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Commtech Sio Bibble

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Everything posted by Commtech Sio Bibble

  1. Commtech Sio Bibble

    ABC Deadpool VI: 2022-2023 season

    Yes, I was very surprised too see that myself, especially considering the alliterative name.
  2. Commtech Sio Bibble

    ABC Deadpool VI: 2022-2023 season

    Loretta Lynn is a hit for me!
  3. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Monty Python

    Eric Idle is on The Graham Norton Show this evening and when I first saw this image I didn't even realise it was him, looks quite different from when I last saw him.
  4. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Deadpool Detective Work

    American Actor Michael D. Nye's IMDb page says that he died last year on November 7th, however I am unable to find a (reliable) source for this and can see other places having his date of death as November 6th. Would anyone be able to help in either disproving this or finding a source.
  5. Commtech Sio Bibble

    British Science Fiction Series

    Italian Actor Marcello Magni who played the main form of Prisoner Zero in the Doctor Who episode The Eleventh Hour has died aged 63.
  6. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Deadpool Detective Work

    Was wondering if anyone could provide further help for me with this one. Actor Derek Smith reportedly born 15 June 1927 in Tooting London and has onscreen credits from 1958-2007. I can find one website saying that he died, 7 April 2015, but this is not mentioned anywhere else as far as I can see and the website doesn't list a source. My first thought is that they were getting him confused with another Derek Smith (Wiki) who was also born in 1927 and died in 2015, however the date of death, 17 March, is different to the one assigned to the other Smith. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Commtech Sio Bibble

    how long till' the next hit ?

    October 18th
  8. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Queen Elizabeth II

  9. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Closest I can see is William IV acceded in June 1830, then Charles Grey became PM in November
  10. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Deadpool Detective Work

    This is one reason I brought him up. I was watching the behind the scenes documentary on The Abominable Snowmen DVD containing interviews with the surviving guest actors Raymond Llewellyn and John Hogan (who has now died since the interview) but no mention of Baron besides the Pinter situation you've mentioned. I would assume that he has either died or it is just too common a name to track him down now he's off the radar. If he is dead then that just leaves Llewellyn as the final guest actor still living from that serial.
  11. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Deadpool Detective Work

    Huw Rees (IMDB) Derek Smith (IMDB) David Baron (IMDB) Jean Challis (IMDb) Burnell Tucker (IMDb) Doreen Mantle (IMDb)
  12. Commtech Sio Bibble

    British Science Fiction Series

    Recent photograph of Anneke Wills, for 80 she has only a few signs of age on her face.
  13. Commtech Sio Bibble

    By -Election Bingo 2019-2024

    The first thing that comes to mind is that he might be given a lordship when Johnson finally leaves. But considering recent events that wouldn't make much sense.
  14. Commtech Sio Bibble

    From Cleric To Relic

    About to turn 98 but he looks and sounds about 10-15 years younger
  15. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    Absolutely worth missing IMO. There are too many people who are in that age rage (early 90s) that are otherwise in perfect health that have a chance of dying of natural causes at any time but they're not put on the list because they could still have another 10 years in them. It is much wiser to wait for a lot of people in that camp until they hit 96/97 and then use them. The list should be the seriously old, the ill and old ill people. Some picks might not be as famous as those not picked but someone with terminal disease has a much higher chance of dying than a random 90-something. Eastwood is only being mention because he is a big name no one has made a fuss about Sir Raymond Johnstone being a miss when he was the same age as Eastwood and equally as qualify-able.
  16. Commtech Sio Bibble

    British Science Fiction Series

    A table showing how many credited cast members are still living from every single episode of Classic Doctor Who. For those who don't want to read the whole thing, the only episode with a confirmed sole survivor is The Deadly Assassin that being Tom Baker, there are five episodes with non of the main cast (Doctor, Companion, UNIT trio) surviving those being Spearhead from Space, Doctor Who and the Silurians, The Time Warrior, Death to the Daleks and The Monster of Peladon however all of these episodes do have at least one actor confirmed to be living. A star in the confirmation box means that the number of living guest cast is possibly lower than stated due to some actors having very few credits (such as the children in The Celestial Toymaker) in their acting career or having stopped acting decades ago but with no confirmation of death (or living status). For a lot of the later episodes those numbers are probably the most accurate due to the fact that actors will have been younger at the time and are probably still alive but for some no new information will be found out about them before their death, which the Doctor Who fandom will almost certainly know about somehow when it ultimately happens. Serial Name No. of Credited Cast Living Main Living Guest Confirmation An Unearthly Child 9 2 0 The Daleks 27 2 10 * The Edge of Destruction 4 2 0 Marco Polo 20 2 2 * The Keys of Marinus 24 2 6 * The Aztecs 12 2 2 The Sensorites 19 2 3 The Reign of Terror 27 2 5 Planet of the Giants 9 2 0 The Dalek Invasion of Earth 25 2 6 * The Rescue 6 2 0 The Romans 22 2 2 The Web Planet 19 2 5 The Crusade 31 2 11 * The Space Museum 14 2 2 * The Chase 32 3 8 * The Time Meddler 12 2 3 Galaxy 4 14 2 6 * Mission to the Unknown 10 n/a 2 The Myth Makers 15 2 3 * The Daleks' Master Plan 48 2 10 * The Massacre 24 1 5 * The Ark 22 1 7 * The Celestial Toymaker 11 1 3 * The Gunfighters 17 1 2 The Savages 18 1 8 The War Machines 28 1 3 * The Smugglers 13 1 1 The Tenth Planet 23 1 4 The Power of the Daleks 20 1 1 The Highlanders 17 2 2 The Underwater Menace 16 2 3 The Moonbase 26 2 2 * The Macra Terror 25 2 8 The Faceless Ones 20 2 5 The Evil of the Daleks 20 1 4 The Tomb of the Cybermen 23 1 7 * The Abominable Snowmen 15 1 3 * The Ice Warriors 16 1 1 The Enemy of the World 24 1 8 The Web of Fear 22 1 9 * Fury from the Deep 16 1 4 The Wheel in Space 19 2 7 * The Dominators 21 2 5 * The Mind Robber 26 2 16 * The Invasion 30 2 11 * The Krotons 16 2 5 * The Seeds of Death 19 2 2 * The Space Pirates 14 2 2 * The War Games 39 2 13 * Spearhead from Space 21 0 4 Doctor Who and the Silurians 28 0 10 * The Ambassadors of Death 35 1 3 * Inferno 19 1 4 * Terror of the Autons 23 3 1 * The Mind of Evil 27 3 8 * The Claws of Axos 21 3 6 Colony in Space 25 1 5 The Daemons 22 3 6 * Day of the Daleks 30 3 9 * The Curse of Peladon 15 1 6 The Sea Devils 26 1 7 * The Mutants 18 1 5 The Time Monster 28 3 8 * The Three Doctors 14 2 2 Carnival of Monsters 11 1 3 Frontier in Space 36 1 10 * Planet of the Daleks 13 1 4 The Green Death 20 3 5 * The Time Warrior 13 0 3 * Invasion of the Dinosaurs 24 2 7 * Death to the Daleks 14 0 4 The Monster of Peladon 18 0 5 Planet of the Spiders 29 2 8 * Robot 10 2 3 The Ark in Space 12 1 5 * The Sontaran Experiment 10 1 3 Genesis of the Daleks 27 1 11 * Revenge of the Cybermen 13 1 3 Terror of the Zygons 16 2 3 Planet of Evil 12 1 5 Pyramids of Mars 13 1 3 The Android Invasion 14 2 4 The Brain of Morbius 13 1 7 * The Seeds of Doom 19 1 4 * The Masque of Mandragora 21 1 9 * The Hand of Fear 14 1 4 * The Deadly Assassin 14 1 0 The Face of Evil 17 2 10 * The Robots of Death 18 2 10 * The Talons of Weng-Chiang 18 2 8 * The Horror of Fang Rock 9 2 2 The Invisible Enemy 17 3 6 * Image of the Fendahl 11 2 6 The Sun Makers 15 3 6 Underworld 16 3 4 The Invasion of Time 21 3 11 * The Ribos Operation 13 2 4 The Pirate Planet 13 2 6 * The Stones of Blood 11 2 3 The Androids of Tara 11 2 3 The Power of Kroll 11 1 3 The Armageddon Factor 16 2 6 * Destiny of the Daleks 13 2 10 * City of Death 11 2 7 The Creature from the Pit 15 2 4 * Nightmare of Eden 18 2 10 * The Horns of Nimon 14 2 5 * The Leisure Hive 15 3 7 * Meglos 11 3 4 Full Circle 16 4 6 State of Decay 16 4 6 * Warriors' Gate 13 4 5 The Keeper of Traken 13 3 6 * Logopolis 10 5 2 Castrovalva 10 4 1 Four to Doomsday 11 4 3 Kinda 14 4 6 The Visitation 15 4 8 * Black Orchid 13 4 4 Earthshock 18 4 12 * Time-Flight 16 4 6 Arc of Infinity 17 3 9 * Snakedance 13 3 4 Mawdryn Undead 13 4 3 * Terminus 14 4 6 Enlightenment 12 3 5 * The King's Demons 10 3 4 The Five Doctors 33 10 9 * Warriors of the Deep 15 3 9 * The Awakening 10 3 5 Frontios 17 3 11 * Resurrection of the Daleks 23 3 13 * Planet of Fire 15 3 4 * The Caves of Androzani 18 7 4 The Twin Dilemma 15 2 8 Attack of the Cybermen 18 2 12 * Vengeance on Varos 14 2 10 * The Mark of the Rani 15 2 7 * The Two Doctors 13 3 3 Timelash 18 2 12 * Revelation of the Daleks 23 2 12 The Mysterious Planet 14 2 7 Mindwarp 14 2 9 Terror of the Vervoids 21 2 10 * The Ultimate Foe 8 2 1 Time and the Rani 11 2 6 * Paradise Towers 14 2 8 * Delta and the Bannermen 29 2 20 * Dragonfire 17 3 13 * Remembrance of the Daleks 24 2 13 The Happiness Patrol 21 2 15 * Silver Nemesis 18 2 11 * The Greatest Show in the Galaxy 17 2 12 * Battlefield 17 2 10 Ghost Light 13 2 6 The Curse of Fenric 19 2 13 * Survival 15 2 11 *
  17. Commtech Sio Bibble

    British Science Fiction Series

    The Classic Doctor Who directors that are still with us, someone did this about 5 years ago so i thought i'd give it an update, since there have been 7 deaths since 2017. Waris Hussein (1938), 2 Serials 1963-64 Richard Martin (1935), 5 Serials 1963-65 John Gorrie (1932), 1 Serial 1964 Michael Imison (1935), 1 Serial 1966 John Davies (1934), 1 Serial 1967 Gerry Mill (?), 1 Serial 1967 Tristan de Vere Cole (1935), 1 Serial 1968 Timothy Combe (1936), 2 Serials 1970-71 Michael E. Briant (1942), 6 Serials 1971-77 Darrol Blake (1937), 1 Serial 1978 Paul Joyce (1944), 1 Serial 1981 John Black (1940), 2 Serials 1981-82 Tony Virgo (1948), 1 Serial 1983 Michael Owens Morris (?), 1 Serial 1984 Matthew Robinson (1944), 2 Serials 1984-85 Graeme Harper (1945), 2 Serials 1984-85 (12 post 2005 episodes) Sarah Hellings (1945), 1 Serial 1985 Chris Clough (1951), 6 Serials 1986-88 Andrew Morgan (1942), 2 Serials 1987-88 Alan Wareing (1958), 3 Serials 1988-89 Geoffrey Sax (?), TV Movie 1996 Norman Stewart, 2 Serials 1978-79, is reportedly deceased however I cannot find a date. To my surprise there is a quite a few pre-1980 directors left considering that there is only one writer from that time frame (Chris Boucher) .
  18. Commtech Sio Bibble

    William Russell

    The latest Doctor Who Blu-Ray collection has been announced featuring (from what i can tell) a recent interview with William Russell (who is now 97). If this is recent he is looking a lot better than other people his age.
  19. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Internet Celebrities

    Youtuber and member of the HermitCraft Minecraft SNP, TinFoil Chef reportedly passed away this morning according to his sister on Twitter.
  20. Commtech Sio Bibble

    British Science Fiction Series

    https://www.thesouthafrican.com/lifestyle/celeb-news/breaking-thapelo-maropefela-death-security-guards-beating-memorial-funeral-murder-investigation-latest-news-update/ Link
  21. Commtech Sio Bibble

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Unique, unnatural causes and not too old. Should be a fair few points for whoever picked him.
  22. Commtech Sio Bibble

    What's on the Telly?

    Thanks for answering my questions PMed my team.
  23. Commtech Sio Bibble

    What's on the Telly?

    1) Would a multi-part story count as more multiple episodes or as just one episode. For example. Doctor Who - Many actors only appear in one serial but each serial can be 2-12 episodes with the cast running all the way through all parts Seinfeld - Some episodes are split into two parts e.g. The Pilot (S4) once again with cast members appearing in both parts 2) Archive footage (clip shows, flashbacks, etc...) , does it count as a second appearance 3) Minisodes - Some shows will have shorter "mini" episodes that will have been created for one reason or another (Fund raising, online exclusives, dvd extras) do these count (examples - Doctor Who, Not Going Out, Sherlock, The Office US)
  24. Commtech Sio Bibble

    British Science Fiction Series

    Expanded media (Torchwood and SJA) 1. Elisabeth Sladen (Going from her final posthumous appearance) = minus 6 months 2. John Normington (Tom Flanagan, TW) = 9 months 3. George Murdock (Preacher, TW) = 9 Months 4. Robin Sachs (British Professor, TW) = 1 year 7 months 5. Nicholas Courtney (Brigadier, SJA) = 2 years 2 months
  25. Commtech Sio Bibble

    British Science Fiction Series

    And David Dukas - Played Elias Griffin Jr. in Rosa (October 2018), died July 2021 - 2 Years and 9 Months

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