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Razor Boy

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Everything posted by Razor Boy

  1. Razor Boy

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Interesting bubble gum http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/exploding-bubble-gum-kills-student-1837673.html
  2. Razor Boy

    Lara Roxx

    Was that too much of a mouth full ?
  3. Razor Boy

    Ian Paisley

    No its not I appear to have picked up a shocking sig line.... I will just go and remove it.
  4. Razor Boy

    Ian Paisley

    Paisley, founder of the Free Presbyterian Church, a charismatic leader, extreme views. Sounds like a cult to me. I meant C.U.L.T.
  5. Razor Boy

    Fort William Football Club

    Turriff 5 Fort William 0 From FWFC website OR is this thread dead ?
  6. Razor Boy

    Dead Pop Stars

    I see Tony Iommi (Sabbath axe man) is unwell But is he a pop star ? LINK
  7. Razor Boy

    Stephen Hawking

    Birthday Bash is off :+( Sky News
  8. Razor Boy

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Well then its a good job the D of E is a Mason and therefore untouchable. Razor
  9. Razor Boy

    The 1st Death Of 2012

    Don't say that she's my hate pick on the DEKpool. It would be a year before I got the points :+( OK good luck to all
  10. Razor Boy

    The 1st Death Of 2012

    Etta, I couldn't be arsed to scroll down Oh and a Happy 2012
  11. Razor Boy

    Jimmy Savile

    Apparently skeletons with broken arms. A side of Saint Jimmy I was not aware of but I am not at all surprised by. An odd fellow and mother worshipper. Gave me the creeps too. Razor
  12. Razor Boy

    The Chequered Flag

    Bad crash, the guys behind him had nowhere to go and when the helmet comes off it is always a bad sign. A great loss to the sport. BTW Are the other "Aliens" going on next year's list ? Razor
  13. Razor Boy

    Dennis Ritchie

    I have to thank both K & R as I wouldn't have my nice well paid job here by the sea without teaching myself C from their bible. Went like this, my boss is sick for 3 months. I spend the morning doing his job and the afternoon doing what the f*ck I like.(OK learning C). Then he comes back to work, quickly retires and I sod off and swap a job for a career. :+) Thanks Dennis
  14. Razor Boy

    Steve Jobs

    I knew Jobs would get a bit of coverage BUT pass the sick bag ! The man was good at marketing but the products are under spec'ed and over priced. A triumph of spin over common sense. Just think of all those hipsters crying into their skinny lattes their world is at an end. Spleen vented. Razor
  15. Razor Boy

    Animal Antics

    Here's a mystery Remember that video of the US coast guard blowing up a dead whale to " " of it ? All a bit disturbing Razor
  16. Razor Boy

    Steve Jobs

    Google obviously don't check properly as they should have said "synonymous" rather than "synonyms". ARRRG Death to my Dyslexia !
  17. Razor Boy

    Steve Jobs

    If Steve Jobs is synonyms with the Apple OS and after looking at the recently posted pictures, I'm glad I run Linux. Love Razor Boy [Thanks Google for the spell check on" sinonimus"]
  18. Razor Boy

    Steve Jobs

    I'll put dibs on November 19th and as its my thread I get a day either side LOL
  19. Razor Boy

    Internet Celebrities

    Good call and how about the fat git with the sad light-sabre dance ?
  20. Razor Boy

    Petrol Heads To Petrol Deads

    Eddie Cochran... My Ex-wife's granny heard that crash in Chippenham back in the day.... That tenuous enough ? Razor
  21. Razor Boy

    Osama Bin Laden

    Well if Obama got to see the assassination live on a sat' feed when it going to be leaked to YouTube ? I have to admit a curious morbid, well, curiosity like the hanging of Sadam.
  22. Razor Boy

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Talking of falling off stuff.... Stupid Banker ! one down 250 thousand to go.
  23. Razor Boy

    Deathlist Under 45

    How about the demented spawn of Ozzie Ossbourn ?
  24. Razor Boy

    Fat And Fearless

    Then she is single ! .... anyone got a bag of flour ?
  25. Razor Boy

    John Tyndall & Nick Griffin

    If we all do a "tactical vote" we could get a few Monster Raving Loonies elected. (OK nothing new there)

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