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Everything posted by TAFKAG


    World War I Veteran(s)

    Claude Choules interview.

    Phil Collins (And Other Genesis Types)

    It's always nice to bring a little ray of sunshine to the boards - Phil Collins "will never play the drums again" thanks to a spinal injury. However, every silver lining has its cloud...

    David Bowie

    Like Neil Young last year, Ziggy has had an endangered species of spider named after him. It is found in Malaysia, not on Mars, though.

    Male Or Shemale?

    95-year-old German ex-high jumper Gretel Bergmann should get an obituary. She was (indeed, is) a woman but was replaced by a man at the 1936 Olympics, on account of being Jewish.

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2010

    All set to record a double A-side of Hop Around the Clock/At the Hop.

    Sir Nicholas Winton

    In London today, centenarian Nicholas Winton is due to meet some of the people he helped avoid concentration camps 70 years ago.

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    Yes, indeed - Omar, Edith & Ali. Will Um be next? Ali Bongo has been duly 'elected' leader of Pong-Tiddley-Pongoland. Among the wide-reaching reforms he intends to introduce are the Uju Buju Suck Another Juju act and the Hocus Pocus Fishbones Chokus laws.

    A Joke

    We'd better a/ stock up on 100w bulbs and b/ start a recruitment drive.

    Wishful Thinking Death List

    Paula Radcliffe. Me!-me!-me!-boo-hoo. The Anthea Turner of athletics.
  10. TAFKAG

    Adverts - you either love 'em or hate 'em

    You know, I was just telling my husband yesterday that I love that add! This would be even more irritating than the Crazy Frog. Maybe it'll be a happy house version of If I Were a Rich Man.
  11. TAFKAG

    Steven Tyler

    Deirdre love, appen I'm just off to walk this way down t'Rovers for a G'n'T.
  12. TAFKAG

    Words Without Music

    Alternatively (as rewritten by Christopher J Falvey)... "Rock and Roll" BY LED ZEPPELIN It has come to pass an extended era from the time when I swayed and revolved, It has come to pass an extended era from the time when I performed the leisurely walk. Ooh, allow me to obtain it in return, allow me to obtain it in return, Allow me to obtain it in return, little one, where I approach from. It has come to pass an extended era, come to pass an extended era, Ensued an extended isolated, isolated, isolated, isolated, isolated occasion. Agreed it has. "Yesterday" BY THE BEATLES In the recent past, every one of my dilemmas gave the impression of being so distantly absent. At the present, it seems as though they're at this time to hang about. Oh, I accept as true the recent past. Abruptly, I'm not partially the gentleman I used to exist as. There's a silhouette suspended on top of me. Oh, the recent past approached abruptly. "My Generation" BY THE WHO The populace attempts to place us behind (Discussing on the subject of my age group) Simply since we become known (Discussing on the subject of my age group) Belongings they do give the impression of being dreadfully chilly (Discussing on the subject of my age group) I anticipate I will expire previous to when I become aged (Discussing on the subject of my age group) This is my age group This is my age group, infant "Purple Haze" BY JIMI HENDRIX Violet mist completely in my intellect Recently, effects simply don't give the impression of being identical Carrying on humorously; however, I am not acquainted with the reason Pardon me at the same time as I make out with the atmosphere Violet mist altogether in the region of Don't recognize if I'm approaching happy or depressed Am I content or in desolation? Suchlike it is, that lass placed a magic charm on top of me Assist me Assist me Oh, no, no
  13. TAFKAG

    Nobel Prize In Death

    As that wise old bird Billy Joel knew, only the good Dae-jung. Couldn't resist after all.
  14. TAFKAG

    Time Added

    And another one - this time it's Brian McLaughlin, fished out of a canal at 54.
  15. TAFKAG

    World's Oldest

    Was it a murrrrrrdurrrrrrrrr?
  16. TAFKAG

    Death By Jazz

    A bit of a thread quandary when a jazz drummer dies. Such as Coltrane-collaborator Rashied Ali/Robert Patterson.
  17. TAFKAG

    Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi

    'Compassionate grounds' releases are all the rage. I'm just guessing, but I expect this is the first time in DL history that the #1 and #2 picks have been released from prison on compassionate grounds in the same week.
  18. TAFKAG

    Ronnie Biggs

    Here's a video of Ronnie catching flies and learning his ABC.
  19. TAFKAG

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    That elicited a slight feeling of shardenfreude.
  20. TAFKAG

    Deathlist 2011

    You said that back in 2007, which is why we put her in our 2008 team *twiddles thumbs* I think you must be mistaking me for someone else and may therefore be twiddling in my direction unnecessarily. Apart from the post above, I'm not sure I've ever mentioned Eunice Kennedy. VT's thumbs should be put away before they damage anyone else falsely. It was actually young Canadian Paul who suggested that Kennedy Shriver was quite ill & often hospitalised & therefore (rightly) would be a good pick. This was discovered after a detailed DL search which, despite protests by many, works just fine if you use it properly. Dead Phew! All thumbs can be returned to pockets, games controllers or dykes.
  21. TAFKAG

    Saddam Hussein

    The nine of diamonds, ex-VP Taha Mohieddin Marouf, is a busted flush.
  22. TAFKAG

    Animal Antics

    ... and koalas with chlamydia tomorrow.
  23. TAFKAG

    Kim Jong-Il

    Clinton's been hanging out with the Dear Leader. Maybe he'll tweet with some health updates, but it looks unlikely we'll get to see. Seems like he doesn't follow anyone, not even Monica.
  24. TAFKAG

    Animal Antics

    25-year-old Benson, Britain's "biggest and best-loved" carp, has apparently been poisoned with nuts by careless anglers.

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