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About MrWonderful

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  1. MrWonderful

    Celine Dion

    If it was, it was literally perfect, nothing was off. Not even a nanosecond. Which makes me think it was her singing live. But you're right, even if it wasn't, like Pavarotti's final performance at the Torino Winter Olympics, it was still inspiring.
  2. MrWonderful

    Celine Dion

    She looked and sounded fantastic. What a triumph!
  3. MrWonderful

    Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

    Good! Miserable twat, he is.
  4. MrWonderful

    Kamala Harris

    Just to add to the talk of Kelly as the possible VP pick, there's another potential issue in which he might be a great messenger: IVF. The Republicans and JD Vance, in particular, have put IVF under assault. Well, Kelly and his wife, Gabby Giffords, revealed publicly that they were trying to have a child through IVF before she was shot. Talking about this almost allows him to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. It would be like double sympathy points.
  5. MrWonderful

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    Those familiar with American football (the NFL) would know about Hall of Fame coach Marv Levy. He will turn 99 (assuming he makes it) on August 3 and would turn 100 next year. I haven't seen or heard much of him this year, but towards the end of last year I saw some articles in which he appeared to be active and doing quite well. I've resisted putting Dick Van Dyke on my list because I've simply thought that he wasn't more likely to die than 50 other names in a given year, but I may reconsider that stance next year because perhaps 100 should be the line of demarcation. Anyway, not to be Captain Obvious, but I think anyone is worth serious consideration once they hit 100, no matter how healthy they appear to be. But who am I kidding, he won't be famous enough to make the site's Top 50. Three other suggestions: Ion Iliescu (former Romanian president is 94 and has been in failing health for years) Georg Koch (just 52, has terminal pan-can; is he famous enough?) Noddy Holder (isn't it just a matter of when the drugs stop working?)
  6. MrWonderful

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    The last 3 are already on my list. Delon will likely make my list last year. And I can't really argue with James Earl Jones, either. All sensible choices.
  7. MrWonderful

    Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

    They both are. He's lucky that he doesn't get booed.
  8. MrWonderful

    Kamala Harris

    I hope you are right. As far as the VP talk, Whitmer and Newsom already leaked to the press that they have no interest in the job (pretty much as soon as it became clear that the Dems were coalescing around Harris), so we can put that to bed. It's looking like the "short short" list is comprised of Kelly, Cooper, Shapiro, Beshear, and Walz. Kelly has become the +135 favorite in betting markets. While the Democrats need to win Pennsylvania and while Shapiro is the popular governor from that state, he probably doesn't check as many boxes as Kelly does. And both Cooper and Shapiro have a background similar to Harris' as lawyers and former state Attorneys General, so it's quite possible that the campaign will think this is too much overkill. Kelly's background is different, as a former astronaut, Navy captain and pilot, and now a Senator. He's seen as a badass of sorts and as a moderate, and he has done well with Latino voters in Arizona, partly because he's not as liberal as much of the Democratic Party is on issues like control of the border. He's also publicly said he's not in favor of the Green New Deal, and he's advocated for oil drilling as a response to higher gas prices. And as the husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, he's a great messenger on gun control issues as well. He seems like he has the momentum to get the gig, but we'll see what happens.
  9. MrWonderful

    Kamala Harris

    New Reuters/Ipsos polls out today have Harris up on Trump by 4 points (registered voters) in a 3-way race including RFK Jr., and by 2 points in a head-to-head matchup. Interestingly, it's starting to look like RFK Jr. is actually taking votes away from Trump, not the Democrats, which was the assumption months ago. It doesn't surprise me, since RFK Jr. is a nutcase. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he drops out of the race and endorses Trump. In exchange, maybe Trump will give him Fauci's old job.
  10. MrWonderful

    Joe Biden

    Whitmer has already made it clear that she doesn't want the VP slot. Same as Gavin Newsom. Overnight, Kelly's odds have gone up slightly, still the favorite now at +140. Shapiro is next at +300, with Cooper at +375. Then it's Beshear at +1000, with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz at +1400.
  11. MrWonderful

    Joe Biden

    I think he's quite capable, sure. But he definitely isn't delivering Kentucky to the Democrats, for one thing. As for his appeal in that state, I think the fact that his father was once the Governor is a major factor. (It's why Joe Manchin was able to keep winning elections in West Virginia for decades.) I'm just not sure that he's a better strategic play than the others. Incidentally, Kelly is now the very slight favorite at +200, Shapiro is +225, and Cooper is at +300. Beshear is a little further back at +850.
  12. MrWonderful

    Joe Biden

    I agree with you that AZ is not as important as PA, but Kelly probably has the largest name recognition nationally, so that might count for something. Shapiro is the +200 betting favorite, Cooper is +275, Kelly is +350, and Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is +500. (No one else has better odds than +1600, where Buttigieg comes in.) Another thing that could be a plus for Kelly is that AZ has a Democratic governor, so his Senate seat would not be at risk for the Democrats.
  13. MrWonderful

    Joe Biden

    Shapiro makes the most sense. The Democrats must win Pennsylvania to have any chance, and Shapiro is extremely popular there (59% approval rating) as Governor. Polling showed Trump well ahead this week in PA (something like 6-7 points), so getting Harris on the ticket plus adding the popular governor just might put it back in play. Cooper isn't enough to put NC in play imo. Mark Kelly would be my next choice. Relatively moderate senator from Arizona, married to former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, who of course was shot in the head and survived. He can be a great messenger on gun issues, and I just like him and think he's reasonable. Buttigieg is my favorite candidate but yeah, that wouldn't be a smart decision.
  14. MrWonderful

    Joe Biden

    Even I have to admit that I think they were having a pretty effective convention (even if I disagree with most of their shit, a lot of their shit was well-planned and well-executed). But Trump may have ruined some or even a lot of his momentum with that horrible, way-too-long speech last night. The first 10-15 minutes or so, when he was on script and talking about the assassination attempt, were fine. Then for about an hour he was off script and riffing and rambling and basically it was just like one of his rallies where he just talks out of his ass with blatantly false accusations. And it was boring. Now, I don't know if this race is already over, but a lot of political analysts were thinking that if he had delivered a unifying type of speech where he showed a different side, that he could have essentially put this thing to bed. Instead, he may have left an opening because he just showed that he's the same person he's always been. Also, to address something TOC wrote, it's my belief that if they go to Harris, that the House is very much in play. The Senate will go Republican, and Trump is still a solid favorite to win the presidency. But the House is very winnable, and it's possible that Harris over Biden could actually energize the base. That might be enough to flip the House; down-ballot Democrats are outperforming Biden in almost all of the polling. So maybe Harris at the top of the ticket could make a difference in those down-ballot races. And if that happens, well, then going with Harris will have at least salvaged something.
  15. MrWonderful

    30. Bob Newhart

    #15 for me. Hopefully he's reunited with Rickles and they are cracking jokes together. RIP.

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