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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Death Wishlist 2016

    get back to work. My boss would not be as direct as that, she would get someone else, two months down the line to have a go at me in the most patronising way possible while smirking smugly from the side. Smash her face in.
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Not Long To Liver

    Me too and was about to offer Christiane F as a suggestion. Aye, the lack of attention to detail around here can drive you mad. I started Deadio Times so's we could all tip each other about forthcoming tv and radio gold; but it's been overrun by others posting the deaths of minor television stars. Rant over! That was a ,sort of, cuddly wuddly rant, a bit like being given a childhood cuddle by a huge breasted great aunt or summat.
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Well I picked Jimmy Hill, just mentioning it, like..
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Deathlist Howto

    To be fair, the only chance of him getting blown is if he does a bit of DIY. PS: Ive liked lots of posts but ive run out of fuggin 'likes'................
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Complaints Department

    To be fair, the only chance of him getting blown is if he does a bit of DIY.
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Complaints Department

    Dr. Zorders, your account at DeathList Forum has been suspended for one day. Your disrupting behaviour has been going long enough. I hope you'll use the time-out well to think about how good an idea it is to call an Admin names. To be honest I'm amazed he was allowed to stay after all that shit in the terrorism thread. Apparently it's okay to insult everybody on the forum's family members, have a ten thousand page argument with Phantom with copious amount of casual racism and islamist rhetoric but god forbid you call an admin a hog dog - then you'll be banned. Classic admins only care when it's them bollocks. Margaret's on a power trip... I think think I expressed my displeasure several times. This little gem just was the final straw. Only one day? Can you not go to, maybe, 22 years??
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Deathlist Pigeon Relay System

    Why do you keep saying stuff like that (you also mentioned Savile and Harris) when you're the one who thinks child abuse is funny? I've tried to be as diplomatic about this as possible. You really need to get over that. It was shits and giggles. Japes. You know, like we used to have in the good old days before we spent most of our time trying not to get suicide bombed.... twat. Maybe if you apologise to Stephen Hawking for stealing his world drooling record he'll help you find a universe where old people dying is more of an off-limits topic than defenseless tiddlers being wrecked by jibbering Stalinist apes. Sorry I don't listen to hip-hop. Child abuse funny? Well no, not really, however the notion that a famous fiddler could turn up at your kids shindig is, well, a bit amusing. Not like it will ever happen tho, right? How do I put this without going into rant mode? That's a bit difficult with you because you are, without any shadow of a doubt, a vile and nasty cunt who needs his legs breaking and his brains spilling out through his nostrils. Its not like Im full to the brim with hate but you engender a kind of dislike and hatred that touches all corners of the globe really. You have demonstrated a knack of pissing off and irritating virtually everybody on this forum, a pretty neat trick considering its the broadest of broad churches. I never thought I would ever see the day when people like DDT and Phantom would come under fire from a complete fuck knuckle like you, they are the good guys on here, not that you would know because you paint everybody with the same shit brush you use to bullshit his way through this place. The joke is, of course, they are ten times the human you are, they are smarter, wittier and everything you so desperately would love to be, liked. As it is, I fucking hate you and so does everybody else. You bring absolutely fuck all to this forum except constant horn locking with whoever you have decided to go toe to toe with, fuck, Ive had my share of spats on here in years past but that is nothing compared to your constant fucktardiness that does bugger all good for you or for us. Can you just not take the huge hint that you ought to piss off to another forum and leave this one the fuck alone? Go on, fuck off, find another place to reinvent your self and give the rest of us a break from you. Seriously, your time here is pretty much up, only a complete cretin would soldier on regardless. Cunt.
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    30. Bob Newhart

    But is he interesting enough? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?????Damn right he is!! He is part of my childhood with his brilliant comedic stories/monologues. Shame on ya toastie, shame on ya!!!!!! Substitute "mildly amusing" for "brilliant" and I could agree with this. No!!! He was brilliant! IMHO , obviously
  9. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Not wanting to attract the glass house comment but quality is preferable to quantity Sir C. I for one do not want to hear about every US person who has ever pulled on a sports shirt who has sadly passed. Maybe if you ran that game you suggested it would keep you fully occupied. (I do like many of your posts but I skip an awful lot) Fair enough, but I don't think I've presented that in my posts. That said please feel free to erase US and insert UK in particular TV shows (and actors therein) I've never heard of and politicians ditto. SC And I get 'likes' 17% of the time. Not including the one you'll give me for this post Bibliogryphon :-) SC Maybe so, but you need to factor in the fact that there's no 'dislike' button. .............or to put it into greater perspective, 83% of your posts are probably disliked.
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    Right right .. so he was traveling to China with Kissinger and they went to a dinner or a party. Er, yes with Chinese President (well maybe not a party). You have not 'got' the utter genius of Mr Banshees Scream, have you? It took me some time but, eventually, I came to terms with it, the evidence was overwhelming. No, sorry completely over my head. Is it something to do with the song lyrics of a popular beat combo? All will become clear, eventually.
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Lower Age Limit For Forum Membership

    Nah, I will give it a miss.
  12. Seriously, we need to have a good look at some sort of age limit for this place ( yeah this thread may not be the place to discuss it) its not on having kids posting here. This is an adult forum for grown ups and twats like me, its not a place for under 18s. Honestly, Ive been to DL cons and ive really enjoyed meeting some of you but, hand on heart, Id have been less than happy to be in a boozer with members younger than my kids. I think other DL ers would have thought the same TBH. This forum isn't and shouldn't be any different, should it.
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Lower Age Limit For Forum Membership

    Entropy She stuck around.... FTFY I bet she caused chaos Not really. Her and Windsor seemed to enjoy each other's company ;-) I still think an organised forum invasion in this yuletide season would be fun. Havent ISIL or whatever got a forum that Zorders can fuck off to?
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    Right right .. so he was traveling to China with Kissinger and they went to a dinner or a party. Er, yes with Chinese President (well maybe not a party). You have not 'got' the utter genius of Mr Banshees Scream, have you? It took me some time but, eventually, I came to terms with it, the evidence was overwhelming.
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Deathlist Pigeon Relay System

    There are a gazillion wind turbines and even more solar panel 'farms' here than you could shake a stick at. Norfolk may well be a county of interbreeding specialists but it is also a county of self sufficiency.
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Deathlist Pigeon Relay System

    Well that went down a fucking storm, didn't it!! I think, possibly, he may, just may mind, gather that he is as welcome here as Gary Glitter is at a McDonalds kids party. Even my Dads death was more dignified than cunt face Zorders.
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    Now HE is a good candidate to replace Dunn. Always looked ancient, is still ( only) 73 and could go on until 123 or summat.
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room 101

    Grumpy old bastard.
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room 101

    At least they're only number ones - I often do that many plops in yhat timr Oh no they weren't - visit number one was a number one, but number two and number three were number twos.
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Cliff Michelmore

    Whoo-hoo So, does he roll over into DL 2016? Well he aint going to be running into it is he!! Poor old sod will probably more shuffle than roll tbf.
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Death Wishlist 2016

    Are there any stand up comedians left who are over 40?
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Fights Between Phantom And Dr Zorders

    Domineering Mother? Mother fixation? Father absent/waste of fucking space? Hmmm, remind you of something?
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ask A Deathlister

    Apparently there is such a limit, it may well be 10 for a 24 hour period, if I found the right setting. Nothing beats an experiment to find a fact, so I've just set it to 12. Do you get more likes? Cheers Hein, will give it a bash!! Edit: Seems to have worked!!
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Kirk Douglas

    Welcome back
  25. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ask A Deathlister

    Why am I limited to the amount of 'likes' I can give to posts??? Ive now, apparently, run out, used up all of todays or summat. Fuggin disgrace!!!

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