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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. dude I was also there and they were quite serious. Also it may interest you to know that you were one of the users they talked about banning Didn't there used to be a rule that what was said in chat, stayed in chat? I thought that only applied to PMs or private chats. Literally nybody can walk into chat and see whats just been said about them. To be honest, it would bother me not one jot if I were to be banned.This is not a real place and, here, Im not a real person or summat. When we used to do chat years back ( even using MSNchat) nobody whinged like a girl about banning people because they were rude/nasty or otherwise. It pretty much sums up the state of the forum nowdays,there are too many people bringing their proverbial handbags up to their chins in mock horror. If you dont like certain posters dont interact with them,if posters are crossing 'the line' the Mods will deal with it, not the pseudo ones. Ive never asked for anybody to be banned,even when they went way over the line and bought my personal grief to this place. Basically, grow the fuck up or piss off, the place will survive without you or me or anybody else. Seriously, its all gone a bit pathetic. I agree with everything you've said, the admins saw it differently from what I heard. But at the end of the day it's down to whoever owns the forum to decide content. since you are active now can you tell me what users were being considered for banning and the reasons Nobody specific - just the people who fling insults at random people for no reason. Doesn't take a genius to make inferrations from that. But as they pointed out, there'd be very few regular, high-volume posters left in this place if that was implemented. I hope you buy a boat with a hole in it, go out to sea and drown. Many Syrians have done that one already.
  2. dude I was also there and they were quite serious. Also it may interest you to know that you were one of the users they talked about banning Didn't there used to be a rule that what was said in chat, stayed in chat? I thought that only applied to PMs or private chats. Literally nybody can walk into chat and see whats just been said about them. To be honest, it would bother me not one jot if I were to be banned. This is not a real place and, here, Im not a real person or summat. When we used to do chat years back ( even using MSNchat) nobody whinged like a girl about banning people because they were rude/nasty or otherwise. It pretty much sums up the state of the forum nowdays,there are too many people bringing their proverbial handbags up to their chins in mock horror. If you dont like certain posters dont interact with them,if posters are crossing 'the line' the Mods will deal with it, not the pseudo ones. Ive never asked for anybody to be banned,even when they went way over the line and bought my personal grief to this place. Basically, grow the fuck up or piss off, the place will survive without you or me or anybody else. Seriously, its all gone a bit pathetic.
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Fuck that, we should, instead, discuss who would win in a fight between Ali and Stephen Hawking.Hey, now there is an idea, what about Pistorious ( without his legs) V Verne Troyer! They would be nearly the same height and have the same mobility so that could be a real ding dong!!! Hawking wins because he asks one of his assistants to knock out Ali. The other fight pastorus would win because he would cut troyer with his blades No, no blades, just hand to hand combat, or in Hawkings case hand to wheelchair combat.
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Fuck that, we should, instead, discuss who would win in a fight between Ali and Stephen Hawking. Hey, now there is an idea, what about Pistorious ( without his legs) V Verne Troyer! They would be nearly the same height and have the same mobility so that could be a real ding dong!!!
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    National treasure Stephen Fry is a fraudster who's actually intelligence isn't as high as QI makes out. Some of us were calling Fry a cunt back in 2009 darling. Must try harder. http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3487&page=34 Blimey, that one was a blast from the past, we must mourn those who are still MIA, aye .
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ask A Deathlister

    Wasn't too keen on Anal Gang Bang 2 tbh, you didn't give the role enough gravitas Lardy.
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ask A Deathlister

    Depends if you have to read them or write them. Don't ever take more than the recommended dose of paracetamol. It will kill you slowly after destroying your liver. There are more worthwhile and fun ways to do that when you are a bit older. This might be better but your parents may be my age and will remember it. I was imploring my daughter to watch that film!!!!! Brilliant stuff!!
  8. This is the broadest church out there. If you remove the abuse you will remove a lot of good posters along with the shit ones. Its not broken so leave it alone.
  9. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Name Shame?

    Why???? It aint going to make your posts any better or any worse is it??? Do you randomly change your real name? I don't get this fetish for changing a fucking cyber name, its not like we are Second Life or owt.
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Z Cars

    Things were ruined when Eastenders decided to cast Wellard the dog. I could never separate Welland from Wellard.
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Fidel Castro

    Is he dead yet?
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room 101

    I always thought it was pronounced 'Cunt' as in, er, C U N T. Jusss a lil joke there..........
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    List Of Dead Commies

    Cant say I knew much about the fella, apart from knowing that his was THE aftershave of choice in the 1970s.
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    No fireworks. There is nothing else but hell and and that's all there is and what if there is a hell with you. Banshee, my dear, did you go off and get saved while I was gone? Seriously, Ive come to realise that BS has a reality that is true and proper and stuff, its ours that are skewed.
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    For a moment I thought I had gone into some fucking great big timewarp and found myself on the pages of DL several years back into the past.
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Lookie Likey

    Rik Mayall Carol Vordeman
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Plane, Train And Automobile Crashes

    There is already a film on LL showing a passenger airline being downed by the missile of an Islamist group. Possibly bollocks but there is form for shooting down passenger jets.
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Judith Versus Joni

    Aye, in response to the above and by way of aiding the 99.9% of the world's population who haven't a fucking clue who she is, this is the online home of the legend that is Judith Durham: http://judithdurham.com/home/ I find it all rather sad. Its like saying that you have never heard of Simon Dee or Mary Quant. A whole generation and some who view the 1960s in the same way as id view the 1860s. Its an age thing, right?
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Awake, coherent and making perfect sense...at 7.50AM You fucking legend!!!!! Fuck off, I'd been awake and playing bingo on my phone since 5 fucking 30. Hence why I rested my head on my desk at work and dropped off for a second at about 11 Are there any sneak pics out there with you snoring, dribbling and your left Tit hanging out like a water filled ballooooooon??
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Awake, coherent and making perfect sense...at 7.50AM You fucking legend!!!!!
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Oh look Sir Creep is a moaning fuck who can't remember his own password. Did u just 'like' your own post? That's something for you to seriously consider , liking your own posts. Nobody else does.
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Judith Versus Joni

    The Seekers are a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. Personally Judiffffff shits all over Joni, although I do own her album 'Blue' which, yeah, its good. Judifffffff to hang on long after Joni has turned.......blue.
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Lara Roxx

    Picture taken a few minutes before Wayne Rooney arrived! There is no end to your genius Mary!! Yes, IIRC, she was 84 and her grand daughter was on the X Factor or summat???
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Room 101

    I couldn't agree more. In fact I think I've had a recent rant about that myself somewhere on these pages. It's another of those emotional Americanisms. See below. I confess I don't mind 'lose' and 'loss' so much, because 'to lose' can mean to be deprived of something. The one I don't like is 'passed'. Especially when it's used alone, without the traditional 'away' or 'on'. Sorry if it's been mentioned before but the one that gets me is the proliferation of "proms" instead of school dances, or indeed in my day school disco. (Maybe we should take this to the language thread again ha ha!). I can understand the derivation, but I personally dislike the terminology. I always thought a prom was short for promenade, like a stroll along the seafront. Mind you, we never even had school discos in my day. Not that I would have gone if we did, cos it was a girls' school The days of Six Five Special Toastie? Perhaps Marie Lloyd???

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