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Everything posted by VSBfromH

  1. VSBfromH

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Yes, I know. It's a common fallacy (usually given further credence by the cinema) that duels were always to the death. Apparently most often someone would get winged by a bullet or a bit of a scratch and the other person would be declared the victor, at which both protagonists would shake hands and go and have a cup of tea together or something. Not exactly "fight club"!
  2. VSBfromH

    Richard O'Sullivan

    ... as for Brian Murphy (George) he is now 71, but still very active in TV and looking far healthier now than when he played the part all those years ago ('spose he was "acting")
  3. VSBfromH

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Massimo Freccia "Internationally acclaimed conductor and former assistant to Toscanini who, in 1934, was one of the last men to fight a duel." This appeared on the Daily Torygraph site, but requires registration for the full article. Can't see that anyone else has picked up on it yet, so including the quote above. Was born in 1906, so he had a good innings - obviously he didn't lose that duel!
  4. VSBfromH

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Gollum for 2005!
  5. VSBfromH

    Brenda Fassie

    Never heard of her either, but from the picture above of her greeting Mr.Mbeki at a Springboks rugby match, it would appear that she was a very energetic and unconventional lady. Bet nobody's ever greeted Tony B Liar in this fashion!
  6. VSBfromH

    Shane MacGowan

    C'mon now! Any picture where Shane has managed to hide his infamous teeth is going to make him look healthier...
  7. VSBfromH

    John Inman

    Oops! I've been Rumbold! ( ). I blame maryportfuncity's post for misleading me!
  8. VSBfromH

    John Inman

    Try as I might, and despite the fact that the AYBS scriptwriting was approaching Shakespearian standards, I can only remember one of Mr. Humphries' catchphrases (yes, that one!), so the best I can do is: "I'M C!"
  9. VSBfromH

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Jerry Scoggins I was out last night, so far too late to get the exclusive on Scarman, so have this one on me instead. "Black Gold, Texas Tea!", etc. etc. P.S. I see Buddy Ebsen died last year at the age of 95! Missed that one completely!
  10. VSBfromH

    Marianne Faithfull

    This sort of cheap humours MARS this site. I think it should be BAR-red!
  11. VSBfromH

    Dick Clark

    Here's an article on the subject which DOESN'T require you to log in to AOL!: Stroke Dick
  12. VSBfromH

    Giuseppe Di Stefano

    Yes, DWB, he would definitely pass the famousness test. A very long and distinguished career and many recordings of his work. Sang quite a few times with Maria Callas. Personally, I would like to wish this great man a speedy recovery. Any 83yo defending his wife against unknown assailants in Kenya and surviving deserves to do so!
  13. VSBfromH

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Raymond Goethals Former very successful Marseille coach and would-be "Grecian 2000" advertiser
  14. VSBfromH

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Gunder Hagg Never heard of him personally, but no wonder - one has to feel sorry for him! Apparently held the mile record for 9 YEARS BEFORE Bannister did the under 4 minute jobby!
  15. VSBfromH

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Bill Alley ... for the uninitiated amongst you, this aussie was one of the top cricket umpires on the circuit and a great player before that
  16. VSBfromH

    Carlos the Jackal

    Reasonably portly, I agree, but not massively fat...
  17. VSBfromH

    Buster Bloodvessel

    Found this on myhackney.co.uk: Buster to front meningitis campaign - 03/01/03 Buster Bloodvessel has spoken for the first time about his near death experience after he contracted meningitis. He has now agreed to front a publicity campaign for The Meningitis Trust. "I felt I was floating. I could see everybody I knew around me but couldn't place who they were. It was terrifying." He told the Sun newspaper. The Bad Manners singer's heart stopped for 17 seconds while he was on a life support machine. Also a good pic here (think he's been dieting since then!): Buster in 2001 I sincerely hope he's over all these problems as he's a top guy and a total one-off!
  18. VSBfromH

    Buster Bloodvessel

    He was on "Buzzcocks" a few weeks ago (don't think it was a repeat). Seems to have slimmed down quite a bit, though he's still a big lad! Looked very jolly. I believe he now runs his own pub. He was also on one of the kids' progs quite recently where he did his party trick of swallowing a whole jar of jellied eels or suchlike - don't know what that must be doing to his health!
  19. VSBfromH

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    You'd be talking about this sort of thing, Sid: gaffes
  20. VSBfromH

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Cy Coleman Don't think he was David's brother, somehow...
  21. Can't answer this one. However, I have notived the following: If you Google "Wayne Rooney" and "stupid" it returns 6,270 results*. "Wayne Rooney" and "clever" returns 5,150. I thought there might be some significance there, until I tried "Wayne Rooney" and "sexy", which returns 26,400... hmmm! Must be a major bug! Can someone inform Google a.s.a.p. * Figures will obviously differ when requeried.
  22. VSBfromH

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Keith Weller Former Leicester City and England player (4 caps) - I remember him playing alongside the inimitable Frank Worthington (Grauniad obit also)
  23. VSBfromH

    More Ideas & Possibles for 2005

    I looked up David Coleman on IMDB. He's now 78. There are a few other David Coleman's to sift through. Ours is correctly identified as the host of QoS, etc. However, they also have him down as having played a character called "Jimmy" in the Gene Autry show in 1953... Somehow, I think that was another David Coleman (... or was it?... err... err... extraordinary!)

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