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Posts posted by Sinbabad

  1. 8 minutes ago, diego said:

    Bob Lanigan has died aged 81, was an Australian rugby league footballer

    I don’t know squat about rugby, but is it normal to call a guy who practices rugby a "footballer" ? Shouldn’t you say "rugby player" ?

    Or is it a special case for Australia ?

    • Like 2

  2. 2 minutes ago, TQR said:

    You have all the labels like “progressive” and “wokist” and “left-wing” but not a single idea you can explain. Maybe this thread isn’t for you.

    Do I really need to explain to you what "progressive", "conservative", "left wing", "right wing", "wokist" mean ?

    I think you’re pretending not to understand.

    As for the thread, maybe that’s not what you had specifically in mind when you created it, but I was merely responding to an @An Fear Beag post.

    Now I think I’ve established my point of view, you expressed your, we disagree and that’s fine by me.

  3. 4 hours ago, TQR said:

    But you’ve been unable to define ‘woke’, suggesting the main excess is of stuff you don’t understand.

    I post a wiktionary link earlier with a definition which seems quite correct to me : "Holding progressive views or attitudes, principally with regard to social justice."


    I’m not  against fighting injustice, but  I hold conservative views and disagree with progressive ways to fight injustice.

  4. 25 minutes ago, The Great Cornholio said:

    Star Wars being a good example, although you could put some of it down to the terrible writing. I was very excited for the Obi Wan Kenobi series but the writing wasn't good and the Reva character was badly acted and was terribly written - but the story was praised for its diversity. The story should matter WAY more than how diverse the cast is.

    The series didn’t strike me as very diverse. I don’t remember the Reva character, but I found the story very good. For me it wasn’t an exemple of woke excess.

    I read an article about John Boyega who was dissatisfied with his SW experience feeling that he was hired for diversity purposes !

  5. 4 minutes ago, TQR said:


    Wokist: Alternative form of wokeist.

    Wokeist: A proponent of woke ideals.

    Woke: 1) Conscious and not asleep; 2) Alert, aware of what is going on, or well-informed, especially in racial and other social justice issues; 3) Holding progressive views or attitudes, principally with regard to social justice.


    Cor, such problematic people.

    Problematic, no. I’m conservative and disagree with progressives that’s all.

    I’ve no idea who Fred West is.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Commtech Sio Bibble said:

    There's surprisingly a lot to unpack in this small number of words but I need to go to bed soon so I'll just say that I don't see the issue in pointing out overlooked mistakes and flaws of the past.

    The issue is that some people (not you) always point out mistakes and flaws and not good things.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Commtech Sio Bibble said:

    You can find a balance

    That’s the problem, the wokists always point out the flaws in our history, saying that the Whites/Western are the only criminals in the history of the world.

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1

  8. I don’t deny there was segregation in America, but like you said that was decades ago. And Obama went to Harvard and became president based on his own hard work and merit. Even before the affirmative action policies there were black middle class (granted, few).

    Plus colleges and Ivy League schools are very expensive in the US and to me that’s the main issue. There are also poor white people. But no one stands up for them. They even call them white trash, rednecks…

    In France, I’m not saying there is/was no racism and everything is perfect. But we never had segregation. Gaston Monnerville, a Guyanais, was President of the Senate in 1947 ! And for 20 years.

    Most Grandes Écoles (Ivy league schools) are free and even paid their students : ENA, Normale Sup, Polytechnique…

    So even someone poor (like minorities) can access to high education. Yet it isn’t enough for some people who want free pass for minorities.


    About judging historical figures, I totally disagree with you. You will always find a negative aspect in someone life. Your example of Churchill is flagrant : who cares if he was racist if he was important for GB. And judging figures from the past with OUR standards is pointless to me. Destroying statues of important figures of our history and depicting them as bad characters because they were for slavery is stupid to me. Because doing that we will hate our history and our country.

    In France some wokists backlash at Napoleon and want to destroy its statue’s because he reinstated slavery after the Revolution abolished it !



    • Like 2
    • Confused 1

  9. 5 minutes ago, Commtech Sio Bibble said:

     in the 21st century the race really shouldn't matter.

    But unfortunately it does matter to the wokists. They want more black or asian actors where their only concern should be that the actor is talented.

    It is perfectly normal to me that there is less black actors than white because they are a minority in the general population in the USA, GB and France…

    That’s the same for colleges, Ivy League schools, executive jobs etc…

    Like I said I’m for meritocracy not affirmative action.

    For example in the France national football team there is a lot of black players. But they were chosen thanks to their talent, and thanks to them we won the 2018 WC. But if someone said "I wish there were more white players" he’d be branded as racist and that’d be fair.


    Also what I hate about wokism is the cancel culture and those who judge historical figures with nowadays criterias.

    • Like 2

  10. 3 hours ago, An Fear Beag said:

    provided she is a good enough actress for the role. 



    7 minutes ago, An Fear Beag said:

    I have an issue with people assuming that a role has been given to an actor/actress purely for the sake of diversity. Have you considered the possibility that he/she got the role because they are a bloody good actor/actress who deserved a shot at playing the part, despite peoples pre-conceived ideas of what the character should look like? 

    Well that’s the point. Nowadays in movies it’s affirmative action like in colleges. The movie industry says it loud and clear : they WANT more diversity in movies. The Oscar Academy said it won’t give any Oscar to a movie provided it has a certain amount of minority actors. It’s not meritocracy or talent anymore, actors are choosed because they NEED a black or asian.


    As for Black (or other minorities) playing "white" characters, what if it was the other way around ? For example if a White actor played Mandela, Martin Luther King or Toussaint Louverture, what would Black people feel ?



    • Like 1

  11. 11 minutes ago, polar duck said:

    AFAIK both of these titles belong to the ROC's Hou Beiren (b. 18 March 1917).

    Who is he ? The only Hou Beiren born 18/03/1917 I can find on Google is a painter ??

  12. On this day at this hour fifty years ago (1974), French President Georges Pompidou died in office due to illness.


    He was the fourth (and last) president to die in office after Sadi Carnot (assassinated in 1894), Félix Faure (died of heart attack in the Elysée Palace after having sex with his mistress in 1899), and Paul Doumer (assassinated in 1932).


    Upon his death an acting president was appointed for the second (and last) time, the first time being after the resignation of De Gaulle five years earlier in 1969.

    And for the second time, Alain Poher (the Senate President) was acting president for two months.


  13. 31 minutes ago, cgay said:

    I found these Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100044198811154



    Edit : sorry @Gisooo I just realized you already posted the first link in another topic 

  14. On 28/03/2024 at 11:33, arghton said:

    The Bahamas seems to have had four in 2022, atleast Vernon Pinder should be living:


    In the latest issue of the document, published on 25 November 2023, three are living : Jones-Rickards, Pinder and Kellman.


    But this article, published on 14 November 2023 says there are two survivors : Pinder and Kellman.


    One sure thing : Jeremiah Neymour died in January 2023 a few days after his 100th birthday. The article also says there are two WW2 Bahamians Veterans left as well.

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