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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Grange Hill

    I remember him! Blimey.
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Overrated People

    FTFY. Not that I have even the vaguest notion of who Sia is, but the rest of your comment refers to 'she' and 'her'. He may well hate her because, usually, she wears her hair like a veil when performing. I suspect, if the kid cant see her face, he cant get wood, or summat.
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Next Unexpected "national Treasure" Death

    An interesting point, mind, how many non-native incomers might be claim as national treasures once they have a British passport? Mo Farah for one Well, we tend to 'claim' them if they are hugely successful. I mean, If Mo had finished last in the Olympics and was, generally, pretty shite, we would just be claiming that he was just another Somalian sponge cunt/terrorist/Pirate/roams London in a gang looking for aggro. Lets wait and see if Mo really is Mr Super 'I nevah evah took performance enhancing drugs' Clean. National treasure to pariah in a jiffy..................... You're not suggesting Mo is a drug cheat? Granted there is an as yet not in the public domain name of a household name UK drug cheat athlete to (maybe) be revealed. But it ain't him. No, it would be wrong to make such accusations without being on pretty strong ground. What does make me wonder and should make everybody else wonder is how he knew NOTHING about what his coach and training partner were up to. Thats incredibly naïve of him and that's being generous. We are quite happy to declare bollocks on people who said they had no idea Rolf and Jimmy were kiddy fiddling yet we are happy to swallow the wholesome Quorn eaters assertion that the people he spent as much time with as his own family managed to leave him completely in the dark. Mo LIVES out there, he TRAINS out there, its not like he was a casual visitor for a week every so often. I suppose, while ignorance is no defence, stupidity is.
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    Its all crap anyway. If you liked Prince but didn't like Bowie, Prince was the most significant, if you were a tone deaf Japanese cock warbler it would be old Maurice of EWF. All about personal opinions.
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Next Unexpected "national Treasure" Death

    An interesting point, mind, how many non-native incomers might be claim as national treasures once they have a British passport? Mo Farah for one Well, we tend to 'claim' them if they are hugely successful. I mean, If Mo had finished last in the Olympics and was, generally, pretty shite, we would just be claiming that he was just another Somalian sponge cunt/terrorist/Pirate/roams London in a gang looking for aggro. Lets wait and see if Mo really is Mr Super 'I nevah evah took performance enhancing drugs' Clean. National treasure to pariah in a jiffy.....................
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    Ok.............we need to know more. Edit: You are pulling my chain, aren't you.
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    She was hardly a protégé of Prince, she was more a protégé of Esther Rantzen who had her on her prime time TV series The Big Time. That gave her the break and she had hits BEFORE Prince got involved. Fucking hell, what next, Prince parted the Red Sea? Fed the 5,000?
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    Really?Not just a small race then, tone deaf cunts too. what are you talking about mariah Carey is excellent. You are only interested in her surgically enhanced norks. The case for the prosecution rests m'lud.
  9. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    Really? Not just a small race then, tone deaf cunts too.
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Whilst I like the analogy I think it's slightly more akin to your younger brother, whose got a lot of money, telling you that you need to keep on a good term with the rest of the family if you want help from him in the near term. When have we ever got help from Obama tho?The "back of the queue" thing was a very thinly non-veiled threat. The idea it would take ten years to "renogotiate" is like when the scummy Ryanair guy says with a grin "Oh, there's a £100 admin fee for refunding your £20 ticket to Minorca" or whatever. (And now I've said that, this country is full of mugs who actually put up with that so they'll probably fall for Obama's threats too). He's the EU's hired bully. It's more like my uncle saying "you'd better stay with your mother and be her slave until she dies or you'll be at the back of the queue for........ not-getting-run-over-by-me-in-my-dilapidated-Volvo". Let the UK stay in the EU. Mind your own fucking business.
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Enough of this shite!!!!! Listen, there was, a few years back, some pro gamblers who were making a fortune by betting on 'Holes in One' at various Golf Tournaments around the globe. Eventually the Betting companies twigged that hole in ones have occoured in most competitions meaning that the odds were nowhere near as high as they thought. The point of all of that is that it is probable that somebody of significance will die within the week. The World has become very small and global notoriety and fame is so much easier to achieve with a WWW and 24hr World TV. Basically, your Mystic Meg predictions are no more brilliant than that Octopus picking the winning teams in the last World Cup. So there.
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Dead Pop Stars

    '' Space to be filled in by Deathray confirming the Golden Shower age of Death or summat'
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    In a matchbox in somebodys pocket. He was only lickle.
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    You mean to tell us that, not even once, the sight of rippling muscles dripping with baby oil mixed with all that sweat and sex pheromones didn't give you even a bit of an 'orn??????
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Did she also tell you that there's no entry for fucking moron in the dictionary? EFA
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    British Science Fiction Series

    PS: She was in Eastenders and is beautiful.
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    British Science Fiction Series

    She had better be cute. Rumoured to be this Indian cutie: https://doctorwhowatch.com/2016/04/12/doctor-who-rakhee-thakrar-sort-of-addresses-companion-rumors/ Not quite in Jenna's league (who could be?) but not bad. Has anyone seen her in anything? Can she actually act? She looks like a girl I dated back in 89/90 Zeds head has now exploded....
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    They aint that expensive besides, I work hard so fuck it.
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    I get fun. On the edge and suchlike. The biggest fun ive had with cars have been with little ones with small engines and big hearts. Speed is not the thrill, most cars go fast nowdays. Its the different and not knowing its limits that's fun. Its why I get bored with them quite quickly, I figure them out and they stop giving me a buzz. The next one is LHD, 5 litres and will handle UK roads like one of your boats. I cant wait!!
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    I get boats, Id love a big fuck off fast one.
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Billy Connolly

    Anybody wondering if dead hostage Ken Bigleys family is now saying '....Arent you the same as us? Don't you wish he would get on with it?'
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    I think I understand the need for women to go shopping. I have just bought another car. Its not like I NEED another car as I already have two but the combination of a free space on the drive and the sheer fucking orgasmic buzz of searching for possibles, imagining what it will feel like wrapped around my old gnarled body and fucking off all notion of practicality sends me into a kind of euphoria that was once gained through illegal substances, or summat. If there is a cure they can shove it up their arse thanks.
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Deathlist On The Net

    no one wants to see the only part of you that isn't large, Eddie. That actually made me do a laugh out loud, top work! The fact remains, however, that my cock and balls are probably bigger than yours, despite the fact that I'm a LADY. With TITS and everything. Yeah but if he is one of those fat kids, that sit hunched infront of a screen all hours in their bedrooms, surrounded by wanked in socks and empty extra large bags of onion rings, well, his tits may well be bigger than yours.
  24. Got him on fb now, it's like the Brad Pitt / Jenny Diski cross, hybrided with an off his meds Stephen Fry, all whilst up a ladder. Recommended. Unlike a few folk , I don't want to see anyone stop posting. Did I abuse shroud off the forum ? Probably. Did I want them to stop posting? No. They had a really good knowledge and 'BANG' my amusement on here dropped when they fucked off. RC's was strange, she was looking for an excuse to quit , and blamed toastie ,still don't get it. Zyklon....too much fun to be had, and he's too much of a cunt to quit anyways. Don't ban him. Anyhoo , \O/ , waves at today's beeb driven newbies. Say 'hello' , get told to get tae fuck, then start posting. FTFY

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