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Lord Football

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Everything posted by Lord Football

  1. Lord Football

    John Spencer

    How about snooker person John Spencer. According to The Scum he has stomach cancer and is "going to let nature take it's course".
  2. Lord Football

    Your DDP 2009 Entries

    Alex Higgins Allegra Versace Annette Funicello Bhumibol Adulyadej Billy Graham Bobby Robson Ertul Osman Osmanoglu Farah Fawcett Arthur McIntyre Gough Whitlam HRH Jean Benoit Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano Liz Dawn Melissa Bell Norman Wisdom Richard Attenborough Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo Than Shwe Wendy Richard Yitzhak Shamir Zsa Zsa Gabor Versace being the joker. Castrol will never die. Sharon will never be turneed off. And Thatcher would just be a wish list.
  3. Lord Football

    You Have Comparison

    Ha ha ha ha ...... I've been here years and never noticed this thread! Problem is, ours is based on the most popular picks in our game as opposed to a group of people who trawl the internet sniffing out cancer suffers and the like, Added to that ours was age based (like DDP) so we didn't get a lot of 90+. So you are always going to get sufficient gumballs who think the Queen is a possibility when those of us who know what's what wouldn't touch her with a barge poll and people like Winehouse et al are very popular with the yuffs. But yes, we got our arses kicked this year. I am not running it next year, someone else is going to have a go. But I will come up with a TFF 50, so you can mock me for the next 12 months.
  4. Lord Football

    2009 DDP

    Present or past? That would rule out Stan Collymore for one.... Stan's immortal, so no point in going for him anyway.
  5. Lord Football

    2009 DDP

    Why not just use Wikipedia? Ok, so you'd be allowing pretty much anyone but even Wiki has certain standards for their articles, so we wouldn't end up with someone's mum or the bloke next door being allowed on DDP. The art of DDP I've always thought is doing the research and then pitting that research against several hundred similarly sick pups. The dying is an addition. So, my view, if someone can do the research and the grim reaper does the rest, then the points should count. In the DP I run (Fantasy Funerals on TFF for any footie fans out there), my only criteria is that the person selected must have an entry on Wikipedia. That way it stops anyone entering one post mortem and if the individual passes the wiki criteria, who am I to enter. I'd also stop any selections of people who are over 100, people who play in The Pogues and Southend United footballers.
  6. Lord Football

    Magnus Magnusson

    A very late sub for my DDP thanks to Ford croaking. Shame really, he was a bit of an icon.
  7. Lord Football

    Gerald Ford

    Or someone assassinates GW Bush. We can but hope.
  8. Lord Football

    Saddam Hussein

    On the basis that a. the crime he has been found guilty of occured in 1982 and b. he was being armed by the UK Government at the time Thatcher is also implicated and therefore should be hung from her scrawny neck until dead too. And yes, Goering did request a firing squad on the basis that was how soldiers should be executed. The Nurenburg Court thought otherwise.
  9. Lord Football


    Sol isn't gay. He does however like 40 year old mingers. If it is gay footballers you seek, look at Everton's midfield, a former Italian at Chelsea, an young ex Arsenal winger now with Birmingham (I think) and a black tv pundit who speaks perfect english.....
  10. Lord Football

    Aaron Spelling

    That has to be about the best post on this entire forum.
  11. Lord Football

    What Happens...?

    Right, we had this problem in a death pool I ran years ago. We played on who got to three snuffers first. So... On Friday Sir John Mills falls down the stairs. He breaks his neck, but as he lived alone no one notices. On Saturday, Jimmy Saville "sadly" passes away and it is announced amidst much celebration on the national news. On Monday Hayley goes to see Dad. Maybe to get him some milk and cheese and finds him in a state of decay at the bottom of the stairs. The papers run with the story on Tuesday. However, Jimmy has been announced first and the money would have been paid out on that news (yeah, we won money on the dead. My bad). So, the way I see it, it is when it gets announced that should count. As for times zones. That is somewhat irrelevant. It's what date gets hammered onto your headstone (or urn) that would count.
  12. Lord Football

    John Spencer

    John Spencer the snooker player. A nasty bout of the big C.
  13. Lord Football

    Margaret Thatcher

    This could just be the best Xmas Present ever...................
  14. Lord Football

    George Best

    I think the question should be phrased "will he see the week out".
  15. Lord Football

    Michael Jackson

    I just wait for him to release "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles"!
  16. Lord Football

    John Delorean

    The alleged cocaine selling car maker, John Delorean kicks the stainless steel bucket. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...s/obit_delorean
  17. Lord Football

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    But not if he using dial access or certain cable based companies such as NTL. On another forum we once blocked an IP and in doing so managed to disnefranchise Northern Ireland. No great shakes really.
  18. Lord Football

    Sister Lucia

    Go and turn the other cheek then.........

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