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Everything posted by TAFKAG


    Scientists, Inventors And Techno Wizards

    Didn't realise that the MDMA (and many other psychoactive drugs) 'inventor' Alexander Shulgin was still around, an estimated "4,000 psychedelic experiences" down the line, who "at 85 suffers severe short-term memory loss". No shit.

    Rabbi Philip Berg

    Lionel Blue has a new book out and is doing interviews, so he's probably not doing so badly at the moment, despite going through... Philip Berg is also still going.

    José Alencar

    Does anyone here speak Spanish, because Alencar is was trending on twitter (and i am wondering why) Because he had a heart attack.

    World War I Veteran(s)

    Claude Choules isn't marking Armistice Day, and no real news on Frank Buckles or Florence Green other than that they're still with us. It's too bad that none of them, if they're alive, will be 111 at 11:11 on 11/11/11.

    Dino De Laurentiis

    Linkio Italiano.

    Fidel Castro

    Castro to be killed by a crack squad of pizza-munching, Bud-guzzling, Floyd-listening stoners?

    Animal Antics

    Hamley the TV star giraffe has been killed by a bolt of lightning.

    The Dead Of 2010

    Can't say I've heard of him You were the one who suggested him as a pick on here in the first place! So he was. Is memory loss a symptom of Pick's Disease?

    World's Oldest

    And now... someone else does.
  10. TAFKAG

    Danny Baker

    Uh oh. A member of the early 80s NME brigade, along with a certain Wells and Quantick. Batten down the hatches.
  11. TAFKAG

    Life In Prison

    Three of the UK's 35 'whole-lifers' talk about their current situation. He might not be obitworthy and it's a long shot, but in early 2010 'Steve Williams' (aka Douglas Vinter) said ... Interesting article, nonetheless.
  12. TAFKAG

    Harry Mulisch

    I guess Marcel wasn't kidding, then. A short but sweet thread.
  13. There's a lot of Keef going about at the moment, with him plugging his autobiography here there and everywhere. If he doesn't mention the 'Sun story' somewhere along the line, I'll be disappointed. I see Spade's pal Davie Q gets a hilarious quote in there too. And here's the story. They don't provide a link to DL though.
  14. That'll be because this is the squid thread and not the fucking octopus thread. There is a difference, you know, as anyone with even the most basic knowledge of things cephalopodic would be able to tell you. Fellows have had their tentacles lopped off for less.
  15. TAFKAG

    Animal Antics

    England has been robbed of its most intelligent and credible 2018 World Cup bid ambassador. But we still have Beckham and Graham Taylor.
  16. TAFKAG

    Tariq Aziz

    Another niggly health problem for Aziz to worry about - he's been sentenced to death.
  17. You could always try striking up a relationship with them.
  18. TAFKAG

    Political Frailty

    David Thompson has indeed been diagnosed with cancer. Inoperable pancreatic cancer to be precise. Good candidate then, if he makes it to 2011. regards, Hein He didn't.
  19. TAFKAG

    World's Oldest

    Elsie Steele 45 days to be precise, and in answer to the obvious question... "She is succeeded as Britain’s oldest person by Margaret Fish, of Wilstead, Befordshire, who was 111 years and 227 days old today — 60 days younger than Elsie". Can't be many left now who were born in the 19th Century... 58 validated, if you believe this. I mean 57, they haven't scrubbed Elsie yet.
  20. TAFKAG

    Time Added

    Doff your fedora and light up a fat one - Malcolm Allison's dead.
  21. TAFKAG

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Frankly, I don't fancy his chances of cheering on his closeted wurzel diving boy to 2012 Olympic gold, having seen this documentary.
  22. TAFKAG

    Magnus Magnusson

    Mastermind theme composer Neil Richardson died in Spain the other day.
  23. TAFKAG


    Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn is suffering from parotid cancer for the third time, possibly because he likes chewing baccy. I think that's what the Beastie Boy recently overcame, but here's the lowdown on cancer of the salivary glands for those that are interested.
  24. TAFKAG

    Nobel Prize In Death

    Allez Allais!
  25. TAFKAG

    Fort William Football Club

    Why would the DL associate itself with losers? We are winners winners winners. Even this year.

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