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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Posts posted by Lord Fellatio Nelson

  1. On 08/07/2023 at 12:55, YoungWillz said:


    Moving these posts here as this is probably where they belong.


    The why is the most important thing for me. Though more accurately why would Oswald do it? If the preponderance of eyewitness testimony and physical evidence (brains all over the back of the car) is that the fatal shot was from the front, then Oswald didn't do it. Again, eyewitness testimony from a police officer puts Oswald on the first floor within 90 seconds of the shooting. So he's hidden the gun, come down 5 storeys and isn't out of breath or sweating or shaking or excited within that period, having just murdered the most important man in the world?


    Again, it's the evidence of folk actually there I'd like to believe. If you strip away all the Oswald history, the pro Cuba and anti Cuba stuff, his Marxism history etc etc that puts the bias in folks heads and look at the testimony of what happened on the day, it doesn't fit. Apparently the actual evidence of him shooting Tippet the cop doesn't fit either - he's sitting in a movie theater (sic) eating popcorn when that shooting takes place - and at least three of the four bullets in Tippet could not have come from Oswald's revolver.


    I just don't want to get into all the speculation, myself. There's too many connections, too many claimed real stories, actual evidence ignored etc etc. If pushed, I think Oswald knew he was being set up to take the fall for some third party, potentially in some official capacity. He possibly let one of the real gunmen into the depository. He would have been assured the evidence wouldn't stack up against him and the authorities would make sure he walked free with a very nice protection package. 


    But again, that's just a guess - the evidence told by your actual witnesses just doesn't tally with the official verdict and until someone can make it do so, it's up for debate.


    You are right though, we'll never know.

    It has already been established that the gun Oswald used could not have been fired in quick succession at the speed it needed to be done to be the murder weapon. It also lacked the accuracy required to be certain of a hit that would be fatal.

    These tests were carried out by expert marksmen.


    A documentary, quite some time back, focussed on the grassy knoll and a car parking area, secluded, at the top of it. It was secluded enough and close enough to have fired the bullets to the FRONT of Kennedys head. They even found a photo and using, at the time, up to date technology, traced a shadowy figure at the top of the knoll at the time Kennedy was shot. 

    There is no doubt that Oswald, a decent marksman, fired his gun and he may even have hit Kennedy, but not the volume of shots. It wasn't possible. .  

    Whether he believed that he was the sole assassin or was aware that he was the decoy, we shall never know.

    Who killed him? The Mafia? I don't see it. If it had come out that they had, the law enforcement agencies would have gone to war with them in a way they had not done since, well, Al Capone. Why kill him and then live under the prospect of being unable to do what you were doing before? Doesn't make sense.

    Was it his own security services? Probably. 



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    • Facepalm 2

  2. 2 hours ago, BuffaloPhil said:


    It is the fastest ever, although I believe it's possible that there may have been a quicker one in one of the very early finals when these things weren't measured.



    I was very sceptical when his name was first mentioned, but the more I read about him the more excited I get. I'm now (cautiously) very optimistic about this appointment.

    Yeah, we will now be putting the ENIC OUT banners away and stop chanting 'Levy Out' on the terraces.

    That is the c**ts 12th appointment, seriously, I am all out of fucks to give now.

    They may as well put Schofield in charge for all I care.

  3. On 12/05/2023 at 21:54, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Elsewhere, on't web, Lardy was convincing me that he was dead and they were just waiting for the right time to announce it.


    See? Lardy was bang on!:D

    • Like 1

  4. 2 hours ago, markb4 said:

    OK Magazine mentioning how Dick Van Dyke's inner circle is worried about his health.


    I tend to ignore this, but an interesting fact is they also mentioned he had a concussion during his recent car crash. Was that news mentioned anywhere?



    Look, he is 97 years old.

    His health is going to deteriorate, he is going to die.

    The End

    • Like 5

  5. 3 hours ago, prussianblue said:


    Sudan has great mineral wealth, a growing economy and a population of over 45 million. Hardly inconceivable that people might want or need to go there for reasons of business, teaching, charity work, etc. etc.

    It's a crap hole that has spent more years than I care to remember in civil war. You want to do business there? Want to teach? Do a bit of 'charidee? On your head be it, don't expect the Government to bail you out of the shit.

    The only people that needed to be there were Government employees.

    The End.

    Edit: If you think I'm just blowing air out of my arse hole, speak to the multitude of Sudanese refugees who now live in the UK.

    • Like 3

  6. 20 minutes ago, Vinegar Tits said:

    Maria Charles, probably best known as Maureen Lipman's mother in 'Agony', has apparently died. Posted from a usually very reliable Facebook group.


    She ought to get an obit as she was the go-to Jewish mother until Maureen Lipman and Lesley Josrph got older, plus had a very distinguished stage career too.  (And she's a unique pick for me).


    I thought she died years ago.

  7. 6 hours ago, YoungWillz said:



    Sunak has arranged the evacuation of all diplomatic staff and their families from Sudan.


    Phew, that should be a great relief to all the British nationals left in Sudan who don't even have access to consular/embassy support at all. He's abandoned them.

    You mean all of the Sudanese who became dual nationals when they fled Sudan to escape certain death but have just popped back to see their cousin Mohamed for a couple of weeks.

  8. 1 hour ago, wannamaker said:


    I hate being a Spurs fan, I've had some terrible weeks and Tottenham just made them worse. Hope Kane and Son leave, they're too good to stay in this shite club. Can't imagine what the away fans must feel, travelling all the way to Newcastle just to see this shameful performance.

    Yeah, all those absolute fucking idiots, travelling 100s of miles to unfurl ENIC out banners and chant 'Levy Out'.

    No wonder we are an absolute fucking shit show.

    • Like 1

  9. 34 minutes ago, Sideik said:

    Well, as a non-british contestant for the ddp I find interesting to see at a glance the people who get qualifying obits, it can be a source of inspiration I think

    I take it you don't get out much then....

  10. 8 hours ago, Spade_Cooley said:

    Historical figures who would have been deadpoolers? Recently learned that Michael Bentine fell into a coma as a child after being injected with typhoid, and upon coming out of it developed a "skill" - he could tell when people were going to die in the next six weeks, as when he looked at them they had a skull superimposed over their face. This made his time in the Air Force during WW II particularly unnerving.

    This begs the obvious, if not stupid question: The last time he looked in a mirror, before his death, did he see a skull superimposed on his own face?

  11. Not either of those but a similar kind of site. Thank you both for having a look around to find it!

    As I said it may well be clickbait, although it would not be unfair to say that those 'dubious' news/entertainment sites have, in the past, delivered updates ahead of mainstream ones.

    • Like 1

  12. 22 hours ago, msc said:


    Obligatory link: familiar unknown (familiar-unknown.blogspot.com)


    Latest post on Jean Marsh, one of my all time favourites. Brilliant actress. Sadly in very poor health nowadays though. 


    This forum may have its ups and downs over the years but I think we've always shown the proper respect to old actors and sports people who might fall off the radar elsewhere.

    I had a bit of a thing for Jean Marsh as a teen.

    When she goes it will be a sad day for me.


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