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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Everything posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    City Breaks

    We've met? Quote: ...."so you can save your money and be your 'cheap usual self'...." I do hope that you are not saying that DLs very own and much loved "Cheeky Monkey" is an old Tight Wad.
  2. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    FFS, the man is 85 years old, is there ANY point cutting back anything?
  3. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Fidel Castro

    Can we be sure that he actually has seen it? Cuba is still very much a nation of the old traditions of Communism, you couldnt put it past them to do the old smoke and mirrors bit until they have a plan in place. I reckon he died a while back.
  4. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    City Breaks

    You've never been to Stafford then. You, clearly, are both very hard to please.
  5. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2007

    An absolute monstrosity of a game!! Less than 7 yards. Far too frustrating to play at this time of day.
  6. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Famous Last Words

    ......"Guess what?" " "I met Michael Barrymore yesterday" " He has invited me to a party at his house tonight, and he said that I could go in his Swimming Pool..............."
  7. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    City Breaks

    Can I go travelling with you next time?
  8. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Forum Upgrade

    Well it looks ok, mind you it worked ok before didnt it? Some people have to keep fiddling.......
  9. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Death List Convention

    You know what NAP? I actually think you may be onto something.
  10. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Is DL Corrupting Your Morals?

    In a moment of boredom today I decided to see if I could access DL from my works Laptop. My firm has a well defined Firewall which blocks anything deemed "unsavoury". Suprise, suprise it blocked DL for the reason that it was "Tasteless"!!!!! I have to confess that I thought that was pretty damn funny, why, I could name people here who have exceptional taste. Is this a common occourence?
  11. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    Kin ell, those things are too much like hard work. Fair play to you Harry for putting your hand up to do one but, I should imagine, you will need eyes up your arse if you dont want to miss out on points. Id much rather watch and enjoy the real thing. I was in the van today and I was thinking "F**k me, the season starts Saturday!!!" and for a few seconds it was like being five years old on Christmas Eve again. F*****g Magic!
  12. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Oliver Norvill Hardy

    To me, Laurel and Hardy are THE greatest double act ever. From the moment I first saw them as a boy to the present day old git that I am, I still laugh hysterically when watching them. Considering their fame, It took me months to actually track down a book about them, and that book had originally been published years and years ago. Morecambe and Wise were brilliant ( well, Eric Morecambe was) but the rest were just very pale imitations of what a great comic double act should be. PS: I do remember " Cheese and Onion" a very short lived pile of cack that copied every double act there has ever been, badly.
  13. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Chris Langham

    If he has not practiced loosening his sphincter, Big Bubba his cell mate certainly will. Do think he would rather be Mummy or Daddy His only hope is that he enjoys it!!! Hell mend him To rework an old joke: Langham: Um, I'm your new cell mate. Big Bubba: Do you wanna be mummy or daddy? Langham (thinking quickly): Um, if I have to choose I think I'd rather be daddy. Big Bubba: Okay, come here and suck mummy's cock. Cheers, BHB
  14. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Most Significant Death For Every Year From 1963 To Present

    Best not to. Never mind, Nighty, some of us got it. . Im obviously not trendy enough, didnt get it, now Ive seen it I still dont. As funny as herpes.
  15. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    The beginning of the end, according to my calculations, would be around July the third 2005. Thanks. You hand me far more credit than I'm due. Perhaps you could organise a cull of anyone who posts more than once a week? How's your slutty workmate? Shagged her yet or are you still wiating for her to see sense? I've come to the conclusion that she is mad. Last week she told us that she was down in London last year. Whilst there, she went clubbing with Princes William and Harry, and had drinks with a crowned Queen. As well as that, the Queen Mother was also there - quite odd given that she died 4 years before hand. Besides - she only goes for older men. Or should I say it is only older men who go for her - if you catch my drift. Have you shagged my mum yet? No. Although going by your discription, I did hear that she had been causing quite a bit of fuss in our harbour. I'll wager that your harbour visitor smelt nicer than my mum. Is this the record for the most quotes in a post yet? Depends. Is there a category for that in the monkey awards? don't know but I thought I would add this to get us nearer the record. If one exists... Isn't this just chain-post whoring? It could be like the Seven Wonders of Deathlist. The Drunk? Bored? Pyramid, the Great Thread of Dicky O' etc. In answer to honez question, no - it wouldn't. Oh, okay. Just thought I'd ask. It's nice to ask Damn, I came in drunk at 345 this morning and forgot to post on the Drunk? Bored? thread. So I best do it now instead. Bum, what happened there? i am desperately trying to work out what the hell this thread is about. Ive tried it sober and now im trying it pissed but I am still none the wiser.
  16. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Most Significant Death For Every Year From 1963 To Present

    Oh, MC, for you, who was the most significant death of all?
  17. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Most Significant Death For Every Year From 1963 To Present

    Ah, good work Cheeky Monkey!! As for Helen from Neighbours, you will have to refresh me, who did she stroke?
  18. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ronnie Biggs

    Thanks for that incisive insight BS. Ronnie Biggs is one of those "Pound of Flesh" cases where the British establishment, who he for a long time made Donkeys of, decided that, irrespective of the fact that he was a very old and frail man, would serve his time....and let that be a lesson to you all. He was a small time crook who was on the fringe of the Robbery ( my personal view) so let him go. PS: Perhaps he should plead senile dementia, It worked for Pinochet.
  19. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    O of O, an answer. I think you might be right, actually. The Davis sale was a strange one and I'm still puzzled by the sales of Samuel and McCann. Then to let Angel (our previous record signing) to go on a free, along with Djemba-Djemba (sic?) without trying to recoup a bean does seem bad business. Okay, they were both crap but I'm sure we could have got something for 'em. My earlier post was fuelled by hungover bravado, I fear. Yes, yesterday was a mere friendly and I have gotten carried away over a result gained against a bunch of Italians who didn't really get out of second gear unless it meant booting one of our boys three foot in the air. You can't blame us Villa fans. Doug's gone, we've got a billionaire in charge of the purse strings and we still aren't spending, whilst flogging off a whole starting eleven. We were led to believe that this is a brave new dawn, but it would appear we'll be scraping around the bargain bins during the course of the next week. Is it any wonder I drink? Cheers, BHB Do you want me to pass you down a shovel?
  20. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Most Significant Death For Every Year From 1963 To Present

    Probably already "Googled" but, I assume, Moe Howard was one of the "Three Stooges".
  21. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    I would like to forward the name of Roger Moore to the 2008 possibles. Well now, the old fella is 80 in October. The last time I saw him he really was begining to look very old. Due for consideration?
  22. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Death List Convention

    40 eh? I had no idea that there were 40 squaddies spare, what with you all out there in Iraq and Afghanistan. PS: If you do come down, if you see somebody heavily made up with Basque, stockings etc, that will be me. PPS: Anybody care to guess what member posted this?
  23. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Most Significant Death For Every Year From 1963 To Present

    Best not to.
  24. Lord Fellatio Nelson

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Thanks LG, I know im not the only one to read these books but its nice to know that someone else here does too!! Mono, Sorry, that all went way above my head, can you expand on your reply?
  25. Lord Fellatio Nelson


    Well, the mighty Yids are on a roll again. Unbeaten in a pre season friendly for, oh a long time now, we shall be pushing for a top four spot. I shall be down at White Hart Lane again this season to loose my voice and to see how all that money thats been spent looks on the pitch. Thank God the season is only a week away. Unfortunately I shall be in Amsterdam next Weekend so unless somebody knows of any bars that have Sky, I shall miss the live game away to Sunderland Anybody know a good Bar?

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