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Everything posted by arghton

  1. arghton

    20/20 + 2

    Congrats Hell 1922: Ravipudi Venkatadri / Gaositwe Chiepe 1923: Ezekiel Kuti / Qian Zhengying 1924: Khamtai Siphandone / Grace Onyango 1925: Ronnie de Mel/ Letitia Obeng 1926: Yoshimi Osawa / Irene Camber 1927: Ahmad Jannati / Aira Samulin 1928: Paul Dooley / Nguyễn Thị Bình 1929: Tahar Zbiri / Violeta Chamorro 1930: Emmanuel Milingo / Faith Ringgold 1931: Michael Hardie Boys / Iride Semprini
  2. arghton

    Who are the immortals?

    Well, no longer dying, he's dead now as mentioned in his thread. 11 people dead from the Class of 2022 and we haven't even reached the middle point of the year yet.
  3. arghton

    Political Frailty

    Juan Ponce Enrile de...nope, named Chief Presidential Legal Counsel in the BongBong Marcos Administration at 98: https://www.manilatimes.net/2022/06/17/news/marcos-taps-enrile-as-presidential-legal-counsel/1847728
  4. arghton

    Political Frailty

    Sikota Wina, Zambian politician and Kenneth Kaunda's (first) health minister 1964 and local govt minister 1964-1968 dead at 90. A pretty interesting life . Expelled from the university he studied in due to political activity, worked for the government of Northern Rhodesia, arrested in 1954 due to entering a whites-only restaurant, worked as a journalist, arrested again in 1959, became Kaunda's parliamentary secretary when Kaunda was the minister of local govt of Nothern Rhodesia 1962, held multiple positions until he left politics in the 1970s, arrested in India for drug smuggling in 1984, jumped bail and used a fake Sudanese passport to fly back to Lusaka under the name Hussein and was later jailed for a year in Zambia in 1985 for drug trafficking, got back into politics in the 1990s and became deputy speaker of the national assembly but resigned due to another drug scandal. His royal wife Princess Nakatindi Wina (1945-2012) was charged with treason in 1998, linked to "Captain Solo" Steven Lungu's (1962-2012) coup attempt, later released. Was going to marry a 40-year-old in 2017, after "negotiations" chose not to.
  5. arghton

    Ratko Mladic

    Well it seems like complete bs like it has always been with him, he and the 94 strokes and 54 heart attacks he's suffered, but I have hope he'll die one day. Might take another 80 strokes though.
  6. arghton

    Ratko Mladic

    https://sarajevotimes.com/ratko-mladics-health-condition-has-deteriorated/ Condition deteriorated (again) says son. Cognitive decline, high blood sugar etc. but no incurable diseases mentioned here.
  7. arghton

    President al-Assad of Syria

    https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-709342 Israel has allegedly threathened to bomb Assad's palace if he doesn't cease or reduce military cooperation with Iran in his territory. Meanwhile Turkey threathens a military operation in Northern Syria.
  8. arghton

    Sonia Gandhi

    https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/rahul-gandhi-requests-tomorrows-questioning-be-pushed-back-is-with-sonia-gandhi-in-hospital-sources-3072654 To be questioned on monday. Both of her children are with her at the hospital according to the article.
  9. arghton

    Life In Prison

    "The Sock Killer" Ondrej Rigo, Slovak serial killer and necrophile, most profilic serial killer in modern Slovak history dead at 66: https://dennikn.sk/minuta/2895890/ Killed nine people in three different countries (West Germany, Netherlands and Czechoslovakia) between 1990 and 1992. Only one of the people he attacked survived. Good riddance
  10. arghton

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Former Finnish president Tarja Halonen and his husband Pentti Arajärvi have covid: https://www.iltalehti.fi/politiikka/a/e7a6b045-834c-4ac7-b3f2-5eab260cf79d Doesn't sound serious though.
  11. arghton


    Mentioning these two, both seem quite severe: David Dhawan, Indian Hindi film director hospitalised with severe diabetes complications. Not the first time. Tanveer Jamal, Pakistani actor hospitalised with cancer. Not the first time, he has previously had cancer and was diagnosed with it again last month. One source says it's "late-stage" lung cancer. Another Pakistani actor Mehmood Akhtar is in ill health
  12. arghton

    Ozzy Osbourne

    https://pagesix.com/2022/06/15/ozzy-osbourne-discharged-from-hospital/ Had the surgery and has now been discharged, on the road to recovery says Sharon
  13. arghton

    Spy corner

    Retired Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Major General Lev Sotskov dead at 90, according to media shot himself in the head with a prize pistol: https://lenta.ru/news/2022/06/15/sozkovv/
  14. arghton

    From Cleric To Relic

    Gabino Díaz Merchán, Spanish Roman Catholic prelate, Archbishop of Oviedo 1968-2002 dead at 96. He was a participant of the Second Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, 1985. There's a list of (almost all) the participants on Wikipedia, here's who are still alive: Archbishop Anselme Titianma Sanon (1937) Archbishop Emeritus of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso Joachim N'Dayen (1934) Archbishop Emeritus of Bangui, Central African Republic Charles Louis Joseph Vandame (1928) Archbishop Emeritus of N’Djaména, Chad Robert Sarah (1945) Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments Cardinal-Priest of San Giovanni Bosco in via Tuscolana Gabriel Zubeir Wako (1941) Cardinal; Archbishop Emeritus of Khartoum, Sudan Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez (1936) Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Primate Emeritus of the Indies Louis Chamniern Santisukniram (1942) Archbishop Emeritus of Thare and Nonseng, Thailand Thomas Williams (1930) Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Wellington, New Zealand Cardinals Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger, Jozef Tomko, Paul Poupard as Heads of the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia. Cardinal Friedrich Wetter as a Papal Invitee. Fraternal delegates: Andreas Aarflot (1928) Bishop of Oslo, Norway. Representative of the Lutheran World Federation. Anba Paula (?) Oriental Orthodox delegate
  15. arghton

    Political Frailty

    Interesting guy. He affected Finland's political decisions a lot in the 70s. Vuorineuvos Aarne J. Aarnio (1917-2013) claimed Stepanov wanted to make Finland a Soviet puppet state that would possibly have been called "Greater Aunus" or "Greater Olonets", Stepanov himself as the Head of State of this country. Finland's former Foreign Affairs Minister Keijo Korhonen (who coincidentally died around a week ago) called him the "worst enemy to Finland's neutrality"
  16. arghton

    The 100 Club

    Video from Basilio Gonzalez's 109th (or 107th?) birthday celebration. Looks...well, like he's 107/109. Ivan Grobelnik dead at 101. On Gonzalez, there's more or less only 11 Chaco War (1932-1935) veterans left. Paraguay's side has nine according to government sites (up to 23 according to certain news articles, but that's likely outdated information), Bolivia has two: José Pradel Loyza (1914-2022) Wheelchairbound but stable and cared for by two nurses. Samuel Chuquimia Murillo (1916) "Very tired" according to article from two days ago Latest one to die from Bolivia's side was Emeterio Ernesto Talavera Choque (1918-2022), who died in February. I have mentioned all three before.
  17. arghton

    Alexey Navalny

    https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/jailed-kremlin-critic-navalny-transferred-unknown-location-2022-06-14/ Transferred to unknown location.
  18. arghton

    World's Oldest

    Ebeltje Boekema-Hut, oldest person from the Netherlands dead at 110: https://netherlands.postsen.com/news/21269/Oldest-resident-of-the-Netherlands-Ebeltje-Boekema-Hut-110-passed-away.html Ma Drue, Burmese-born oldest person (claimant?) in Australia, formerly called "Anonymous of Australia" dead at 111 or 112 according to 110club. Can't find a proper link but it's in the "Recent Deaths 110+" section on those forums. She had been in failing health for a while. Oldest person in Australia now is Jessie Prowse, 111 next month. Tekla Juniewicz reached 116 last week, here's a new picture of her with the GRG's Poland correspondent
  19. arghton


    Richard Daley discharged and moved to a rehabilitation facility. It was a "neurological event" (Chicago slang for a minor stroke, probably)
  20. arghton

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    Master Hsing Yun, not mentioned in a while here - 94-year-old buddhist monk from Taiwan and one of Taiwan's Four Heavenly Kings (four buddhist masters who each founded an influential institution). He's known for his one-stroke calligraphy, but he himself has suffered atleast three strokes, two in 2011 and a third in 2016 followed by a brain surgery. In addition he's a diabetic and has a "history of three highs" as Taipei Times said in 2016: high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high blood lipid in addition to heart diseases. He has been nearly blind for over two decades due to diabetes complications. It has also been 27 years since his successor and heir died.
  21. arghton

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Controversial excommunicated former Zambian catholic archbishop (they don't usually practice exorcism, faith healing or marry) Emmanuel Milingo is 92 today! He was dying in February 2021 but still hasn't gotten to the actual death part.
  22. arghton

    Political Frailty

    Sad news, I respect Alenius a lot. Hoping he's doing fine, one of the few Finnish politicians to disagree with the Soviet Union, condemned the invasion of Czechoslovakia the same day it happened. Video released of Parkash Singh Badal: Looks fine. Won't be his last hospitalisation.
  23. arghton

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    There are a few pictures that are allegedly from recent years such as this one, possibly taken in November 2019 However I would not be suprised if she has died and her death has gone unnoticed as I doubt Russian media would report her death...
  24. arghton

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    I think I mentioned this a while ago but Silayev already has a grave and has had for over a decade: As far as I know he hasn't been seen in public for a long time. Suprised she's still going. Also mentioning Vera Putina: woman who claims to be Vladimir Putin's mother. Now 95.
  25. arghton

    Political Frailty

    https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/parkash-singh-badal-admitted-to-hospital-101655061900237.html Gastritis, bronchial asthma but improving, all parameters normal and I assume he'll be discharged soon. However this is the fourth time this year he's in hospital.

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