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Everything posted by MortalCaso

  1. MortalCaso

    (II) What's on the Telly?

    Rules: *Aired in the context of this pool, means TV/Streaming* A. You must pick 3 cast members for submission, with 2 subs. - If a cast member + sub dies before game start, I will allow a replacement B. Any person selected must have a IMDB or English Wikipedia page created by the time of game start. C. Any TV Show selected must have at least 10 half-hour episodes or 5 full hour episodes created from start to finish (that aired*). D. Franchise TV Show's will be considered separate. For example, Star Trek TNG vs D9. E. The cast of your show must have at least 5 living verified members by your submission. - If a cast member dies before game start, knowingly or not, thus bringing the number below 5. An exception will be made. F. Whoever's picks die first, wins! G. The cast member selected must appear in at least two separate episodes in the show (that aired*)! H. A plan for a tie-breaker is in place, it involves the overall age of the 3 cast members selected. Whoever has the youngest average age, wins. I. You MUST submit your team/show via PM, otherwise your submission is not counted J. If 2 people submit the same trio of names, but for different shows, I will honor the first person who submits it - The other person will be required to use their sub, but I will allow them to choose who to swap out. K. A QO will be very lax this game, I'll accept nearly anything. L. All shows used in the previous round are out of bounds (though could be reintroduced in the subsequent round). Winning shows will go into the Hall of Fame and are out of bounds in perpetuity. A show is not out of bounds if two or more players selected it in the previous round, thus eliminating it from said round. Genres of shows not allowed: Sports, Infomercials, or News Shows. My Twist! As this website has brought some of the most informed deadpoolers around, I want to make it a bit harder. If any user picks a show, which is then picked by another, that show is eliminated from the game. Essentially this means you take a risk in submission, as any show you pick could be scrapped if someone else is likeminded. It also means it would be wise to have a back-up! Do you take a risk in picking a popular show, thinking others will be scared? Do you pick something unique knowing you have no competition on it?
  2. MortalCaso

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    If we are mentioning Warren Buffett I would throw out George Soros (b. 1930) as well. Both picks seem fairly weak though besides being old and an easy obit.
  3. MortalCaso

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Honestly, the most interesting tidbit posted in this thread in over a year. The efforts they put into eradicating diseases is truly inspiring.
  4. MortalCaso

    Joe Biden

    It was sad indeed. As someone that voted for him especially. Glad he made the right decision and I hope he gets a few healthy years with his family.
  5. MortalCaso

    Last Sweepstake

    Caren Marsh Doll
  6. MortalCaso

    (II) What's on the Telly?

    It's been a few months aye? Time for an update! Might as well do it while I'm still around. Update: 1. @wannamaker got a hit with Barbara Rush on March 31st 2. @tracy got a hit with Dabney Coleman on May 16th 3. @ladyfiona got a hit with William Russell on June 3rd 4. @markb4 + @Perhaps got a hit with Bob Newhart on July 18th. No one else moves into winning position, but we are at 8 total hits. I would advise everyone to check on their selections. Some obscure people were chosen!
  7. He also won reelection due to his excellent response with significant natural disasters in his tenure. An effective politician that has cross-party appeal (and he's a straight white male!). I lean towards him as VP along with others on the forum.
  8. MortalCaso

    Joe Biden

    Not really about smart though is it? He's incompetent. Why is he President?
  9. MortalCaso

    Joe Biden

    Democrats went from a 0-15% chance (if that) to a 35-50% chance of winning either the President, the Senate, or the House. Kudos! When was the last time a politician willingly gave up so much power? Hope Biden makes the right choice and resigns as well, but alas.
  10. MortalCaso

    Joe Biden

    It requires the cabinet + VP....so not really!
  11. MortalCaso

    Joe Biden

    It seems like he will drop out by this weekend. Pundits (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) have been talking as if it is a foregone conclusion. Doesn't make sense to not run for re-election, but stay as a sitting President IMO. If Harris can showcase she can do the job the next few months, Democrats would be better off.
  12. MortalCaso

    The 5th Death of 2024

    Eastwood. Why not?
  13. MortalCaso

    how long till' the next hit ?

    July 19th
  14. MortalCaso

    30. Bob Newhart

    Not sure I can celebrate the hit as I'm a bit gutted... Sad death. RIP.
  15. MortalCaso

    Donald J Trump

    That makes more sense. I had the mindset along the lines of what @arrowsmith laid out. Is this where we all hold hands and sing kumbaya?
  16. MortalCaso

    Donald J Trump

    Fair. I was clearly wrong. I suppose my hope for the President of the country being stable was inherently biased. Unreasonable expectations huh? You were right friend.
  17. MortalCaso

    Donald J Trump

    I usually agree with you, but that seems like a stretch.
  18. MortalCaso

    Donald J Trump

    We either vote for the bible (and porn star) humping dictator or the old puppet who can't walk or speak in a straight line. What an uninspiring VP pick. Where did the unity talk go? That VP cements a scary future when Trump wins...
  19. MortalCaso

    Donald J Trump

    Pretty sure she got that point...think it was more of, "Why is this derogatory?"
  20. MortalCaso

    Read This First ! + The Ranting Rules

    I knew a stripper by that name once. She was about 4'6 and had some interesting moves...
  21. MortalCaso

    Forum Downtime [completed]

    The website being down did put into perspective exactly how much time I spend on here... Really thought we'd get a hit!
  22. MortalCaso

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    Dick Cheney made a few appearances for his daughter recently. With respect, I have a feeling when Brooks and DvD die in the next few weeks/months this will be the jinx!
  23. MortalCaso

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    I have to disagree @The Daredevil. You list a chunk of names that won't be removed till their death (aka become a hit). Most of those could reasonably die any day.
  24. MortalCaso

    Nobel Prize In Death

    Bengt I. Samuelsson reported dead Ah. @Summer in Transylvania is quick on the keyboard. Well played.
  25. MortalCaso

    Darwin Awards

    At least he went out with a bang...

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