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Everything posted by TAFKAG


    Hey Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone

    It appears that a certain Mr Harvey has been a tad over-enthusiastic in his attempts to maintain discipline. Violent murder - it's the only language kids today understand.

    Art For Death's Sake

    There's a bloke dressed as a fish (trout, possibly) up there at the moment, reading some important-looking missive to the masses below. Which is nice. The safety net is a wise option.

    John F. Kennedy

    That McNamara chappy is getting more annoucements than Jacko! Must be the Fog of Death which is doing it... Can I help it if these literary pipsqueaks insist on plagiarising my oeuvre or are too indolent or boneheaded to use a search function simple enough for a starfish of average intelligence to master?

    John F. Kennedy

    Kennedy's (and Johnson's) defense [sic] secretary Robert McNamara dies at 93.

    Henry Kissinger

    Kissinger was at the Wimbledon final today, looking less likely to die than Roddick and Federer by the end of the match. McEnroe just about avoids saying oy vey.

    Michael Jackson

    It's high time they installed rubbish bins in these cutting rooms.

    You Have Comparison

    I see they didn't bother taking us on this year. A mistake on TFF's part, judging by the DL's mid-term report. I reckon we can close this thread.

    Mollie Sugden et al

    Wall-to-wall reruns of Come Back Mrs Noah on Dave, then?

    Karl Malden

    The hooter went and he conked out etc etc.
  10. TAFKAG

    Ronnie Biggs

    Ronnie Biggs was doin' time ... and still is.
  11. TAFKAG

    Michael Jackson

    Adolf's clearly upset about the news.
  12. TAFKAG

    The Ones That Got Away...

    Bataan Death March survivor, war hero, radio station founder, writer and politician Bert Bank has died. He won't get a UK obit, BCAlum (or me or anyone else here) won't have heard of him and tabloids never paid millions for his life story, but he sounds a damn sight more interesting than the nonentities that pass for celebrities these days, so I'm giving him a passing mention.
  13. TAFKAG

    The Dead Of 2009

    Steve Race, an iconic figure in British music over the last 50+ years, has died at 88 (aptly enough for a pianist). Who can forget his sublime and challenging quasi-Hazlehurstian audio-visual collaboration with Patsy Kensit for Birds Eye peas, Sweet as the Moment when the Pod went Pop? Race is run.
  14. TAFKAG

    World's Oldest

    With Henry hogging the headlines, we forgot about Harry's 111th birthday two days ago.
  15. TAFKAG

    The Ones That Got Away...

    The living ones I could find at first glance, ordered by birth. I'm not going to go in depth, this is just what I saw from the Wiki article for Band of Brothers. Anyone who has more can expand. Frank Perconte (b. March 10 1917) Richard Winters (b. January 21 1918) Joseph A. Lesniewski (b. August 29 1920) Lynn "Buck" Compton (b. December 31, 1921) Donald Malarkey (b. 1921) William Guarnere (b. April 28 1922) Edward Heffron (b. May 16, 1923) Darrell "Shifty" Powers (b. 1923) I do as it happens & it's quite comprehensive, but the likes of Hubert Suerth Jr & co. aren't realistically going to get UK obits. James Alley died last year, John Martin in 2005 & neither got any real press mention. Winters definitely will - Compton probably will for his post-Easy Company career, as well as his war-time links. Guarnere... possible as he's high profile of the veterans. The rest... I doubt it. Some of them are doing extremely well considering they are now all over 85. Shifty Powers has died.
  16. Obama continues traditional US pigdog imperialist aggression policies towards smaller, weaker nations. Oh Barry Barry, it was all supposed to be so different this time. (Incidentally, why is he 'recumbent' in the thread title? Does he spend a lot of time in the horizontal position?)
  17. Find out what your MP has been spending your hard-earned taxes on.
  18. TAFKAG

    Death By Jazz

    Here's Ornette doing his thang at the RFH a couple of days ago, with 91-year-old saxophonist Andy Hamilton to his left.
  19. TAFKAG

    Geoff Duke

    First (I believe) casualty of this year's TT is local man John Crellin in the Seniors race. He managed to survive six of the world's seven highest mountains, but not the Mountain Box.
  20. TAFKAG


    So who's getting up at 5am tomorrow to bagsie Osama bin Laden or Clive Dunn?
  21. TAFKAG

    Clive Dunn

    Clive was out and about signing his book at a charity do a couple of weeks ago.
  22. TAFKAG

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    Baseball star Woodie Held has died. I expect he was popular with the ladies. Unlike US Olympic swimming coach Dick Quick, who has also blown his beans in the great double-backed beast of life.
  23. TAFKAG

    World War I Veteran(s)

    No. There are still hundreds of survivors in each participating nation. Fair enough. My topic-initiating total shall remain resolutely at 1. G'day deathlisters. Maybe we could start a thread about one of the conflicts in between the World Wars, Spanish Civil war perhaps? Yes, that was the idea behind this thread - to mop up those surviving various conflicts, actions, disasters etc from times past that, realistically, are not on their own (unlike the Titanic for example) going to stimulate a lengthy discussion. There has already been some mention somehwere of that dodgy Wikipedia entry with its limited number of Spaniards. Sometimes it's a fine call between an exclusive and a collective thread and were we to have many Spanish forum members it might be merited. Anyway it's something you might chat about with the other 43 body snatchers. I mean it's not as if they are Munchkins, is it? I should add there that I mean Spaniards, not body snatchers although some Munchkins may be body snatchers and some, indeed may be Spaniards. There's an outside possibility, I suppose, of a Spanish Munchkin body snatcher (not you perchance?) and if anyone knows of one, he or she - that is the SMBS - probably deserves their own thread, or at least an appearance on Spain's Got Talent which I imagine would feature a lot of women with castanets, stamping their feet to Flamenco guitar. A flamenco-dancing Spanish Civil war veteran munchkin would be quite a draw. But his fame could make him vulnerable to kidnap. I can see the headline now in El Mundo, translated: Body snatching gang seize civil war veteran munchkin dancer - McCann connection suspected. Here's an article about the symbolic role of survivors which mentions Millvina Dean, dear old Henry 'n' Harry and the eight surviving Brits who fought against Franco.
  24. TAFKAG

    Danny Gans

    It exists as proof of something rotten in the state of Deathlist. All it needs now is for Deadly Doug to start another Danny Gans thread in a week's time.

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