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Everything posted by TAFKAG


    Rugby Players

    Great Britain and Widnes rugby league legend Vince 'Wild Bull of the Pampas' Karalius has died. I can see him now, roaming free on the endless fertile lowland plains of northern Cheshire.

    Last of the Summer Wine

    Kathy Staff aka Nora Batty has died. Announced on the radio, no link yet.

    Alain Robert AKA Spider-Man

    How would you feel if you'd spent ten months rowing across the Pacific, only to wave the white flag* 60 miles from the finish? * Well, he is Italian.

    Clive Dunn

    Dunn & Co. (slight return) Edit: just watched it. Superb, as ever. The BBC's wiping of tapes really was a terrible act of cultural vandalism.

    Jerry Lewis

    Lewis is to receive the Hersholt Award, or 'humanitarian Oscar'. I wonder if they'll get a crippled faggot to present it.

    Golf: The 19th Hole

    He's a walking shambling Tysonesque car crash waiting to happen, the American Gazza/Besty. It'd be a brave pick, though. This is how it's done, Monty.

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    Or Sexy Plant to his mates.

    Crashing Companies

    Sale begins. Pick 'n' mix 1p a bag.

    DL's Video Vault

    For those about to yacht rock, we salute you. Smoooth.
  10. TAFKAG

    Oliver Postgate

    As someone who's never seen Bagpuss it seems amazing how much impact a show with only 13 episodes had on so many Brits. Someone gave their kid the middle name of 'Emily' because of the girl on the show. Who is apparently not married, Phantom, if you fancy throwing your hat into that particular ring. I hear she's Firmin all the right places. Oh? I'd heard she was saggy, baggy and a bit loose at the seams.
  11. TAFKAG

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    Although virtually unknown in life, Alexandros Grigoropoulos's death was arguably more significant than that of an old, famous actor.
  12. TAFKAG

    O.J. Simpson: Run Out Of Juice?

    Mad About the Boy? Man About the Big House? Beehatch? Er, Porridge?
  13. TAFKAG

    Wishful Thinking Death List

    I agree. David van Day, everyone's well aware that Hand Held in Black & White was the Good Vibrations of the 80s, but it's time to stop clinging on to that legend status, pull your finger out of your… Oh, enough already.
  14. TAFKAG

    O.J. Simpson: Run Out Of Juice?

    'Up to' 33 years. How very sad.
  15. Are you saying you had a hand in their success?
  16. TAFKAG

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    Were Mars Bars invented all that time ago then? Ask Marianne Faithfull.
  17. TAFKAG

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    Nothing helps one get through a chilly December evening quite like a glass of port. Except a bottle of port.
  18. TAFKAG

    Kate And Gerry

    Good work, Inspector Alphonsin. To no-one's great surprise, the mother done it. Haven't heard much about Maddy recently.
  19. TAFKAG

    Bride Of Picture Association

  20. TAFKAG

    The William Shatner Forum

    Bill begins his new shat show, Raw Nerve, today. Shame it's not on in the UK.

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