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Everything posted by jcc

  1. jcc

    The Dead of 2020

    More details here
  2. jcc

    Jamaican Jamming

  3. jcc

    20th Century Americans Sitcoms

    Should have washed your hands Poppie
  4. jcc

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2021

    Bonking Bill looking and sounding rather frail at John L's funeral today.
  5. jcc

    The 13th Death of 2020

    Down goes Leon
  6. jcc

    Jamaican Jamming

  7. jcc

    The 12th Death of 2020

    Lights out for Neon Leon
  8. I predicted an unlikely 23 deaths for 2019. Looks like it might have been spot on for this year.
  9. jcc

    The 11th Death in 2020

    Get Carter.
  10. jcc

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

  11. jcc

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

  12. jcc

    Eric Clapton

    Happy to hear that and btw it's his 75th.
  13. jcc

    Country For Old Men (And Women)

  14. jcc

    Norm MacDonald

    Norm was a guest on Spade's " Light's Out" show on Comedy Central last night. Looked and sounded fine to me.
  15. jcc

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Washington Post Three dead after shooting at Oklahoma Walmart, authorities say 8 hours ago. Another one today,getting hard to keep up.
  16. jcc

    General Non School Massacre Thread

  17. jcc

    Death By Selfie

  18. jcc

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://amp.jamaicaobserver.com/sports/michael-fray-remembered-as-track-talent-that-never-truly-self-actualise_179185%3Fprofile%3D1511&ved=2ahUKEwiQlbPa0-jlAhXKq1kKHUaPBmYQFjANegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw28848vA9pjE3YrZkCUKPcD&ampcf=1 Represented Jamaica at the '68 and '72 Olympics. Placed 7th in that infamous 200m race in Mexico.
  19. jcc

    Horse Racing

    https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/horseracing/2019/11/02/breeders-cup-mongolian-groom-euthanized-leg-injury-classic/4146533002/ #37 for the year in the final race.
  20. jcc

    Dead Drummers

  21. jcc

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2020


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