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Everything posted by TAFKAG


    Albert Hofmann

    Five months ago. You've been on a long strange trip haven't you, Mad?

    Why Are We Here?

    A look at the philosophy of the obituary writer. Lots of interesting DL-connected people mentioned, such as Hofmann, Marie Smith, Pavarotti, Fischer, Amte, Ponticelli and Waldheim. Nothing about Dunn, of course. I expect she's still needlessly working on that one.

    28 Years Of The Deathlist!

    Happy 5th birthday to the Deathlist Forum. Looking back at GR's first post is like watching in black and white, or those early Simpsons when Homer had a different voice. No pictures, and primitive links and quoting. Probably had just about as many regular posters as now, though.

    Alain Robert AKA Spider-Man

    It must be the Channel silly stunt season, as Stephane Rousson tries to pedal a blimp across it. His danger appears to lie in going up rather than down. A lot of these oddballs seem to be French these days. The old Dunkirk spirit has turned into le spirit de Dunkerque.

    Very Blue Peter

    Her Maj is hosting a Blue Peter 50th birthday party. Hopefully, after a few sherries, she'll 'fess up to her rĂ´le in the garden vandalisation incident and stop letting Wise and Ferdinand carry the can.

    Clive Dunn

    I was wondering why we don't get ranter fire on the Sir Clive thread, considering the DL's always near the top of Dunny google searches, until I realised that only members are allowed to post in a thread started by a guest (cf Moore, Taylor etc) and Jonesy's thread is one of these. Is there no way of changing this? I'm sure plenty of Dunn-knowledgeable types would offer nuggets of info/have a good whinge if they had the chance yet weren't forced to join. Out of the top 50, quite a few make the 'DL google top 10' (as it were) including Biggs, Lom, Foot and Stubbs. Yet none of these threads get any guest traffic whatsoever. Anyone know why this might be? Can it only be because they can't be arsed to type in a code that they didn't have to back in the day, when (real) guests posted often? Yes, I was/am bored.

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Caution: unsafe sex is risky and may lead to death. The earth clearly didn't move sufficiently.

    Alain Robert AKA Spider-Man

    Not really sure of the best place to put David Blaine. All his stuff seems too clinical and organised to be properly considered 'risk-taking'. He's a right annoying fuckwad, isn't he?

    Room 101

    Windsor was complaining about this sort of thing in the cradle. Haha - I hate gobby little bastards. As a matter of fact, I too confronted a couple of silly kids tonight. I was walking the dog as usual. There were two girls, one of whom was acting up at the other side of the road. She then decided to walk across the road and intentionally walked pretty slowly into the way of a Jeep. On Friday a 12 year old local boy was hit by a car as he got of the school bus, and I was enraged that this girl was being so flippant about road safety. So I started walking faster as a means to catch up to give her a telling off. As I was catching up she was mucking about on the pavement and her friend was basically preventing her from going on the road. Cars were slowing down as they past the two. When I caught up she turned as I was right behind her and she screamed in my face. She then got a shock when I stopped in front of her and said "Haven't you done road safety in school?" As you can imagine the smile quickly vanished from her face. She then asked what I was speaking about and I told her that I saw her walk right infront of a Jeep. She denied it but her friend - who was embarrased by her friend's behaviour - said that she did. I then informed her that a 12 year old boy had just been killed due to a road traffic accident and asked her how her family would feel if she found herself in a traffic accident. I then ended the conversation saying, "Watch what you are doing on the roads because if you carry on like this you're going to end up dead". With that I walked away. That was Windsor vs 12 year old girl. I'm probably due a punching from her parents now for telling their kid off. I hope you were suitably attired.
  10. TAFKAG

    Dead Drummers

    Wasn't this the same Travis Barker who was falsely reported dead about a year ago??? Yes. There were also rumors that Perry Farrell (Jane's Addiction frontman) and Gavin DeGraw were on the plane, but both were not and are still alive. Now there are rumors that one of the dead is Shanna Moakler, Travis Barker's ex. However, there are other rumors that the female who died was identified as just an assistant of Travis (and not Shanna). So who knows????? Right now, this plane crash is big news in the states b/c there was the possibility that all three musicians (Perry Farrell, Gavin DeGraw, and Travis Barker) were on the plane during the crash. This could've easily been another tragedy like February 3, 1959. Imagine if all three were on the plane and none of them made it...America would be mourning the loss of three prominent young musicians. But it looks like all of them are gonna be okay (Travis is still in critical condition, but rumor has it the doctors are optimistic that he'll make it). Travis Barker is VERY lucky to havep pull through. Bernie Mac notwithstanding, many celebrities who were on the brink of death have miraculously pulled through this year (Morgan Freeman, Kelsey Grammar, Patrick Swayze, Elizabeth Taylor). God must really love our American celebrities. With respect, none of them would have matched up to Buddy Holly, or even Lynyrd Skynrd..... I think there weren't a lot of people in 1959 that saw the planecrash as a serious lose then, mainly because someone like Buddy Holly was at the time only populair with teenagers (a small part of the population). Because he died so young people make him bigger and he becomes a product. Just like: Jean Harlow, Carole Lombard, Buddy Holly, Big Whopper, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Che Geuvara, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrisson, Bruce Lee, Elvis Presley, John Lennon (was already an icon), Bob Marley, Steve McQueen, Andy Warhol, Brandon Lee, Freddy Mercury, River Phoenix, Kurt Cobain, Tupac, Anna Nicole Smith and Heath Ledger (last two are becoming it) Did I miss one??? Ah yes, the fast food and music industries united in grief at the tragic demise of Big Whopper, grilled in a plane crash.
  11. TAFKAG

    Dead Drummers

    Earl Palmer, the drummer who played on The Fat Man, Tutti Frutti, La Bamba, You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin', River Deep Mountain High and plenty of other top tunes, has died at 84. Spoken like a true session man. Incidentally, the king of the session sticksmen, Hal Blaine will be 80 in February, while another great unsung tubthumper, Jim Gordon, still languishes in a prison funny farm after God told him to use Maxwell's Silver Hammer on his mommy.
  12. TAFKAG

    Muhammad Ali

    Ali's been out and about at the Ryder Cup. Although he doesn't do public speaking anymore he seems in reasonable shape, all things considered. If I was Paul Azinger, I'd certainly have picked him ahead of JB Holmes.
  13. TAFKAG

    World War I Veteran(s)

    And Bill Stone's wife came over and said, "What was it like then Bill?" And Bill said, "what? oh the war you mean? It was awful, guns and bombs and most of it was no fun at all. And I've got this bloody bit of shrapnel in me knee" who's next? I'm just another heart in need of rescue, Waitin' on love's sweet charity An' I'm gonna hold on For the rest of my days, Cos I know what it means To walk along the lonely street of dreams With a piece of forkin' shrapnel in me knee. (exit, pursued by a bear)
  14. TAFKAG

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    King Bumboil's famous enough for the DL and he's worthy of a thread, DWB2. It'd help if the thread wasn't called A New One for 2009, though - even those of us with good memories and searching abilities are unlikely to be able to find it. Title changed - LG
  15. TAFKAG

    Time Added

    Article giving props to Allison, despite calling him a buffoon.
  16. Ah, that's much better xzandra, bless your little cotton socks. Not perfect, but better than some other DL inmates. After an exhaustive search of the Internet, I managed to find this reference through Google on my first attempt. Micro Black Holes. The postulate being (remember e=mc2?) that the mass created by the collision is almost immediately re-converted back into energy in the form of Hawking Radiation. FYI Google is a search engine, which can be used to search pages on the 'net for answers to questions you might have. Deathlist is not a search engine. It is, however, the best source of information concerning Dickie O, Clive Dunn and, obviously, custard-related Quantum Physics. This is fast becoming the DL's very own Pygmalion. "Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech: that your native language is the language of Shakespeare and Milton and The Bible; and don't sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon". --honez, Act I. "I don't want to talk grammar, I want to talk like a lady". --xzandra, Act II.
  17. TAFKAG

    Amy Winehouse

    She's made it to 25, which might be a surprise to many. Here's a look back at some of her greatest, er, hits of the past year.
  18. TAFKAG

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    He must have been forced to re-read Infinite Jest. Actually, it's a decent read if you have a spare few months.
  19. TAFKAG

    Gerry Rafferty

    Isn't that just a popular misconception? Of course. It's such a lovely one, though.
  20. TAFKAG

    Gerry Rafferty

    Bob Holness knows where he is.
  21. TAFKAG

    Ruby Muhammad

    Elijah Muhammad's son and ex-NoI leader Warith Deen Mohammed has died. His mother was Clara, not Ruby, who wasn't Elijah's widow, though she has been married twice. Clear as mustard.
  22. TAFKAG

    Son Of Picture Association

    Just for you, Dave...

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