for running, GUB
  6. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Been To Any Good Gigs Lately?

    Saw Garfunkel live last night. Was on stage for about hour and a quarter, with a 15 minute break in the middle. His son (!) had a solo in each half and there were anecdotes or poetry (!!) between most songs. Lost his thread with the talking a couple of times and looked a bit frail. However when he started singing most of the voice was still there and there were enough magical moments to make it a worthwhile and moving evening. We only got 2 verses of bridge over troubled waters but sounds of silence and bright eyes were both great. Anyone who can still sing like that isn't about to keel over but would guess he won't be touring much longer. Not one for 2020 but I saw contemporaries the Stones last year and he was much frailer than any of them. 2022-3 would be my guess.
  7. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel

    Saw Garfunkel live last night. Was on stage for about hour and a quarter, with a 15 minute break in the middle. His son (!) had a solo in each half and there were anecdotes or poetry (!!) between most songs. Lost his thread with the talking a couple of times and looked a bit frail. However when he started singing most of the voice was still there and there were enough magical moments to make it a worthwhile and moving evening. We only got 2 verses of bridge over troubled waters but sounds of silence and bright eyes were both great. Anyone who can still sing like that isn't about to keel over but would guess he won't be touring much longer. Not one for 2020 but I saw contemporaries the Stones last year and he was much frailer than any of them. 2022-3 would be my guess.
  8. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Overrated People

    Ha, I like this thread! Cheryl Cole/Tweedy/Fernandez-Versini etc - talentless waste of space who has made a career out of being very pretty (albeit on a make up budget of £250K p.a.) Ricky Gervais, Keith Lemon (not funny) Michael MacIntyre (shouting unfunny material does not make it funny) John Torode (talking to people 3 feet away as if you are declaiming Shakespeare to the back row of the stalls just looks/sounds stupid) Everyone on gogglebox apart from the Saddiquis and Giles & Mary (and even then you are laughing at them, not with them) Female commentators and pundits on match of the day (apart from the rather hot Alex Scott) Girl popstars whose success is based solely on their looks and willingness to pout in their undies in their videos (exemplified but not limited to Ariana Grande (who looks about 14), Dua Lipa, Zara Larsson, Little Mix). Not that I object to pretty girls in their undies at all but I have to share a house with someone who inflicts the musical byproduct upon me Sharon Osborne - talentless harridan famous because she is married to someone who ceased being a credible rock star decades ago. Holly Willoughby - wooden, incapable of facial or verbal expression, just simpers to camera. I know she has blonde hair and a larger than average chest but there must be more talented people around with similar attributes... I wish it could be a wombling merry Christmas every day - Mash up of two Christmas classics into one awful record Bob Dylan - can't sing. Nearly everyone in the 60s and early 70s used to put a song or two of his on their albums and most of them are crap, albeit the covers are usually better sung than Dylan's version. The Hunted - clearly all staged/fixed by the production team, who have one of their number pointing a camera at the so called fugitives all the time Jeremy Vine - tries to sound genuinely caring on the radio and just sounds annoying All reality TV stars (especially anyone who has ever been on Love Island), including the staged ones like Geordie Shore, Made in Chelsea etc. (dishonourable mention for Charlotte Crosby, who has to be possibly the most vacuous yet gobbily irritating person on the telly) Boy bands where not one of them can play an instrument, particularly any of them that have been anywhere near Louis Walsh. Simon Cowell and just about anyone who has ever sang, claimed to have talent or judged on any of his shows. There, I feel much better for that...
  9. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Sarah Vaughan stopped feeling so smoochie and went east of the sun this day in 1990.
  10. Great Uncle Bulgaria


    Nor is tweetypie
  11. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Bob Hawke

    I'd say he was quite well known in the UK and has featured in countless news bulletins down the years, though admittedly not many in the last decade or so. Most of the American media stars/actors & actresses on the list, by contrast, I had never - or only vaguely - heard of until I came on here (excluding Tina Turner, whose Burrow Deep Mountain High is still fondly remembered in these parts).
  12. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Posted 32 minutes ago She looks about 12. I must be getting old. 32 apparently, but agree doesn't look old to enough to do many things legally, certainly not be an MP.
  13. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Bob Hawke

    Don't know how the Aussie IHT equivalent works, but there may be sound financial reasons for flogging the house and gifting the cash before he dies to reduce the tax bill for his heirs.
  14. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Is the songwriter and the person who had the hit the same person? (the guy who co-wrote little less conversation which topped charts in early noughties had a hit in his own right in the 70s, hence my apparently stupid answer above on the assumption that songwriter and artist were different)
  15. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    No chance, not with first past the post. Nearly 40 years ago a small group of Labour MPs (3 of whom were then household names (former Foreign Secretary, Chancellor and Shirley Williams - who had held various posts in cabinet - unlike this group only 2 of whom anyone has heard of and that only dimly) set up a new party (SDP), merged with the liberals, ran at 25-30% in the polls for a while and still ended up with (IIRC) only about 25 seats having come respectable 2nds in constituencies everywhere. The SDP/Liberal Alliance was effectively killed off by the Falklands war, which was electorally the most popular thing Thatcher ever did and enabled her to win both the 1983 and 1987 elections. If this little lot stand as their own party they will all be wiped out by their own (former) parties , even if they reach an accommodation with the Liberals. Few if any of them have sufficient charisma - or the resources - to beat their own former party machines, who will make defeating the 'splitters' a strategic priority.
  16. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    A little less conversation by Elvis/JXL ?
  17. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    rock'n'roll part 2 Gary Glitter hired help the Glitterband?
  18. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Arfur Daley by the Firm?
  19. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    As the young wombles (principally Orinoco) and I sang back in the day Oh la la la la hey banana don't you step on de skin oh la la la la hey banana Womble up de rubbish and put it in de bin At 12-3 down to Banana it is safe to assume I have indeed stepped on de skin and been well and truly wombled up and binned. Who would have guessed that 34 years later those lyrics would prove so prophetic? Anyway, congrats Banana. Time for a nap and then concentrate on the league...
  20. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Vera Lynn

    Not sure I would take the word of someone who describes herelf as a soul cleanser as gospel. I see her other 2 most recent tweets are (1) how much she loves Donald Trump and (2) that the day of judgement may well be in October next year. The words 'cake' and 'fruit' spring to mind.
  21. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Carnival is over by the Seekers?
  22. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Yep, you got it....
  23. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    Just Can't Get Enough by Depeche Mode? nope, this band has their first hit in late 70s and their last in the early 90s, and their biggest (but not best) hit was a beatles cover. And I take it back about Time's one :-)
  24. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess The Song

    As no one seems to have any idea about Time's one, here's another one to be going on with. 1981 hit by gothic new wave band that had a long chart career, apparently about buggery...
  25. Great Uncle Bulgaria

    Guess the film/movie

    supersize me?

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