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Grim Reaper

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Everything posted by Grim Reaper

  1. Grim Reaper

    Steve Jobs

    A tragedy indeed... that he never managed to secure a place on DeathList. This could be turning into a year of bad misses for the DL
  2. Grim Reaper

    Amy Winehouse

    It does seem that people might be overlooking the real victims of this tragedy. There must be a number of Camden-based drug dealers sadly reworking annual profit and loss projections at the moment
  3. Grim Reaper

    Amy Winehouse

    wishful thinking indeed
  4. Grim Reaper

    Amy Winehouse

    A tragedy indeed...that she was considered to be becoming a less likely candidate for the list
  5. Grim Reaper

    Boxing Clever?

    How cruel and unjust. He properly hurts Muhammad Ali but then, after a controversial corner incident, goes on to be beaten with a shocking cut. Forced to sell his Lonsdale belts after being caught up in the Lloyds of London crash. And now in his death, the lead story on the UK news is ripped from him after just a few hours when a super villain is taken out. Poor old Henry Cooper - RIP.
  6. Grim Reaper

    Michael Gough

    The Michael Gough thread
  7. Grim Reaper

    Good List

    Official DeathList Committee statement re. "26 Carry Overs":
  8. Grim Reaper

    Diana Wynne Jones

    The Diana Wynne Jones thread
  9. Grim Reaper

    Blake Edwards

    Much better! Usual royalty payment on the way
  10. Grim Reaper

    Blake Edwards

    The much overdue write-ups now almost done - but Blake's headline seems to be a tough one. Such a pity he wasnt number "10" of the year. "Breakfast at Stiffany's" ?
  11. Grim Reaper

    Elizabeth Edwards

    This is the place to discuss Elizabeth Edwards
  12. Grim Reaper

    Dino De Laurentiis

    This is the place to discuss Dino de Laurentis
  13. Grim Reaper

    Tony Curtis

    This is the place to discuss Tony Curtis
  14. Grim Reaper

    Laurent Fignon

    Fair point
  15. Grim Reaper

    Deathlist 2010 Feedback

    It is indeed look quite pitiful at the moment, but DeathList has a history of setting things right (at least to some extent) over the full year. There have a been a few instances over the years where there have been 3 (or more) successes in the space of a week or so. Clearly (well...maybe) that's what 2010 has in store for us. The longer the drought, the bigger the storm when it comes...or that's my theory anyway
  16. Grim Reaper

    Dennis Hopper

    The royalty cheque is in the post. Hurrah!
  17. Grim Reaper

    Michael Foot

    Salinger was pretty much a recluse. Do any later photographs of him exist? Generally I veer towards the death's door picture if it's available but, as Dr Hack points out, there are very few Salinger pics out there and certainly no recentish ones.
  18. Grim Reaper

    Michael Foot

    And the "deadline" on the DL will be..... [Drumroll] .................... All together now............ What a relief - That's been bottled up for way too many years
  19. Grim Reaper

    Wendy Richard

    This is the place to discuss Wendy Richard
  20. Grim Reaper

    15 Mins of fame ...

    Thanks to Yahoo for making us pick of the day on 10 October http://uk.dir.yahoo.com/picks/20031010/
  21. Grim Reaper

    Deathlist 2010 Feedback

    Ahh the honour of having the committee compared to a government - Holds itself out to be morally sound but is secretly corrupt and self-fulfilling - I'll take that Of course, we've never held DeathList out to be any sort of democracy, but perhaps we should introduce some fake vote counting for the icing on the cake The age thing is a bit of a double-edged sword. As appealing as picking Lilo and the like is, the reality is that they are pretty unlikley to die. The old age celebrities are a rich seam of success and a little more satisfying when their death comes out of the blue i.e. without the warning illness first. Besides, it'd be less fun if everyone said it was a fantastic list and saluted the committee for a wonderful job. Happy New Year GR
  22. Grim Reaper

    James Garner

    The James Garner thread
  23. Grim Reaper

    Laurent Fignon

    The Laurent Fignon thread
  24. Grim Reaper

    John Edrich

    The John Edrich thread
  25. Grim Reaper

    The Monkees

    The Peter Tork thread

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