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Everything posted by MortalCaso

  1. MortalCaso

    Other Martial Art Practitioners

    Showing who @Gisooo posted on.
  2. MortalCaso

    The Ukraine Crisis

    Evacuations, constant shelling, and even an assassination attempt... Does not look good to be an Eastern Ukrainian
  3. MortalCaso

    Len Deighton

    You have very thick skin I see.
  4. MortalCaso

    The Ukraine Crisis

    I think this is fairly close to what happens. What will be interesting is how the West responds. Compared to Crimea in 2014, they have obviously kicked the PR game up quite a bit. I'm inclined they do 'nothing' besides strongly worded letters and a few slaps on the wrist via sanctions. This seems like a snowball effect, as with Georgian conflict and Crimea before. What is to stop Russia from taking complete control of Belarus or Moldova in the future? The U.S/NATO clearly don't have a game-plan to prevent the slow rebirth of the U.S.S.R (proxy-nations buffering mother Russia). What seems obvious is this won't cause WW3. Western media loves fear-mongering it though!
  5. MortalCaso

    The Ukraine Crisis

    Everything now shows Russia is adding not subtracting troops from the border with Ukraine. In fact, multiple Ukrainian towns were shelled last night (which isn't entirely unsual). What makes it unique is the sheer number and amount within a 24 hour period. Everything points to a bad time to live in Ukraine. I'd predict after the Olympics, as they promised China, things shall kick into high gear.
  6. MortalCaso

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    (Wiki) Charlie Munger, an American billionaire, gave his annual Daily Journal round-table today. The man sounds a bit more declined from last year. Mind fully intact, everything else on the decline. He is 98 after all! Long video, skip ahead to around 25 minutes in for him to start speaking.
  7. MortalCaso

    The Cardinals Of The Roman Catholic Church

    50% (5/10) dead from your list in under a year. That seems a high turnover
  8. MortalCaso

    Deathlist Cup 2022

    As @drol posted elsewhere Sandhya Mukherjee dead
  9. MortalCaso

    Magic Johnson, And Other Basketball Players

    https://mobile.twitter.com/DickieV/status/1493424053499146244 Having surgery done. Will embed link and add more information soon.
  10. MortalCaso

    The Ukraine Crisis

    Reports on Twitter that Russia is starting to withdraw large numbers of troops.
  11. MortalCaso


    Don't believe so. Had a short playing career that didn't sniff the playoffs, much less WS. Unless I'm unaware of something, not a miss.
  12. MortalCaso

    Deathlist Cup 2022

    Eduardo Romero dead @Salmon Mousse Turning in quite a showing
  13. MortalCaso

    Vagrants, Tramps, Homeless Eccentrics And Hermits

    You complain about needless posts and/or threads being made/bumped. Then post something like this. Sir Hypocrite
  14. MortalCaso

    Klaus Schwab

    According to who? He made a giant meeting between rich people to jerk each other off every year. Who cares.
  15. MortalCaso

    Klaus Schwab

    Nothing. It's another useless thread.
  16. MortalCaso

    The Ukraine Crisis

    I see people are still fearmongering. Situation is no different today than it was a few weeks ago. Russia is likely to invade, now or within a few years. They won't take control of the whole country and nothing will happen to them. Not much of a news-story, unless you live in Ukraine that is. Read my earlier post on this if you want my opinion.
  17. MortalCaso

    Deathlist Cup 2022

    As @Spade_Cooley noted elsewhere. Isabel Torres dead.
  18. MortalCaso


    Wendy Williams is in much worse shape than she is being portrayed by her lawyer/PR department. The "Wendy Williams Show" aired this full season (s14) without her, despite saying she was coming back repeatedly. In fact, reports have come out that she will be replaced next season (s15) and the show renamed if she isn't healthy. Grave's disease, lymphedema, chronic drug use (cocaine), and many plastic surgeries are in her history. Despite being only 57, seems life is on a chronic decline for her since around 2017 when she fainted on her show. All that being said, I hope she doesn't get her own thread. Don't really feel she is notable enough. A flash in the pan celebrity IMO, if not for her talk-show she would have been forgotten long ago. She's also not a good human being and I'm okay with her not getting anymore attention than she has already! It seems like a death that could happen this year or next, but I'm not sure we'll get concrete information on her condition (dementia?) until it happens.
  19. MortalCaso

    The Dead of 2022

    Can you not report every person you see pop up on the "Deaths in 2022" page. This person was an Armenian actor not American. Just further proves you have no idea who you post about. Very annoying to see you post every 5 minutes about a name no one cares about....that we have all seen already on the wiki page! If your going to spam post, at least make it interesting. What did Ruben do that makes him notable?
  20. MortalCaso

    UFOs, Space Aliens and the like

    As someone who is quite fond of coasttocoast, nice to see fellow listeners. That being said, this seems fairly weak.
  21. MortalCaso

    Deathlist Cup 2022

    @Salmon Mousse Quite a start here. All of my picks are very much flip of a coin. Old reliables mixed in with hospice patients. All my hospital picks were sent home. Alas, not looking good!
  22. MortalCaso

    Lata Mangeshkar

    Dropped them from DL Cup shortlist.....
  23. MortalCaso

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    Becoming a doctor isn't as hard, or extensive, as people think it is. A neurosurgeon is much more impressive. Just depends on what school you go too. As the old saying in America goes, "C's get degrees". Ah, so does money of course! I've met plenty of doctors who don't deserve the title (for education and standards)
  24. MortalCaso

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    It is obvious why IMO. No one talked about it until ex-Pres. Trump put his foot in that big orange mouth. Now everyone thinks it is a miracle drug or a way to die, political affiliation tends to correlate I've noticed.
  25. MortalCaso

    Boris Johnson

    As someone not from the U.K, seems surprising he is still in office. He clearly violated his own rules, while spewing lies to the general public. If the standard for an elected official hasn't been violated....what is the standard? (Obviously as someone from the U.S I can't criticize, but I hold the European countries to a much higher standard than us).

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