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Everything posted by GracieJc8

  1. GracieJc8

    Oral Roberts

    His wife Evelyn died today at 88 in a California hospital of a head injury.
  2. GracieJc8

    Dick Clark

    I haven't heard anything on Clark's condition recently. I assume he is about the same?
  3. GracieJc8

    Joey Bishop, 89

    Joey Bishop b. 1917 is the last surviving member of Frank Sinatra's famous 'Rat Pack'. Sinatra, Dino, Sammy, and Peter Lawford are all gone just leaving Joey. Bishop turns 88 this year, could be one to keep an eye on.
  4. GracieJc8

    Lady Bird Johnson

    I am starting to believe that maybe Lady Bird Johnson's death will not be as big a story as I had previously thought. I mean she left the White House 36 years ago and her husband has been dead since 1973. A lot of Americans either weren't born when they were in the White House or were too small to remember them being there. I mean when Mrs. Nixon died that story was buried inside most of the major newspapers and only briefly mentioned on the tv news. If Lady Bird were a more recent first lady who had been in the public eye until now (and she has not), she might recieve more coverage. But again I doubt she will recieve much, maybe the NYT front page in the lower corner.
  5. GracieJc8

    Mason Adams dies

    Actor Mason Adams died on Tuesday of natural causes at his Manhatten home. He was 86. He played Charlie Hume, Lou Grant's boss on the TV series "Lou Grant". He was also narrator of the Smucker's jam comercials. But I personally will remember him for his role as the hilarious grouchy grandfather in the Pauly Shore film "Son in Law".
  6. GracieJc8

    Gerald Ford

    That could be a possibility. It's happened before. In 1994 Richard Nixon and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis died about 3 weeks apart and less than a year after Nixon's wife Pat had died.
  7. GracieJc8

    Lady Bird Johnson

    Thanks for the info...keep us posted.
  8. GracieJc8

    Lady Bird Johnson

    Found a site for a local news station in Austin, TX Last month Lady Bird and George Bush Sr. and Barbara recieved a distinguished citizen award for the state of Texas. Both Bushs were there to accept, but Luci Johnson accepted for her mother. Apparently Lady Bird was already too ill to attend.
  9. GracieJc8

    Lady Bird Johnson

    Absolutely! But I've got a feeling that won't happen. If DLO does in fact have a connection close to the Johnson family, I suspect the news of Mrs. Johnson's death will come pretty soon, at the latest by the end of the year. Deathlist should have had her on the list instead of Betty Ford. If they can only have one president and one first lady, Lady Bird would have been the better choice. Would probably have been a Deathlist success for 2005.
  10. GracieJc8

    Gerald Ford

    Thanks, that was pretty interesting. I recall seeing something about that on a 'Biography' segment about Rockefeller, but had forgotten the girl's name and wasn't sure whatever became of her.
  11. GracieJc8

    Gerald Ford

    Site also has a pic of Nelson Rockefeller's grave. Maybe I'm mistaken, but didn't he die in bed with his girlfriend in 1979?
  12. GracieJc8

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    John Paul Stevens b. 1920 U.S. Supreme Court justice since 1975. Ironically he was the only appointee of Death Lister Gerald Ford.
  13. GracieJc8

    Lady Bird Johnson

    www.americanpresidents.org/grantstomb/ This site shows burial places of presidents and their wives. There are 2 pics of the LBJ gravesite at the LBJ ranch family cemetary. Mrs. Johnson will be buried to the former president's left.
  14. GracieJc8

    Gerald Ford

    www.americanpresidents.org/grantstomb/gford/ There are 2 pics of Gerald Ford's gravesite in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  15. GracieJc8

    Lady Bird Johnson

    Very interesting, I'll have to keep CNN on to watch for any news on her. If this does happen, I believe it will indeed be a big miss for the list.
  16. GracieJc8

    Rosa Parks

    It will be interesting to see if Mrs. Parks makes it through to the end of this year. I say that because December will be the 50th anniversary of her arrest and the begining of the Montgomery bus boycott.
  17. GracieJc8

    Charles Manson

    Hmm that's an interesting one. Haven't seen the old bastard on tv lately or heard anything about him being up for parole. You'd think that being his age and being in prison since 1969 would be a strain on him. Maybe ole Charlie boy will finally get his and dance with the devil where he belongs!
  18. GracieJc8

    Who's up next to die this year?

    I'm guessing maybe it will be Albert Hoffman, Simon Wiesenthal, or Ford.
  19. GracieJc8

    Damn, won't anyone die?

    I created a spreadsheet today to estimate the total number of hits this year from the number of hits so far. With John Mills gone, it estimates 17 hits this year. I'll have to check the maths, so take this with a grain of salt, but if this trend holds, 2005 will be a record year. regards, Hein With 5 already gone and with 8 more months left in '05, I'd say Deathlist is headed for a banner year.
  20. GracieJc8

    Gerald Ford

    And on the subject of Gerald Ford, I would hope his library at least includes many global atlas's especially with an emphasis on Poland and Eastern Europe. The old boy was quite known for his confusion of places (e.g. 1976 Carter debate- "There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and there never will be under a Ford administration.") Quite a devastating blunder, most historians would say.
  21. GracieJc8

    Gerald Ford

    Will he be #6 on this year's list? On the subject of former presidents and all that, I am led to believe that when a president becomes a former president a library is built in his honour. I am currently much occupied by the problem of which books (apart from the obvious "My Pet Goat") might be appropriate for the present incumbent's memorial library particularly considering the fact that he is known not to be a great reader. Indeed it is doubtful whether he is any more literate than the well-known Mr Quayle who couldn't even spell the name of a simple root vegetable. And that's me trying to put it nicely. Does anyone have any constructive suggestions? English textbooks (maybe college level ones), basic math textbooks, and probably most important of all first grade readers! lol
  22. GracieJc8

    Wild guesses

    At least one of these 3 evangelists: Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, or Jerry Falwell
  23. GracieJc8

    Gerald Ford

    If not #6 I'd say that there is a good chance he will make an appearance on this year's list as a success.
  24. GracieJc8

    Serious Contenders for Next Years List

    Might want to consider Sen. Arlen Spector of PA. Spector, 75 has been battling lymphatic cancer for a few months. He appeared today on CNN and really looks bad.
  25. GracieJc8

    Walter Cronkite

    Devonator: One doesn't get to be voted "Most Trusted Man In America" by representing the "far far left wing". Walter Cronkite is a moderate. During the Vietnam War, President Lyndon Johnson enjoyed the support of the most trusted man in America until the Tet Offensive, at which point Mr. Cronkite assessed that the war could, at best, end in stalemate and not a U.S. victory. At that point President Johnson said privately, "If I've lost Walter Cronkite, I've lost Middle America." Shortly thereafter, Mr. Johnson broadcasted to the nation that he would not seek reelection to the presidency. Mr. Cronkite's integrity and sincerity was so sound that it brought down a U.S. president. Since his retirement, the world hasn't seen anything similar to the credible journalism he practiced. Well said Sir, I guess in Devonators worldview "far far left-wing" includes everyone who isn't holed up in a ranch in Montana with a large collection of assault rifles and a radio tuned to Rush Limbaugh. It would really be nice if all journalists in today's world could be as dignified and professional as Mr. Cronkite was.

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