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Cowboy Ronnie

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Everything posted by Cowboy Ronnie

  1. Cowboy Ronnie

    Jane Goodie

    Into her final month, she reckons Shilpa'ss away anyday now
  2. Cowboy Ronnie

    Bill Clinton's Cat Socks

    Which makes him Dead Socks. I wonder if one of the DL members can claim royalties.
  3. Cowboy Ronnie

    Jane Goodie

    Assuming that's true, doesn't that suggest he's really more deserving of a slice of the £700k than Jack Tweed. Much of the sympathy she's garnering is because of the kids, who will be left without a mother if/when she dies. If it was just Jane Goony I imagine a lot of people would just say, "Serves her right for being a nasty racist". The presence of her kids changes all that, and but for the father there would be no kids (because what other bloke could possibly have got it up with her?). If Jack Tweed was marrying some check-out girl from Morrison's at the weekend, even given his past relationship with JG I'd really like to think neither Hello nor anything of its ilk would run glossy photos, much less pay more than 2p for the privilege. Still, if he does get some cash maybe he can use it to work on his golf game.
  4. Cowboy Ronnie

    Jane Goodie

    This is a great idea, and Geronimo (nice avatar, btw) makes the excellent point that there's very little difference between the two events. They both take place at a church, you need to hire a vicar, there's lots of stuff read out from the Bible that's terribly boring profound, you sing a few songs, the men are dressed exactly the same for both occasions, the women end up in floods of tears, and there's normally some sort of a meal afterwards. If Jane really were trying to tie this all up neatly with a bow she'd have her doctors pinpoint the day she was going to die, and get married that morning. It would go, wedding, funeral, pints down the pub, slap up meal and by then the sorrow would have worn off so they could move on to the dancing. And if Hello were there to cover it all the real winner would be the great British public.
  5. Cowboy Ronnie

    Alain Robert AKA Spider-Man

    Spiderfrog's been at it again: French Spiderman Climbs Li Ka-Shing’s Hong Kong Tower The picture accompanying the story is totally convincing. From the article: "He told reporters after the climb he did the stunt to raise awareness about global warming and push for cuts in emissions at a global conference being held in Copenhagen later this year. “If the world leaders don’t make meaningful and aggressive decisions in the Copenhagen Conference and reduce the greenhouse emissions by 50 percent, in 100 months, we’ll reach the point of no return and it will be the end of the world,” he said." Hmmm, 8 1/3 years to cut greenhouse emissions by 50 percent. Unless LFN is right and the LHC magically solves modern energy production, I'm going to guess that isn't going to happen, so it will soon time to start preparing our doomsday capsules.
  6. Cowboy Ronnie

    Jane Goodie

    Jane has reportedly signed a £700k wedding deal Hello, is it cash you're looking for? I suppose at times like these it's important to think of the children, and not the deadbeat clown she's marrying (ten minutes after he came out of prison) who will undoubtedly end up with the lion's share of the cash
  7. Cowboy Ronnie

    Are We All To Die When CERN Sort Themselves Out?

    While I, and presumably most DL'ers, agree technology, experiments, science etc. are all really good for making our lives better, I just don't get how the LHC is going to help us. I tried reading the wiki page Large Hollow Cylinder but because I'm too stupid gave up after five minutes. If I was told it would, e.g., make progress in enabling us to travel by hooking ourselves to a big magnet, and whoosh, we'd be in Paris in five minutes without having our insides all churned up, I'd be all for it. But what practical benefit are we, or future generations, ever going to receive from the LHC? I'm not completely convinced they know what they're doing, given they had to switch it off after five minutes because of that age old scientific challenge - it got too hot - and oops, six tons of liquid helium got spilled. It's like space travel after man landed on the moon. Well done, great achievement, but let's just leave it there. We're never going to live on the moon, much less any other planet, and why would we even want to try? You could never go outside and walk the dog (and yes, I've read the Tintin book where he does just that, but it was totally unrealistic - there were no trees anywhere for poor Snowy to relieve himself. With all that built up pressure I'm surprised the little guy's four legged space suit didn't explode). Wouldn't it make more sense to try to fix problems on earth, like how to get fresh water and decent agriculture in every country, before we build space stations to support never-existent missions to Mars? I guess when they go up and fix a satellite or the Hubble Telescope that's pretty cool, but given the space shuttle's dodgy safety record I wonder if it wouldn't have been better to design satellites that can be brought back to earth for repairs. Or just blow 'em up and build a new one. The LHC costs several billion pounds, which I might like to have back right now to help fund the economic stimulus packages regular citizens all over the world will be asked to pay for. Or to execute irresponsible corporate fat cats. Come to think of it, the scientists behind the LHC are a bit like investment bankers. "What we do benefits everyone in ways you couldn't possibly understand." Right, how about you apply your brilliance (and our money) to making something that actually helps people, today? Believe me, there are plenty of far more practical, and immediate, needs out there.
  8. Cowboy Ronnie

    Jane Goodie

    Her boyfriend may or may not be breaking up with her Tweed Jack-ing it all in?
  9. Cowboy Ronnie

    Professional Cyclists

    From the article: "As a mark of respect, Thursday's fifth stage has been shortened to 40km and neutralised, meaning that it will not be contested by the riders." I thought they only did that when a French rider died.
  10. Cowboy Ronnie

    The Dead Of 2009

    And Down Under by Men at Work might make a comeback: "Travelling in a fried-out Kombi"
  11. Cowboy Ronnie

    The Dead Of 2009

    I hear "Beds are Burning" is back in the Aussie charts. *gets coat*
  12. Cowboy Ronnie

    Jane Goodie

    She dug her own grave with the "Shilpa Poppadom" performance. Instead of gracefully appreciating the fame and fortune that the British public foolishly bestowed upon her, she just couldn't help showing what a nasty piece of work she is. LFN is right that she's thick as sh*t, but there are plenty of stupid people who go around without insulting a nation of a billion people on national TV. She pissed off the wrong gods, and not even Karma Chemotherapy will save her now.
  13. Cowboy Ronnie

    Margaret Thatcher

    Correct LB. Having not met you I wouldn't know for sure whether you were honky or Pom, but based on your posts on here, deffo not stupid. The latest on Thatch Jr is: Ali Bomaye From that article: "The BBC's decision to drop Carol Thatcher from The One Show came after she made "multiple" offensive remarks about a tennis player, insiders have claimed. Sources have now told Media Guardian that Thatcher called the player a "golliwog", "half-golliwog" and "golliwog Frog". An insider added: "'Golliwog' wasn't the half of it, it is much worse than what has come out." " If the BBC had kept her on the uproar would be twenty times as loud. I really don't get why Boris Johnson feels the need to come to her defence, which only conjures up memories of his own "pickananie" and "watermelon smile" remarks. Maybe voting for him wasn't such a clever idea after all.....
  14. Cowboy Ronnie

    Margaret Thatcher

    Well, it wasn't entirely a private conversation. She was in the green room of a TV show with what sounds like the better part of ten other people, including journalists, so her expectations of privacy should have been significantly reduced compared to if she'd been in her car talking to her best friend. She reportedly referred to Tsongas as "that froggy, golliwog guy". She was asked to apologise, refused, so after five days the Beeb sacked her. I'm not sure they had a choice, especially as the story of what she said was so likely to become public given the number of people present. Will the show, or anyone, miss Carol Thatcher? Would she have got the job but for her last name? Is she any better than any of probably several thousand replacement journalists? Stupid honky Pom bitch.
  15. Cowboy Ronnie

    Nelson Mandela

    How, pray tell Banshees old boy, are you qualified to comment on the mentality of people in today's Zimbabwe, much less the ancient Romans, who didn't leave diaries or anything behind? Based on what little history we do know, I'd have thought relatively speaking the average Roman citizen had it better than, say, the Visigoths.
  16. Cowboy Ronnie

    Nelson Mandela

    I only joined the forum yesterday, so you can be assured I'm not a regular in disguise. It hadn't even occurred to me that you may already have ticked off a few people, but considering the bird poo you like to post, it comes as no surprise that youre hard to like. The size of your cock- that I can believe, because your brain has been oxygen deprived for too long, which I guess is your only valid defence for the initial post that prompted my reply. Correction. You, or someone using the same computer posted back in 2006, under the pseudonyms PW Botha and Brenda Fassie, so your credibility is already fairly thin. Here's the delightful post Mr. P.W. Botha directed to me in response to my suggestion that he might be racist, what with overseeing an apartheid regime for a number of years and all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wipe your mounth, dick head, you're talking bullshit. I'm a black person living in fear because South Africa became a paradise the lawless people. In mr Botha's time we could easily live without fearing being raped, murdered, burgled etc. Today we have 20000 murders a year in South Africa out of a population of 40 million. Not bad hey !!!!!!!!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charming.
  17. Cowboy Ronnie

    UFOs, Space Aliens and the like

    Apparently, scientists have been trying to make contact with aliens for 150 years. In space, no one can hear you... On the subject of colossal wastes of time and money, any news on when the Large Hardon Collider is springing back into action? I kinda miss the LHC and the faux panic it almost caused.
  18. Cowboy Ronnie

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    This is weasley by the Mail, give the girl a break. She's done nothing wrong, has looked great in just about every picture ever printed of her, and she was having a bad (skin) day. So they have to print ultra close ups two days after she broke up with her boyfriend. She's not appearing in a public capacity. How are pictures of her news?
  19. Cowboy Ronnie

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    I'm surprised Chelsy Davey hasn't posted on this thread this morning, but she and Price Harry have moved to Spiltsburgh, which she awesomely announced on Facebook. She's sent him Paking I sense he may now move on to a "date someone famous" phase, a la his uncles and papa. What price Rachel Stevens or the ginger one out of Girls Aloud?
  20. Cowboy Ronnie

    The Dead Of 2009

    correction - she was coach at North Carolina State, a different university and rival of North Carolina.
  21. Cowboy Ronnie

    The Dead Of 2009

    First of all, nobody outside of the celebrity-obsessed Americans gives a sh*t about Heath Ledger, Brad Renfro or Allan Melvin, Heath Ledger was Australian, so I would imagine news of him dying was pretty big there, as it was here in the UK. Also, because people around the world would have seen the latest Batman movie, that elevates the significance of his death to celebrity-obsessed non-Americans too. He's just been nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar, and I would imagine the Academy Awards has a fairly broad following in many countries around the world.
  22. Cowboy Ronnie

    The Dead Of 2009

    His lifelong dream was apparently to disprove the age old adage that money doesn't grow on trees.
  23. Cowboy Ronnie

    Tony Hart

    If Thatcher or Biggs had been left off the DL and died, everyone on here would be freaking out. There was a grand total of one post in the Tony Hart thread in 2008. As GR notes, he was one of the final nominees for 2009 who didn't quite make it. Last year we tied the DL record with 14, and we're ahead of that pace this year. If anyone had him on a DDP team or a shadow list, well done.
  24. Cowboy Ronnie

    Political Frailty

    Brits spell "hospitalised" with an "s", Americans use a "z". Given the article was in the Hindu, the so-called "National Newspaper", perhaps we can presume this is India throwing off further shackles of the Empire. Ungrateful sods.
  25. Cowboy Ronnie

    Crew Of USS Enterprise

    OoO's Theme Team is refusing to let MPFC's take the lead apparentely... What a shame though, great actor and a great guy from what I've heard. One could argue that Ricardo Montalban's performance as Khan in the second Star Trek film saved and gave new life to the whole franchise. I liked the part when they put a silk worm in Chekov's ear, and that it featured a young Kirstie Alley, when she was still hot. Plus how awesome was it when Mr. Rourke battled the devil on Fantasy Island? Legend.

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