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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    I'd opt for June Brown out of that lot. We weren't enquiring about your sexual preferences!! There are people you do make sexual innuendo references with and there are people that, well, you just don't..........................
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Political Frailty

    The television news reports were all fairly open about unanswered questions where Sir Leon was concerned, and that's on the day his death was announced. They may be even less respectful tomorrow. To be fair, the good old Daily Mail managed to sneak a few digs at useless lefties and the like into their coverage (which suggested a witch hunt against poor old Leon). To be fair Mary, well, er, he did LOOK a bit like, ya know. Didn't he?
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    You've got to actually find a picture of them tumbling for a decent effect. Otherwise it just looks like a picture of you and your Norfolk pals trying to hitch a lift to the Foghat gig..... Oh and there was plenty of posts in the previous politics thread before it got inexplicably wiped. =/ Sorry, living in Norfolk means im not as hip as you, Ive never hear of fogtwat or whatever their name is. Also, to be fair, my bollocks aren't as hairy as the average tumbleweed.
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    While I agree that playing the same character forever doesn't show a wide acting range, being purely pragmatic it makes sense to stay in a regular well-paid job that you enjoy doing for as long as possible for security reasons.Anyway, Deirdre was involved in most of the best Corrie storylines I can remember - Rovers lorry crash where Tracey was missing, Ken/Mike affair, the whole Samir thing, and going to prison.She'll be missed. Possibly not the finest example to be fair. That was a cringing plot and the fella that played Samir was so wooden it looked like somebody had left a fence on the Street. Hey, her specs live on, right? I still watched it in those days. Was it ever explained why she pronounced his name "Shamir" for ages and then suddenly started calling him "Samir"? Ha! Yes, quite right Toastie, mind you what did he call her? Deeeeeeeeeeeerrdreeeeeeeeeeee!! All Bollocks, I mean, he didn't even fleece her did he!!!!
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    While I agree that playing the same character forever doesn't show a wide acting range, being purely pragmatic it makes sense to stay in a regular well-paid job that you enjoy doing for as long as possible for security reasons.Anyway, Deirdre was involved in most of the best Corrie storylines I can remember - Rovers lorry crash where Tracey was missing, Ken/Mike affair, the whole Samir thing, and going to prison.She'll be missed. Possibly not the finest example to be fair. That was a cringing plot and the fella that played Samir was so wooden it looked like somebody had left a fence on the Street. Hey, her specs live on, right?
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Gary Glitter

    This is quite interesting, a manic depressive trying to kill somebody and not themselves. A, sort of, munchausens by proxy suicide or summat. In the loosest possible terms, naturally.
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Wilko Johnson

    I didn't know that Toastie, mind you I don't watch it to be fair.......... Oh, it's great. As long as you can tolerate the violent deaths, blood and gore, incest, swearing, full frontal nudity, sex, torture and tits. Wilko's character has had his tongue torn out, so he didn't have any lines to learn. Sounds like Norfolk Toastie!!
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Fidel Castro

    Did you know Dr Zorders is an anagram of Massive Twat? Gotta love the English language! lol And youse is "Roll, Flee, Old Onanist!" So roll off innit, flabby (probably) Im lots of things but im not flabby!!
  9. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Wilko Johnson

    I didn't know that Toastie, mind you I don't watch it to be fair..........
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Dead Of 2015

    "Tootsie pops" "Juinor" mints "Sugar Daddy".... Hmmm, something of the Jimmy Harris/Rolf Savile about all that
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Fidel Castro

    Did you know Dr Zorders is an anagram of Massive Twat? Gotta love the English language!
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    Susan Maughan, I was always led to believe, had a great rack. This aside, its typical of The British to endow fame on somebody that couldn't sing THAT well and could only take that damn record to number two! IIRC, It wasn't even an original song either!
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    That UK Election Thing

    If the SNP thought they would get a tick in their box they would give afterbirth the vote.
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    No she was 60, her neck was 84 Handy.
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    That UK Election Thing

    Agreed. This'll be the first general election I can vote in if some if you want to feel old. No idea where my cross is going at the minute. Holy fuck...
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    That UK Election Thing

    Agreed. This'll be the first general election I can vote in if some if you want to feel bored. No idea where my cross is going at the minute. I'm voting for whichever party wants to make the biggest pension cuts to Norfolk telephone-pole spanner-monkeys. We are no more likely to use spanners on telephone poles than you are to use a meat hook to wipe your arse with.
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Oldest People

    She's immobile and under a blanket, she might say she feels like a 70 year old but I'm not seeing her waddling down the Post Office to grab her place in the pension queue. She's one of ours however much she protests. So am I most of the time, and you don't see people picking me as their bloody joker, do you? That would be because you would, probably, be pissed and kebab bound Lardy.
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Fidel Castro

    Is he dead yet?
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    A Joke

    Was it REALLY worth getting up that early to post such a massively shite joke?
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Dead Of 2015

    Not sad or shocking to me, Ive never heard of him. You Kangaroo scrotum muncher.
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Rolling "dr Zorders Makes An Edgy Post" Thread

    Only a thousand? I see Lord Auto-Asphyxiated Fellatio Nelson has come out of hiding to go suck himself. If only I could! Im not as supple as I used to be Deathtwat. If we started a needless thread to mock LFN we could call it Fellatio's Going Down Not that we'd ever dream of such, like. I shall always bow to your greatness Mary.
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Rolling "dr Zorders Makes An Edgy Post" Thread

    Only a thousand? I see Lord Auto-Asphyxiated Fellatio Nelson has come out of hiding to go suck himself. If only I could! Im not as supple as I used to be Deathtwat.
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    The Dead Of 2015

    I was half expecting that, bless you. Thing is, no matter how much you talk me up, I still only get about 15 out 50. It would be a fluke to have more that say 25 out of 50 and damn near impossible to approach the 50 unless some mega programme were built to crunch the numbers with such accuracy that left no power to keep the lights on. Oooo I love it when you start talking numbers! I think that 25 is nearly impossible, especially with the level of fame that the Committee members use. In the pool that I am in where you pick 68 names (with similar fame thresholds), the record is 27 hits and that is for all entries since 1972. You could maybe get near 25 if you made the list of anyone that will get an Obit (so the DDP rules). Although a list of 50 Kate Grangers would not be very interesting. Aye, maybe interesting but it means nowt unless you have a folder rammed with names and statistics. RA has such a folder, some of us have seen it and its contents. Its dedication to deadpooling above and beyond all reason. The man is a legend, Fact.
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Rolling "dr Zorders Makes An Edgy Post" Thread

    Only a thousand?

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