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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Political Frailty

    Can we just stop f u c k i n g around and be honest? That is the kind of thing uttered by an absolute fucktard without even the most basic grip of reality. When I wrote that I hadn't seen the full statement from him. I thought that was all he'd said which would have been an odd thing to say. I jumped to conclusions. Sorry. Naughty Handy!
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Political Frailty

    Can we just stop f u c k i n g around and be honest? That is the kind of thing uttered by an absolute fucktard without even the most basic grip of reality.
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Political Frailty

    ..........but its the Huffington Post.
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Political Frailty

    Well, I may need to kill myself ( you have wanted that anyway ) but I actually agree with you. OMFG.
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Euros 2016

    I edited after the equaliser. Edit again Toastie 2-1 to England.
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Like I said, haven't watched it, nor do I plan to. It just seems that everyone's keen on the guilty until proven innocent idea. And with a dead man, it's rarely even contestable. I'm not saying he's innocent, in fact it looks likely from the brief amount I've seen that he's probably got a case to answer, but can you imagine that front page of the Mail for a live person? Or even - somewhat cynically - for an accused Tory (again, Lord Bramall, Ted Heath). This fits nicely into the Mail's thread on dodgy Lib Dems (Cyril Smith, Jeremy Thorpe) so naturally they took the 'brave' decision to make it front page news. As for the widow apologising, yeah that's definitely fishy, but playing devil's advocate what legal recourse or personal will has an 89 year-old woman got to fight the machine? Anyway, it's just another part of history that can be airbrushed. Maybe it would be quicker just to leave the history books blank in terms of light entertainment and politics between 1950 and 1990 and pretend they never happened. I think I'll lose all faith in humanity if it turns out Nicholas Parsons is dodgy, though at least the tabloids won't have to search far for a picture linking him to that shadowy world: he and Freud were long-time colleagues on Just a Minute of course. Yeah, this is definitely the break in the case they've been looking for. Ive been pretty quick to condemn the witch hunts that have been carried out in the name of 'Justice' Ive previously stated that Tarbuck was put through the mill on the back of a shit allegation and, in all probability, Sircliff may well find, after being dragged into the gutter, that the CPS wont be allowing the Police to charge him. Ive also been preety unambiguous in my dislike for trial by Press/Media and the whole circus that pushes the famous into the Ring yet allows the accusers to hide, forever, behind the curtain. We all know, such has been the biggest sexual scandal of several generations, the whole emphasis has changed to Guilty until proven innocent. Having said all of that, as much as im uncomfortable with the kind of headlines that has seen Freud 'outed' you have to be VERY generous to believe that the allegations are weak let alone untrue. Disclosure has just started on the TV, Im watching it, if you don't, you cant have an opinion.
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Like the sufficient evidence that saw Ken Barlow and Dr Fox walk free? Even DLT was cleared on nearly every charge. I'm not saying he's innocent, I'm just saying what they've got does not necessarily constitute proof. Nor does it excuse this front page of tomorrow's Daily Fail: Which contains the following in its first two sentences: For a newspaper that railed against the treatment of Ted Heath and Lord Bramall, can you imagine a front page like this for someone like, for instance, David Owen or Norman Tebbit, i.e. those still living? I have no juice on either of those people by the way, they were the first random names that came to mind as prominent 80s politicians who are still breathing. I know trying to insert logic into a discussion on the Daily Fail is pointless but still. I didn't see the programme, nor am I likely to, and I'm not suggesting these women aren't necessarily telling the truth, but what evidence do we have besides these two ladies' words? There won't be a trial, there may not even be a report. And even if there was, and he was somehow found innocent, are the Mail going to retract their front page? Hmmm... His widows apologies to the 'victims' is pretty damning stuff. Its not like she has come out in his defence is it and his offsprings silence, on the basis that they must have known the story was going to break, is also strange. No, he may be innocent but his family aint doing too much to cement that view, are they?
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The dead of 2016

    Didn't know the name but recognised the face. She would have been a good one for the character actors thread. Ahh, yeah. She breast fed Malcolm McDowell. O Lucky Man! My favourite film... Never seen it! So, having finally caught up with The Wicker Man, that's another old goodie to check out, right? Its an acquired taste. I like it tho.
  9. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Given the guys has no emerged to have an hatred of gays, mental health issues and a slight leaning towards ISIS, I think growing up in a culture where it's socially acceptable to disagree with homosexuality might have made him more likely to have a hatred of homosexuals. Has nobody ventured the probability that he was GAY??Here is a man who hated himself for his sexuality, he married and hated it enough for it to become an emotionally and physically abusive marriage. His sexuality was abhorrent to his Religion and culture, nobody understood and he was utterly terrified of his feelings and the possibility that others, damn, even Allah would condemn him. His only way out, to right the wrongs and cleanse himself was to kill all those he blamed for his corruption and evil. So, one night, he went armed to a Gay nightclub ( how would this man have known about it?) to purge his demons and be welcomed at the gates of heaven, something that he could not achieve had he murdered in a shopping mall or a school. His final act was to deflect his sexuality and reasoning for the target by asserting that he was carrying out the work of Islamic state, even though the US agencies can find no direct link between him and them. You may well be right: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/14/orlando-gunman-was-a-regular-at-lgbt-nightclub-pulse-before-atta/ More info: http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-06-15/us-investigates-reports-orlando-shooter-mateen-may-have-been-gay/7511226 The phrase 'Do Bears shit in the woods' springs to mind.
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The dead of 2016

    Didn't know the name but recognised the face. She would have been a good one for the character actors thread. Ahh, yeah. She breast fed Malcolm McDowell.
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    I am currently in Germany. This news makes me very depressed. Who are the vote leave people going to blame, in future, if they cannot blame the EU? I wont blame anybody for leaving the EU. I do, however, suspect, the Chairman of VW, Fiat, Spanish arable farmers etc etc and the odd few million workers and their unions across Europe will be blaming the shit out of their respective Governments for screwing them and their very lucrative exports to the UK. All because a bunch of unelected cunts want to 'teach us a lesson. Lets see who blinks first.
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ask A Deathlister

    Your daughter had kittens? Does this mean that you have grandkittens? Well, I hope not, im waaaaaaaay too young...
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Given the guys has no emerged to have an hatred of gays, mental health issues and a slight leaning towards ISIS, I think growing up in a culture where it's socially acceptable to disagree with homosexuality might have made him more likely to have a hatred of homosexuals. Has nobody ventured the probability that he was GAY?? Here is a man who hated himself for his sexuality, he married and hated it enough for it to become an emotionally and physically abusive marriage. His sexuality was abhorrent to his Religion and culture, nobody understood and he was utterly terrified of his feelings and the possibility that others, damn, even Allah would condemn him. His only way out, to right the wrongs and cleanse himself was to kill all those he blamed for his corruption and evil. So, one night, he went armed to a Gay nightclub ( how would this man have known about it?) to purge his demons and be welcomed at the gates of heaven, something that he could not achieve had he murdered in a shopping mall or a school. His final act was to deflect his sexuality and reasoning for the target by asserting that he was carrying out the work of Islamic state, even though the US agencies can find no direct link between him and them. A man in turmoil, mentally ill and no way out but to do what he believed he HAD to do. Terrorism didn't kill those poor people, intolerance and hatred did.
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I'm unaware that the NRA has ever based any opinions about gun ownership on religion. As an NRA member, I can tell you that I would be against it. Many Halibuts are responsible and upstanding US citizens, many having served honorably in the armed forces. Terrorists in Europe don't have "easy access" to firearms but I think there have been some "incidents" there as well, no? That's true. It has to be said though, Gun access is probably less problematical on mainland Europe than it is in the UK. The two most recent 'one man on a mission' incidents here have involved stabbings ( and running a poor sod over before hacking him to death) It cannot be too wrong to suggest that, had there been easier access to guns here, those three nut jobs would have killed many many people. You can cut it whichever way you wish but, bottom line, it was easier to shoot so many people dead than it was to stab them all to death. The right to bear arms has consequences that reach much further than peoples rights to own a gun.
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Still talking with real people in their front gardens. Ad-hock current score card from my leafleting rounds stands at 55 committed to Vote Leave, 12 views to RemaIN (to stay a xenophobic european). 10 undecided and 5 who would not say. Split those undecided evenly (even though the two values are widely spaced) add in all those who would not say, to RemaIN (to subsidise bullfighting), and then it's 59/22. And as a percentage split it looks like 73% Vote Leave, 27% RemaIN (to stay locked in a padded cell). Sorry. Not close at all. I believe you.
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ask A Deathlister

    You are a human. Cats hate humans. She was simply thinking 'get out of my vicinity you loathsome article, and go and fill up my biscuit bowl'. I think there may be some truth in this.
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ask A Deathlister

    On the way out of the kitchen I noticed one of my daughters kittens laying in her usual place, on the mat by the front door. I looked at her and began to sing 'Halfway down the stairs' by The Muppets, as you do. The cat listened with good grace, eyes focussed on me the whole time but, at the end, she said absolutely f**k all. What did I do wrong?
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Well, as horrid as it sounds, if that's true, Id say they had a bit of a result, 50 less Gays and one less IS inspired radical.
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    So what was you exam on last week? Talking shite, was it??I think that first comment needs to go in the bin alongside that other gem about the dangers of the TT races. DDT is unlikely to have done it, I suspect a possible software glitch. Besides, the forum is for grown ups, not 15 yr olds who wank into Kleenex super strength tissues so, when you are all grown up.............. ummm you do realise I was saying that first sentence sarcastically right? No you wasn't.
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    We did but its Summer so, I assume, the little fella has left the sock drawer fully stocked as he has gone all open toed sandal.
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Euros 2016

    IIRC, UEFA have the power to disqualify for events INSIDE the Stadium as opposed to outside. The Russian federation still have punishments on hold by UEFA for previous incidents. The current accusation is not just the rioting in the stadium but also the racist chanting and the lighting of flares. Obviously, the French did well there, those flares could have been bombs... While Russians are being blamed for what happened inside the stadium they are taking much of the flack about whats gone on outside too. We are angels, aint we.
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    So....................President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump. I suppose we will all have to get used to saying that soon.......
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    So what was you exam on last week? Talking shite, was it?? I think that first comment needs to go in the bin alongside that other gem about the dangers of the TT races. DDT is unlikely to have done it, I suspect a possible software glitch. Besides, the forum is for grown ups, not 15 yr olds who wank into Kleenex super strength tissues so, when you are all grown up..............
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Bollocks to all that, all that alcohol, threesomes and moresomes, smoking weed and stuff.........he is terrified of Allah!!!!!
  25. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    That's another one for Paul. He is but one man, he cannot run the show alone. We need the other Admin/mods to appear more often or we need new ones.

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