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Razor Boy

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Everything posted by Razor Boy

  1. Razor Boy

    Steve Jobs

    Steve iPod appear to have had a heart attack http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/10/03/st...t_attack_rumor/ That is you can trust these sources LOL Razor (the WYSIWYG editor appears broken :+( )
  2. Razor Boy

    The Shadows

    Before the flame war. I tried the search thing... Lubuntu + Chromium and a very old PC brought up nought SO Wiki has loads of ex-members and Hank is 71. Worth a thread ? Razor
  3. Razor Boy

    Sean (not So) Young

    Will Sean Young spiral out of control in the near future ? Re-enters Rehab Will she follow the Amy Crackhouse fashion of cyclic abuse and rehab until her body fails her ? A great shame at I loved her in Stripes and Blade Runner. Razor
  4. Razor Boy

    Donald J Trump

    Looks like California wants out ! Don't blame them :+)
  5. Razor Boy

    Scientists, Inventors And Techno Wizards

    So to SUM up the DDP is totally DIVIDED about the PROBABILITY of success, I'm trying not to be too NEGATIVE here. I'm SO sorry, I couldn't stop myself... I feel like a fly by troll. I still have bad puns relating to convolution, obtuse opinions, Callus + calculated = calculus.
  6. Razor Boy

    Dalai Lama

    Sorry but he'll be back as they say in Tibet.
  7. Razor Boy

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Growing weed now that is shocking !
  8. Razor Boy

    Death By Selfie

    I love technology. It gives us so many new ways to cleanse the gene pool.
  9. Razor Boy

    Last Of The Mohicans

    Oops Just found it. Sorry
  10. Razor Boy

    Last Of The Mohicans

    Got a link for a vid of DK-50-80 by them bad boys ? Razor
  11. Razor Boy

    Gudrun Ure

    Arf !
  12. Razor Boy

    Ronnie Corbett

    Oh My God ! Have you not seen Zardoz ? Oh sorry you said "decent role"
  13. Razor Boy

    Paul Gascoigne

    Wouldn't the sight of the vultures circling over his head all looking for a cut of the pay off drive him to drink ? No hang on a mo'...
  14. Razor Boy

    Robbie Coltrane

    OK now I'm upset. Sympathy for Robbie and his loved ones ... Save me from this simpering shite ! Not all of us here on the deathlist make prayers. I do not wish to be associated with your chats to your imaginary friend. Keep your generalisations under control. BTW get well soon Big Guy !
  15. Razor Boy

    Ched Evans

    BTW what's wrong with Morrissey ? </troll>
  16. Razor Boy

    Kim Jong-Un

    Osteosarcoma a cheerful diagnosis but that MoFo does not deserve a nice prognosis ! OTOH its cancer or the heart that mostly does for us.
  17. Razor Boy

    Joan Rivers, Please Lord

    oo oo sweepstake ! I'll have the 8th of Sept (this year) please. This woman both make me laugh and hate her, lets focus on the positive.
  18. Razor Boy

    Who Will Be The 7th Hit Of 2014?

    woodhead because he's a ****
  19. Razor Boy

    Rupert Murdoch

    All that money and he has to carry his own water ? No hang on this is a photo shoot not reality.
  20. Razor Boy

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Over medicated perhaps ?
  21. Razor Boy

    The Chequered Flag

    Not an easy thing to fix. Remove the driver from the total minimum weight and you still have an advantage if you are a short arse like me. On the other hand porkers like me are out ! I think it was more interesting when there was a "turn over" of new driver when the rules were less safety conscious. Just my 2d worth.
  22. Razor Boy

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    Care to elaborate on that statement ?
  23. Razor Boy

    Reality TV

    Darwin award material !
  24. Razor Boy

    Michael Schumacher

    Quality journalism "he may remain in a 'persistent vegetative state' forever" Sorry, the state may be persistent but surely not forever ? I'm just sick of the hyperbole. RB
  25. Razor Boy

    Where's Number 8 On The List?

    You just can't get the staff these days !

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