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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Has Ulrike Johnson paid tribute to old Terry does anyone know ? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa????? Come on Handy, spill the beans, what have you heard this time??
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Ive heard rumours that his toupee has been flagged up in the Yewtree Investigation.
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    You know that this belongs in the "may I perchance rant" thread Please for the love of all that is fucking holy tell me you're taking the piss. Otherwise I hope you're future children are all flushed down the loo in kleenex rags. Twat
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Ive no idea if this should go here but.. This place has started to become a bit, well, anal. Too many 'this shouldn't be posted here, it should be posted there' bollocks, too much concern when threads meander off topic and, and, and. The beauty of this place was the carefree attitude to life, death and conversation. Nobody jumped up and down if something wasn't posted in the right place or worried about threads going way off tangent because that's the way we rolled. FFS stop pandering to SC for starters, if he doesn't like things he can fuck off and start his own forum, he doesn't have to stay and his post count doesn't give him squatting rights, the man is a pain in the fucking arse TBF. Can we not go back to the times when we posted where we wanted and what we wanted, within reason ( we are all mostly reasonable) and just let the mods quietly and efficiently move stuff around if, as and when needed? It was more fun that way.
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The dead of 2016

    Absolutely agree. Otherwise this thread should be called 'The Dead of 2016 whose names are not recorded on any other obscure thread in this site' So why is the tagline "Too lazy to find a suitable thread? Then post here." Because the thread creator is a tosser.
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Disc Jockeys

    WTF does Anita Harris do all day? Considering she's been an actress/singer/all round entertainer for years she's not exactly in heavy rotation anywhere I've seen or heard. Obitable, for as long as she's worthy fo a mention, mind. Only time Anita is seen these days is near a coffin. She's the real world equivalent of Jessica Fletcher. I take it back, a fairly turgid career where she's claiming associations and 'starring' roles when other names were on the poster, but she's still working according to her website. Then again, the solo gigs are coming to non-event towns and the bigger gigs are "Good Old Days" stylee variety jaunts. Metaphorically speaking, she's already dead. http://www.anita-harris.com/ She is a bit like the female version of Kenny Lynch. Couple of minor hits back in the day, rubs shoulders with Tarby and Brucie but 'what the fuck does he actually do?'
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    He might have sat on his hands for 37 years because he was sore.... Well I was going to say that had he sat on his arse at the age of 13, like he had in the subsequent decades, there would never have been a case to answer. I decided not to coz that would have been in very poor taste
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Deadio Times

    Dead at 79. http://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/update/2016-01-31/devon-radio-legend-tony-beard-dies/ This Obit doesn't count as I understand it, so one DDP team awaits a QO. Unless TMIB can confirm... See? Winny was bang on the money. What next? An obit for The Old Baileys resident cat??
  9. This has to be one of the greatest changes since Frank Maloney became Kellie. Obviously, I went for Frankie rather than Bruce/Caitlyn version because Im not happy with the Yanks thinking they own the celebrity sex change thing like they think they own the fucking Universe.........or summat
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Deathlist Howto

    Due to stupidity I canĀ“t exactly reconstruct, I deleted it. I used my Super Admin Powers to resurrect it. I need deleting. EFA. Best fucking news we have all had.
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Deffo sounds like East Enders. Has that spin off started filming yet?
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room 101

    are you just salty becuase you're not winning. Jesus its just a game get over it, come on. Looking at your profile I see you are old enough to have a kid but instead you whine, grow up. I don't mind not winning. But I do mind losing to the likes of the teams that have already gained an insurmountable lead by picking dying nobodies. What I mind even more is that there are more valid teams than mine who will do well, but again be bashed into mediocre placings due to the aforesaid. One last thing...salty? What the fuck is that? And as for your other comment, I'm Scottish: we have our kids from 12 up you prick. Find a 14 year old telling a 28 year old there not old enough to have a kid hilarious. You could literally be his dad, given your Scottish. Grandad, if you're from Wiltshire. Great Grandad if you are from Essex
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room 101

    are you just salty becuase you're not winning. Jesus its just a game get over it, come on. Looking at your profile I see you are old enough to have a kid but instead you whine, grow up.Stop being a silly boy and look at what he is actually saying.Most of us wont win any Dead Pools ( not that we are bovvered) because we choose the obviously famous precisely because its just a (sick) game. Some of the names on peoples pools Ive never even heard of and Ive never lived in a cave. We haved seemed to move away from the fun and the frivolous to the smart arsed and the ridiculous. Its certainly an each to their own thing but... my chips called they said they want their salt back. Chips will just make you a fat and spotty wee boy.
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room 101

    are you just salty becuase you're not winning. Jesus its just a game get over it, come on. Looking at your profile I see you are old enough to have a kid but instead you whine, grow up. Stop being a silly boy and look at what he is actually saying. Most of us wont win any Dead Pools ( not that we are bovvered) because we choose the obviously famous precisely because its just a (sick) game. Some of the names on peoples pools Ive never even heard of and Ive never lived in a cave. We haved seemed to move away from the fun and the frivolous to the smart arsed and the ridiculous. Its certainly an each to their own thing but...
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Well there are not many popular shows on the BBC nowdays let alone popular ones. A regular suggests that its a show that has characters that are not in every episode so..........Eastenders?? My feeling was that it may have been one of many of the perv-like men who appear on the antique hunting programmes... Hmmmmm, well whatshisname was dropped.......................
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    Well there are not many popular shows on the BBC nowdays let alone popular ones. A regular suggests that its a show that has characters that are not in every episode so..........Eastenders??
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Jimmy Savile

    In the papers today is an article about the late John Inman who is being accused some THIRTY SEVEN years later of fiddling with a then 13 yr old boy. All of this is fucking me off a bit. The accuser is a 48 year old man who has had ample opportunity to have reported this, certainly at the time that the Savile scandal broke, but chose to sit on his hands and wait until this moth to finally come forwards. I understand that there could be a whole plethora of reasons why he didn't but, fucking hell, now???
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Terry Wogan

    I didn't rate him as an interviewer, he was way better on Radio than on the TV.
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Terry Wogan

    Wogan's death is not bigger than Bowie. Otherwise I agree with your post. He's one of the three people who I will never pick for my DDP teams (Grace Slick and June Whitfield are the other two). Perhaps I should have picked him, he'd have lasted longer then... I think YIA was pertaining to the UK for the biggest hit? I quite agree with that. Bowie was universal but Wogan was utterly integral to our society, a true broadcasting legend that reached the public in a bigger way than Bowie did. His Radio 2 shows attracted millions, his TV shows ditto and his audience was all ages and all walks of life. His like wont be seen again.
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Terry Wogan

    My Dad had a 'back problem' six months before he died of cancer. Its pretty obvious that Wogan didn't have a short battle with Cancer, he had it for way longer. It still pisses me off when I read the words 'battle' and cancer in the same sentence. Anybody who has had to witness and live through that fucking horror is painfully aware that its a one sided battle that people very rarely win when they get to a certain kind of age. Its no way to go.
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

    That will be down to flood damage Mary. Im now wondering how many of the 'Premier league of the Press' publications bothered to donate memorabilia and stuff for the News and Star site to auction off to raise funds to pay for a heater to dry the routers out? Disgraceful!!!
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

    Two names Im not sure about, one I can possibly place by location and one, well, I think I know who they are on here.
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

    I didn't think I'd miss DL but I did. I went to the FB page a couple of times but with one exception, I don't know who there is who here. If you scroll back, I think there is a post with replies where you'll get 4 or 5 names. Mines should be easy as it's the same avatar I know some of the names on that post , well most.
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    A Joke

    Its 'mammy'.
  25. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

    Well its a bit quiet and a tad cold in Canadia land this time of year, right?

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