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The Great Cornholio

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Everything posted by The Great Cornholio

  1. The Great Cornholio

    Henry Kissinger

    Every year his head slowly sinks further into his torso, maybe he's preparing for a role as Mike Kawalski in a live action Monsters Inc?
  2. The Great Cornholio

    General Election 2024?

    I'll either vote 3rd party or not vote at all. Tbh I think that we can no longer vote our way out of this mess of a country we live in, just focus on making yourself economically viable and lowkey prepare for the apocalypse
  3. The Great Cornholio

    The 8th Death of 2023

  4. The Great Cornholio

    Rolf Harris

    I'd say its karma. Those last 10 years of his life were the most miserable years. He spent half of those years behind bars and the other half living on the outside while being one of the most hated people in the UK. People would probably glare at him whenever they saw him in the street, if not worse. Evidently, it lead to the point where he only left the house to go into his back garden (according to his neighbours) as that'd be the only place he could go outside and not be reminded that he was a monster. On top of that, he died slowly and painfully from neck cancer - while he also watched his wife get sicker and sicker till she was bedridden like him. The press said he couldn't eat anymore so he likely had tubes going in and out of him everywhere. And I think he was conscious through all of it, he was mentally there to bare through all the suffering of his final moments. A quick and easy death would've been too good for him.
  5. The Great Cornholio

    The 7th Death of 2023

  6. The Great Cornholio

    Rolf Harris

    Any obit ideas?
  7. The Great Cornholio

    Star Wars Deaths

    Just found out about this, shame he never got to see the premier or the reception of Ahsoka. Very sad news.
  8. The Great Cornholio

    Jimmy Carter

    I've heard that theory before, came around when he started sniffing a lot around the time of the 2016 elections. Tbh it wouldn't surprise me. He already stated that the 80s and early 90s were like an STD war zone for him, it's feasible he'd be the kind of guy to do coke from a pornstar's ass imo
  9. The Great Cornholio

    Jimmy Carter

    But his eating habits are terrible. His usual McDonalds order consists of something like 4 burgers and a milkshake. Obesity is just as bad as being a chain smoker, kinda wish it had the same social stigma.
  10. The Great Cornholio

    World's Oldest

    Found her page, imagine living to see your great x3 grandchild
  11. The Great Cornholio

    Jimmy Carter

    Smoking and unhealthy eating habits are both just as lethal statistically. I dont doubt theres a chance he could live up to his 90s, like his dad did, but I personally dont think its likely.
  12. The Great Cornholio

    Predict Your Own Death.....

    According to Deathclock, my predicted death results are: Normal mode: 23rd March 2073 Sadistic: 22nd March 2036 Pessimistic: 13th February 2053 Optimistic: 17th May 2090 (when I am nearing 91 years old)
  13. The Great Cornholio

    The Worst Job You Ever Ever Had

    For me its gotta be cleaning up dead rats from beneath a warehouse loading bay. That was 5 years ago. Hated working there and was eventually fired for telling the boss' father that he wasnt my boss (after he was ordering me around despite being the same level as me). I was doing online courses outside of work, basically spending every moment either working or learning, and by the time I was fired I went straight into another job - one that actually had a good career path. I got the last laugh as I now make more than my managers, despite being half their median age
  14. The Great Cornholio

    Jimmy Carter

    Agreed, he'll defo live longer than Trump. Trump's unhealthy lifestyle will catch up to him one day.
  15. The Great Cornholio

    6th crowdsourced hit

  16. The Great Cornholio

    Barry Humphries aka Dame Edna Everage

    There weren't any signs of any significant health decline until February, and he died from complications from hip surgery after a fall. Someone shouldn't make the list for just being old (unless they're around/over the 100 mark)
  17. The Great Cornholio


    1st of May
  18. The Great Cornholio

    Name Shame?

    Thanks @Paul Bearer :^)
  19. The Great Cornholio

    Name Shame?

    How about 'The Great Cornholio'? Replace 'Paint Sniffer' with 'Got any TP?'
  20. The Great Cornholio

    Name Shame?

    I thought you were leaving? xD
  21. The Great Cornholio

    Name Shame?

    Cool, now tally up the reacts you've been giving...
  22. The Great Cornholio

    Name Shame?

    This all started by me getting shat on for no reason. I have no reason to be embarrassed other than for your parents, who would have to be related to create such societal failures.
  23. The Great Cornholio

    Name Shame?

    Here's the thing. You make it sound like I say shit to you. In reality, you (and the toxic people like yourself) throw insults at people while having such little self awareness of your actions that you've actually considered yourself the victim. Go watch another marvel film and stfu
  24. The Great Cornholio

    Name Shame?

    Are you trying to make fun of me for going outside? Wtf even is this argument xD
  25. The Great Cornholio

    Name Shame?

    I'm not exactly insecure, I more or less explained my nature to the best of my ability only to have a psychopath like you respond to me.

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