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Everything posted by TAFKAG


    David Irving

    An 89-yr-old white supremacist has killed a guard at the US Holocaust museum. You'd think he'd have better things to do at that age, like playing dominoes or trying to remember his name. Sorry for such a lameish post, but it's been such a moribund day (week/month/year?) on the DL I'm just seeing if there's any life left in the old dog. When even Maryport's not posting you know something's amiss.

    John Tyndall & Nick Griffin

    Nick Griffin getting eggsactly what he deserves. It's a start, anyway.

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Former Tongan prime minister Baron Vaea has died at 88. This is a long thread - is it worth reading, old timers? Edit: I did read it. It's a shame that Josco's original 'fat old bugger', which almost led to a diplomatic incident, has been amended.

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    Omar Bongo mort after only 41 years in office, behind only the King of Thailand and Lizzy in terms of his reign as state leader before his death. The good always die so young. Either the French media are 'doing a Swayze' or the Gabonese government is in denial. Host country Spain is also voting for alive. Bongo update: absolutely positively 100% dead. Probably.

    Clive Dunn

    According to his wiki page, Clive and Priscilla celebrate their golden wedding anniversary this month. I guess they are the immortal couple.

    40. Josef Fritzl

    Fritzy's in amongst the other nutjobs now. Bound to get Dahmered one of these days.

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Away from Diana, there seems to be a build up of veteran British authors going on at Penguin Publishing. Sir John Mortimer and Dick Francis have their own threads, but you can also add PD James and Richard Adams to the list. James seems to be in good health at the moment, but the occasional picture of Adams I have seen over the past couple of years shows him looking extremely frail. Of the four, I would say Mortimer is closest to carking it, and next time I see our sales rep from Penguin I'll casually enquire after his health, and perhaps one of the others if it doesn't look too suspicious. There are also a clutch of bestselling author's in the 75-80 age bracket who should be creeping onto deadpooler's radars over the next few years. Most notable among them I would say, are, Clive Cussler (77), Wilbur Smith (76), Jack Higgins (79), Chinua Achebe (78), Quentin Blake (76), John Julius Norwich (79), and David Eddings (77). Out of those, the one to keep a closest eye on would be Achebe as he has been confined to a wheelchair since 1990 following a car accident. Having said that, there does seem to be a recent trend of at least one high profile Science-Fiction author falling prey to the Grim Reaper per year, with David Gemmell going in 2006, Robert Jordan in 2007, and Arthur C. Clarke going last year, as well as Pratchett going down with Alzheimer's, so, assuming Eddings isn't this year's victim, he could be one to consider in future. And just to conclude. Prolific author of naval fiction Douglas Reeman is 84, Nobel prize winner Doris Lessing is 89, Nina Bawden turns 84 next week, Rosamunde Pilcher is also 84, K.M. Peyton, who wrote the Flambards series, and who I thought died years ago, is 79, and children's author Eva Ibbotson is 83. Unfortunately I don't have any detailed info on the health of any of them as author's tend to keep themselves very much to themselves as proved by Michael Crichton and George MacDonald Fraser, but hey, I've put their names out there for you to investigate in more detail should you wish. And here endeth my epistle. Looks like Raskolnikov may have got one. If you believe the 'twitterverse', whatever that might be. Perhaps it's somewhere adjacent to the deathosphere.

    World War I Veteran(s)

    No. There are still hundreds of survivors in each participating nation. Fair enough. My topic-initiating total shall remain resolutely at 1.

    World War I Veteran(s)

    We may not win the Ashes but we've won the WWI Vets Survival Challenge. Claude's disqualified for batting for both sides. As it were. With the 65th anniversary of D-Day on the horizon, is it worth starting a WWII thread yet?
  10. TAFKAG

    The Dead Of 2009

    What are you talking about? That IS the obituary that you've linked! Speaking of Olympians, by the way, I've just been told that a rather famous one has just died... but I can't mention who just yet because nothing's been printed... but it will be worth DDP points. ...Seb Coe Seb Coe Seb Coe Seb Coe Seb Coe Seb Coe...
  11. TAFKAG

    Vincent O'brien

    Two and a half hours and all we can come up with is a cursory shrug from Windsor - is this the most low-key death in DL history? If it'll cheer you lot up he was my DDP reserve and, as far as I can tell, went unselected in the main draw. Anyway, 3rd success of the year, hip hip hooray, long live the deathlist and all that jazz.
  12. TAFKAG

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    It's turning into a nice little earner, as Jon Matthews chalks up another five grand. If only Jane Goodie had shown such resilience, though I suppose she did rake in a bit more than 10k. A stronger possibility of an obit after this, and a unique DDP pick for the canny Clathrate Gun.
  13. TAFKAG

    John Hogan

    Hogan's on his way back to Britain. Maybe he'll get a nice little flat with Gary Glitter, donated gratis by Nicholas van Hoogstraten.
  14. TAFKAG

    Phil Spector

    19 years - he's not coming out till he's at least 88, unless it's in a box.
  15. TAFKAG

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Former Olympic and world snowboarding champion Karine Ruby has been killed while climbing on Mont Blanc.
  16. TAFKAG

    Aung San Suu Kyi

    Her health is a cause for "grave concern", say some liberal namby-pambies. I'm sure the authorities are giving her the best possible treatment.
  17. TAFKAG

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2010

    Let's hope his life isn't caught short. I love this thread, in fact, I just can't get enough of it. He didn't want to start any blasphemous tumours.
  18. TAFKAG

    Widow(er) Shopping

    Actress Jill Balcon, daughter of Ealing film mogul Michael, widow of former Poet Laureate Cecil Day-Lewis and mother of mad method actor Daniel, is still going at 84. I'd think she'd get an obit but she may well be as healthy as an ox. Or a flea. (Edit: she seemed ok in this interview from two years ago. Interestingly, C Day-Lewis had an affair with actress/novelist Elizabeth Howard, the still-living widow of naturalist Sir Peter Scott and Kingsley Amis. Extra-marital rumpy-pumpy is clearly no hindrance to a long life).
  19. TAFKAG

    Natalie Cole

    Well, Natalie did get a new kidney, but only last week and from a 'dying fan', not from her sister. Meanwhile, a different sister died from lung cancer two days earlier. Confused? You won't be, after this week's episode of...Cole.
  20. TAFKAG

    Mike Tyson

    Tyson's unfortunately-named daughter Exodus is on life support after getting caught up in a treadmill cord.
  21. TAFKAG

    That N. Korean Missile

    Getting more pissed off by the day. Miser, when exactly are your boys gonna kick ass on this matter?
  22. TAFKAG

    Patrick Swayze

    Not dead, says rep. Looks like today will be a fun one on the DL. Now that's what I call TEASING. His publicist, a certain Mr Al Um, is accusing you of recklessness, DDT. Personally, I think Pat should divorce his wife and marry Farrah in a beach ceremony on the moon, officiated by Billy Graham and shown live on Fox.
  23. TAFKAG

    The Chequered Flag

    Mark Young died in hospital following a crash in the 250cc race earlier that day, while another rider is in a critical condition.
  24. TAFKAG

    The Dead Of 2009

    Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois, the guru who brought ashtanga yoga to the masses (and Sting) has moved onto a higher plane. Infuriating, as I'd shortlisted him for next season's DDP (...and breathe...good). Whether he gets a proper obit is beyond mere mortal comprehension at this present time.

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