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Everything posted by MortalCaso

  1. MortalCaso

    World's Oldest

    Keep in mind this is just in recorded history. It is unlikely the lifespan was this long at any other point in our species existence, but not impossible.
  2. MortalCaso

    Life In Prison

    Joe Biden being against the death penalty has nothing to do with whether a state carries it out or not. I usually ignore your comments, but this one is more stupid than normal Picking someone scheduled to die, to actually die is the most free death I can think of you twat.
  3. MortalCaso

    Political Frailty

    At the time of his death: 14th Oldest Living (former or current) House Rep. 2nd Oldest Living Reagan Cabinet member. 12 members remain Reminder, this helpful site exists for statistics such as those above.
  4. MortalCaso

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Cross-post with Scavenger Hunt (Wiki) Charanjit Singh dead age 90. A gold medalist of the 1964 Tokyo games from India in field hockey (team). He also won silver in the 1960 Rome games DOD seems to be Jan. 27th, 2022.
  5. MortalCaso

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool IV

    We have a hit. Charanjit Singh dead
  6. I think expectations for the year are very high after the start we had. There has been notable names dying yes, but it has slowed down a bit over the last 4-5 days. Really it just went back to a semi-normal state, though still high, compared to normal years. I understand both sides. A Charlie Brown voice actor compared to Sidney Poiter or even Meatloaf doesn't really compare. Same with a fashion designer. All just a matter of perspective as each death and its impact depends on the person. I do believe @Gooseberry Crumble is quite right and we are in the calm before the storm.
  7. MortalCaso

    Boris Johnson

    Yawn. Call me when something happens
  8. MortalCaso

    Alan Alda

    Interview from Aug. 2021. Sounds good, main issue is his hands which never stop shaking. I've been following him closely for a long time. Not DL worthy just yet. Does regular podcast still as noted above. Clear + Vivid M*A*S*H survivors and other notable people frequent it
  9. MortalCaso

    World's Oldest

    This month is going for a clean sweep of SC. RIP. 1905 gone. How long will 1903 (Tanaka) or 1904 (Randon) last.
  10. MortalCaso

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    (Wiki) Keto Losaberidze gold medalist of 1980 Moscow games from Georgia (U.S.S.R) in archery dead at 72. DOD seems to be Jan. 23, 2022 Scavenger Hunt miss.
  11. MortalCaso

    Political Frailty

    Don't understand the moderation system here just yet. No offense to anyone... Clearly some trolls who are allowed too long of a leash
  12. MortalCaso

    Horse Racing

    Fixed! Sorry about that
  13. MortalCaso

    Inverse Dead Pool 2022

    1. Donald Trump 2. Dick Van Dyke 3. Ghislaine Maxwell 4. Clint Eastwood 5. Shane MacGowan 6. Yoko Ono 7. Olivia Newton-John hit #7 August 8th 8. Queen Elizabeth II hit #11 Sept. 8th 9. Shannen Doherty 10. Tim Bilton 11. Phil Collins 12. Paul Gasoigne 13. Francoise Hardy 14. Joe Exotic 15. David Attenborough 16. Bobby Charlton 17. Rolf Harris 18. Mel Brooks 19. Susie Steiner hit #6: July 3rd 20. Eva Marie Saint 21. Willie Nelson 22. Rupert Murdoch 23. Milos Zeman 24. Jerry Lee Lewis hit #13: Oct. 28th 25. Prunella Scales Sub 1. Bill Cosby Sub 2. Ozzy Osbourne 1/6/23 Update *Pool finish* 17/50 dead, 4 picked! Placed #13 with this list
  14. MortalCaso

    Boris Johnson

    If a nuke is used the world will end. That won't happen. You are free to your belief though
  15. MortalCaso

    Boris Johnson

    This is my opinion on the matter. The Western media (as usual) is very biased in its reporting on foreign affairs. Which is why most think World War 3 is on the horizon. 1. Russia and Ukraine Russia has already annexed parts of Ukraine (Crimea) while supporting insurgents throughout the eastern half of the country. Russia, justly or not, does not want the West/NATO on its doorstep. That was the whole reason satellite countries existed for the U.S.S.R. Russia is very unlikely to take control of the entire country of Ukraine, mainly because they don't need to. The eastern half is an easy fight for them and leaves the other half as a messy country that will never join NATO. Take notice of Georgia from 2008. Russia has calculated they can invade Ukraine with little consequence. They are correct. No one will send soldiers besides Balkan states (maybe) and Ukraine themselves. What doesn't get talked about in media is the giant oil reserve that was recently found off Ukraine's eastern waters. That oil itself will more than pay for any sanctions imposed on them by U.S/West. Keep in mind as well most of Europe gets natural gas from Russia and they can't afford to anger them over it. This doesn't even mention the need for clean water in Crimea. Conclusion: It is a matter of if, not when Russia invades. When they do little will be done to stop it and no serious harm will come of it. It gets more severe for them if they invade the entire country (they won't). 2. China and Taiwain Western states and specifically the U.S have sworn to protect Taiwain from invasion. They have not done this for Ukraine. Only hinted at it. Taiwan is also a major producer of semiconductors. Which the U.S needs badly. They won't let China cut off their supply or even threaten it. Taiwan requires a sea based invasion which will last a very long time. Taiwan has been preparing for it. China would also have a split front as Tibet, Hong Kong, Macoa are currently not "in the fold" of China just yet. They still rebel and China has been slowly breaking their resolve. They won't acquire a new territory until the one's they already have are under control. That being said, China wants Taiwan badly...one day. Your comment about China wanting to kill its citizens is....odd. China does not have the iron grip of its country as we like to think. If they purposely sacrificed millions for a needless war I doubt the country would survive. They don't want to lose millions for an island. Conclusion: China may take the opportunity of Russia invading to further inflict control on Hong Kong and Tibet. They won't make a move on Taiwan for decades. That being said, one day they will invade. Just not anytime soon Russia and China They aren't allies. They are nervous partners. Russia does not want to be under China's control. Look what happened with Germany. They have common interests, but not allies. Certainly not working together for world domination as Western media portrays. Just my 2 cents.
  16. MortalCaso

    Horse Racing

    (Wiki) Popcorn Deelites dead age 24 from complications of colic. Jan. 20th, 2022 seems to be DOD
  17. MortalCaso

    Deathlist Cup 2022

    Does seem rather on the nose Either way good luck! @Salmon Mousse This will be my first year, so hopefully beginners luck shows through
  18. MortalCaso

    Meat Loaf

    I refuse to let you spread lies and then end the conversation. I will use U.S numbers as that is where I am from and therefor most familiar with. From June 2021 - September 2021 85% of those hospitalized in the U.S were unvaccinated or yet to receive two doses (Moderna + Pfizer). The breakdown in ages may surprise you. In unvaccinated, 36% were age 18-49 + 30% were age 50-69 + 29% 65+ In vaccinated, the numbers drop to 10% + 21% + then sharply increase to 69% You may not be a statistics major, but tell me which numbers look better to you? Keep in only 15% of the entire country of the United States who were hospitalized with COVID-19 in a 4 month period last year were vaccinated. Of those nearly 3/4 were elderly. Not only that! Those who we vaccinated had, on average, 1.1 less days in the hospital than those who were unvaccinated. All those people in the hospital prevent others from urgent medical attention, hence lockdowns!! What a study more recent? Here is something from the state of Washington. Statistics are showing a trend now? Facts and logic tend to do that. As for talking about how the vaccine doesn't stop those from contracting it or anyone from spreading it. 1. Educate yourself on what a vaccine is. It is a copy of the virus. You are GIVING yourself the virus in order to provoke an immune response. The whole purpose is so that when/if you do catch the virus your body already knows how to fight it! 2. The reason it doesn't stop those from spreading it any longer, which is a true statement...most data suggests that the vaccine no longer works as efficiently as it did at stopping the spread. This is because people chose to not get the vaccine. Omicron, Delta, etc. 3. Here is how the coronavirus forms variants. When it goes from person to person, it mutates. Sometimes this is a small mutation, other times it is a large mutation. Sometimes it is many mutations, other times it is none at all! The original virus and variants of it did not spread as well when vaccines were first introduced. This is fact, if I need to produce data showing this just let me know! Less spreading of the virus = less mutations. Is it any wonder that these mutations have popped up in countries where the majority of people were unvaccinated? There is so much information available online that disputes every single anti-vax conspiracy theory. The vaccine saves lives. If you don't want the shot? Fine that is your choice. Don't be ignorant on it though. That is what you look like, a miserable ignorant cunt who is forcing us to be locked down for another year. If you don't want the shot, accept you can't eat certain places or work one place or another. That's all these vaccine mandates really do. As of November 2021 the CDC says, based on data available, you are 15x more likely to die from COVID-19 as unvaccinated than vaccinated. Meatloaf once said, "If I die, I die, but I'm not going to be controlled." via mask and vaccine mandates. News flash, he died from COVID-19. As have many with that mindset. I'm sure you will comment how the data lies and hospitals report more cases/deaths for money etc. etc. I'm sure with no proof or maybe from a website "www.COVID-19hoax.com". Not responding to any comments on this post. Educate yourselves people. Been almost 2 years. Getting old.
  19. MortalCaso

    Meat Loaf

  20. MortalCaso

    Deathless Days

    It is quite shocking to go from the dry spell of 2021 (mainly the middle of the year) to the monsoon of late 2021 - early 2022. I wake up everyday expecting a notable death now.
  21. MortalCaso

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    Pauly Shore is a lot of things. Reliable source is not one of them. That being said, I tend to agree he won't make it through the new year EDIT: Seems I was on wrong. Credit to SC/Pauly Shore
  22. MortalCaso

    World's Oldest

    Do we have an updated Top 15?
  23. MortalCaso

    Lata Mangeshkar

    They win either way. 1. She passes away soon and they already have everything written and posted. Jump on the scoop 2. She lives a while longer and everyone is reminded of her. They get clicks no matter what happens. Net positive. CNN does the same thing in the U.S
  24. MortalCaso

    Boris Johnson

    I disagree. Russia is almost certain to move into Ukraine in some form or another. President Biden said as much yesterday during his press conference China v Taiwan is a whole other beast and not nearly as simple. Geopolitics is a hobby of mine. I'd be willing to discuss why I think so if you're interested, it's something I've done plenty of research on.

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