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Everything posted by VSBfromH

  1. VSBfromH

    Winter Olympic Deaths

    The British Ski and Snowsport Federation has gone bankrupt, but don't worry, our brave athletes will still be competing. Oh, what has gone wrong since the days of Eddie Edwards and the Bell brothers conquering all that came before them? (how Martin managed to compete at such a high level in his white suit AND knacker the Hamiltons' political careers at the same time is still beyond me!)
  2. VSBfromH

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2011

    Tom Hicks "Tom Hicks was left stranded inside Anfield following Liverpool's 2-0 win over Bolton Wanderers at the weekend after furious supporters staged a protest against his ownership of the club. ... ... Hicks fell asleep twice during the game whilst eyewitnesses at Liverpool One's Hilton hotel later claimed that the 63-year-old's security team were ordered by staff to send him to his room after he appeared drunk and incapable One onlooker said: "People were going over to him as he was being woken up. He had fallen asleep into his food and spilled red wine all over the table." Rumours are circulating that he later suffered a heart attack and died. Watch this space!
  3. VSBfromH

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2011

    Could we soon be saying R.I.P. Torn?. The 78 year old actor "has been charged with allegedly breaking into a Connecticut bank and carrying a loaded handgun while intoxicated". Sounds like he's got problems!
  4. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2010

    Done a search of the forum and don't think think this was picked up - apologies if I'm duplicating! Illustrator John Berry died back in December. He did the artwork on many of the Ladybird series of books which many of us will remember from our childhood. Previously an established war artist and portrait painter, he also designed Esso's "Tiger in your tank" image (see below) and contributed artwork for many other publishers (Corgi, Four Square, Panther, Penguin and Readers Digest).
  5. VSBfromH

    Steve Jobs

    That's one strike against the US health system at least! He's obviously had to spend so much of his vast wealth on his treatment he hasn't been able to afford a new outfit!
  6. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2010

    Ruben Kruger The former Springbok Rugby player has died aged 39 after a long battle with cancer. He won 36 caps and in 1995 was named South African Rugby Football Union's player of the year. He features in the recent film "Invictus", in which he is portrayed by Grant Roberts.
  7. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2010

    The remaining members of the group should wear those suits to his funeral!. On that subject, Wikipedia reliably (?) informs us that Marshall Thompson is now the only original member still alive, Eugne Record having died in 2005, Creadel "Red" Jones (vaguely) a few years after leaving the group for the second time in 1990. No definitive info on the other original Clarence Johnson, who left the group way back in 1964.
  8. VSBfromH

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Beverly Fisher "BEVERLY Fisher, who at age 15 began a love affair with 48-year-old swashbuckling Hollywood actor Errol Flynn and was his last girlfriend, has died of complications from diabetes and congestive heart disease in a Los Angeles hospital. She was 67. Two years into the torrid affair, the then Beverley Aadland was with the Hobart-born Flynn when he died of a heart attack in Vancouver, Canada, in October 1959."
  9. VSBfromH

    Gary Coleman

    Latest He's now been arrested and bailed following a dometic incident involving his wife. Great mugshot!
  10. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2010

    Obit from New York Times A truly great pianist. Here he is playing "Floods of Spring" by Rachmaninov.
  11. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2010

    Good grief! In the space of a few weeks we've seen the demise of the men who invented the quarter pounder, spaghetti-os and now this! Conspiracy theory, anyone?
  12. VSBfromH

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2011

    Apparently the presidential election in Ukraine has gone to A Runoff. Never heard of him, but given the parlous state of that particular country, maybe we should consider him as a candidate for next year?
  13. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2010

    Joe Rollino Once known as the world's strongest man, he has been killed at the age of 104 after being hit by a car as he crossed the road. Sad way to go for someone who sounds such a colourful character!
  14. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2010

    Mick Green Guitarist first with Johnny Kidd and the Pirates then Billy J Kramer and the Dakotas has died aged 66.
  15. VSBfromH

    The First Death Of 2010

    Yeah, I always get those 2 mixed up: "There's just one thing that's bothering me, Mr. Grimsdale!". Anna Wing for me, on the basis that I've not picked her this year so it'll be sod's law!
  16. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2010

    Al Bernardin "THE inventor of the McDonald's quarter pounder, Al Bernardin, has died of a stroke, aged 81. Mr Bernardin went to work at McDonald's corporate headquarters in 1960 and quickly rose to dean of Hamburger University , McDonald's training centre ... "I felt there was a void in our menu vis-a-vis the adult who wanted a higher ratio of meat to bun,'' he said in 1991 while commemorating the burger's 20th anniversary"
  17. VSBfromH

    Dead Pop Stars

    From Another article: "Howard's last public performance was at St Kilda's Prince Bandroom in October. He struggled through the gig, coughing and spitting up blood" - how very punk!
  18. VSBfromH

    Alec Bedser

    Following the death of Arthur McIntyre, Alec Bedser is now England's oldest surviving test cricketer.
  19. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2009

    Arthur McIntyre England's oldest surviving test cricketer* has died at the age of 91. He kept wicket in the Surrey side that won seven straight County Championships between 1952 and 1958. Despite that he only played 3 tests, mainly due to the presence of Godfrey Evans plus many other fine keepers in county cricket at the time. He later became Surrey's coach. * Update: Alec Bedser takes over the mantle.
  20. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2009

    Yves Rocher founder of the French cosmetics group that bore his name has died aged 79.
  21. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2009

    South African poet and anti-apartheid campaigner Dennis Brutus who was instrumental in getting South Africa banned from the Olympics, has died at the age of 85. He was imprisoned on Robben Island for 18 months in 1963.
  22. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2009

    That's just a careless whisper
  23. VSBfromH

    Political Frailty

    Rafael Caldera The president of Venezuela from 1969 to 1974 and again from 1994 to 1999 (predecessor of the incumbent Hugo Chavez) has died aged 93. He had suffered from Parkinson's disease for several years. Sorry it's not a great link, but it's the only one I can find in English at the moment.
  24. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2009

    Boxing manager Terry Lawless has died aged 76. He "guided four boxers to world titles – John H Stracey, Maurice Hope, Jim Watt and Charlie Magri. He also managed Joe Calzaghe early in his career, and was best known for steering Frank Bruno to a world title challenge against Mike Tyson"
  25. VSBfromH

    The Dead Of 2009

    Connie Hines has died aged 79 She played Wilbur Post's wife Carol in "Mister Ed". "Wilbur" himself is still with us. Alan Young (born in North Shields, and also the voice of "Scrooge McDuck) has just turned 90.

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