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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Toast

    Guess The Song

    Nope. I don't think Joe Meek was a recording artist, was he? The artist(s) in this case had many hits. And had a hand in the hit cover version.
  2. Toast

    Guess The Song

    Good shout, but that's not it.
  3. Toast

    Guess The Song

    No, it wasn't released as a single in the 60s by the original artist, and not a hit for them.
  4. Toast

    Guess The Song

    How very defeatist. Of course it can't be "anything". It's restricted to UK No 1's for a start. I'll clarify that it was a No 1 in the 1960s as my phrasing didn't make it obvious.
  5. Toast

    Derby Dead Pool 2019

    I'm considering submitting a theme team called "People That Normal People Have Actually Heard Of".
  6. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/dec/07/my-life-in-sex-enormous-penis Not so much the article, more the comments 563 of them
  7. Toast

    Who Should Be On The 2019 Deathlist?

    To be fair, Ronnie Wood was a reasonable pick at the time as he was known to have lung cancer and was quoted as saying he wouldn't have chemo because he didn't want to lose his hair. The news of his remission (if that's the right word) came later.
  8. I'd be extremely glad to see most of those banned just for being horribly twee.
  9. Toast

    Passed-Punks & No-Wavers

    No fucking way. Gutted.
  10. Toast

    The World of the Snowflake

    AND charging a lot less than the supermarkets
  11. Toast

    The World of the Snowflake

    Utter nonsense. I've never claimed to be a feminist, and I read this without guilt while I happened to be eating scrambled eggs. Eggs which come from free-range hens at a farm in the next village are delivered to my door every week. I have no plans to change this arrangement.
  12. Toast

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Many modest social events have been killed off by over-strict health & safety rules, and the obligation to have expensive insurance for everything.
  13. Toast

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    They're all fucking useless, as far as I can tell.
  14. Toast

    Sir David Attenborough

    Very perceptive observation to make about a 92 year person.
  15. Toast

    World's Oldest

    "On Saturday she fell victim to a swallowing problem" Which one of those chocolates did her in, I wonder.
  16. Imagine if they'd tried that with Donna Summer's 'State Of Independence' which had a star-studded backing choir including Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Dionne Warwick, Lionel Richie and many more.
  17. Toast

    The Joker's Dead Pool 2018

    Lots of people picked Bush too, including me. Just mentioning it because there's a typo in the masterlist (yo instead of to) Mine so far (I think): Alcock, Paul Bannister, Roger Bush Sr, George Caballe, Montserrat Cappotelli, Matt Carrington, Peter Fabray, Nanette Francis, Dean Goodwin, Vanessa Graham, Rev Billy Jowell, Tessa (joker) Kit, Barys McCain, John (joker) Miller, Liam Rae, Charlotte Shore, Mitzi
  18. Toast

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    My most shocking death of a friend was one who died of one of those undiagnosed heart defects. Went to bed one night right as rain, and never woke up. Only 30.
  19. Toast

    The 13th Death of 2018

    December could be tragic again?
  20. Toast

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    They must be due for another one, surely?
  21. Toast


    But he hasn't.
  22. Toast


    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-46397858 Noel .... said his wife initially bought him a black cab and that, by driving in bus lanes, he shaved an hour off his commute. While he said this was "totally legal", he told campmates that after the council installed CCTV in bus lanes, he got a ticket. "So having got the ticket, I didn't take my cab in the bus lane," he said. "I did what any sane person would do. I bought a bus. I've a Routemaster bus." I think you can all guess the word I would use to describe this person.
  23. Marmite is probably indestructible.

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