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Everything posted by TAFKAG


    Time Added

    Despite only being able to move his eyes, Parkinson's now scouting for Middlesbrough. There's probably a Steve McClaren joke in there somewhere.

    Former First Ladies

    Danielle Mitterand dies

    Clive Dunn

    Clive's show will go on forever! Comments of “absolutely wonderful” and “just amazing” rippled through the bar at half time, the atmosphere one of genuine admiration.

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Twat: She's in hospital. Asshat: She's been released. Bellend: She hasn't got a leg to stand on. Cockspanner: WHY CANT THIS DRIED UP OLD HAG JUST DIE DIE DIE NOW!!!! iain: this has been the worstt year for deatlist since 1975 Twat: She's back in hospital. Asshat: She's been released again. Bellend: She's footloose and fancy free Cockspanner: FOR GODS SAKE WHY WONT THIS FLEARIDDEN OLD BAG JUST DO US ALL A FAVOUR AND DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!! :angry: iain: this has definately been the worse year for deatlist since 1869
  5. 11:11:11 on 11/11/11 was one of the loveliest seconds ever. Slough was positively transcendent.

    Crashing Companies

    Crashing Countries.

    Widow(er) Shopping

    Archaeologist and WWII SOE, widow of CIA officer Miles and mother of music biz types Miles Jr, the late Ian and Stewart (of The Police), Lorraine Copeland is still going in her mid-90s. (I see we can't directly quote from locked topics anymore - is that something that can be fixed?)

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    The only reason I'd heard of the late Emmy-winning screenwriter/producer/director Hal Kanter was because he'd been pencilled into my 2012 DDP theme team. Step up to the plate, Christopher Challis.

    Forum Software Upgrade

    I have changed it back again now
  10. TAFKAG

    World War II Veterans

    This. 100x this. It still annoys me that the tagline for dead rappers isn't "Ready to Die/Life After Death". Like Olympic hostages, they're all gone... cultural vandalism
  11. TAFKAG

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    A man on the fringes of the fringes, Genette Tate's dad John, has appealed to her likely killer Robert Black to spill the beans because he's dying of cancer, or thinks he is.
  12. TAFKAG

    Oscar Niemeyer

    Squiddy's right, he does have a malignant tumour in his larynx. I wonder how hard it would be for a moderator to disentangle Lula from the Oscar, Fidel, Hugo and any other commie bastards threads and be given one of his own?
  13. TAFKAG

    Picture Association Viii

    Sorry, I was feeling wicked. Here comes the Killian...
  14. TAFKAG

    World War II Veterans

    Done. Hope you like the tag line. regards, Hein Oh yes. Taglines/supplementary threadal information is the main reason I visit.
  15. TAFKAG

    World War II Veterans

    The death of the last surviving Polish pilot, Tadeusz Sawicz, a few days ago leaves approximately 75 vets alive according to BOBHSOC. Very few Few. (Mods: might this thread be retitled as something a bit more generic eg World War II Veterans? - would make it easier for your average DLer to find)
  16. TAFKAG


    Time to buy a new map, methinks. So Bon is from Angus, but Angus isn't.
  17. TAFKAG

    Benazir Bhutto

    Benazir's mother Nusrat has died. Picked by three DDP teams.
  18. TAFKAG

    The Dead Of 2011

    Sadly there doesn't seem to be an horologists thread, so the clocking off of watchmaker George Daniels will have to go here. As you probably know, he invented the co-axial escapement, which, by utilizing radial friction instead of sliding friction at the impulse surfaces, significantly reduces friction, theoretically resulting in longer service intervals and greater accuracy over time. Obviously.
  19. TAFKAG

    Gaddafi Guesses

    What are the chances of Gaddafi being the next domino to fall, do we reckon?
  20. TAFKAG

    Life In Prison

    Just read a report that the prision service say it was someone else called Peter Moore who died. The BBC concurs. It does now, after a hasty rewrite of that page.
  21. TAFKAG

    Life In Prison

    One of the UK's 20 or so 'whole life tariff' murderers, Peter Moore (aka themaninblack Man in Black) died in Broadmoor a couple of months ago. Edit - I see they've changed their story, it's nice to see the prison service doing such a fine job keeping tabs on their clients. Maybe it's the former England cricket coach Peter Moores who's kicked the bucket.
  22. TAFKAG

    Political Frailty

    Rumours are circulating that Jiang Zemin has died. Being China, I wouldn't expect much clarification either way for some conseiderable time. 'Frail', but alive.
  23. TAFKAG

    Dead Pop Stars

    Cross him off your 2012 shortlists.
  24. TAFKAG

    Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi

    Al's still doing his 'I'm innocent and I'm dying' routine. He'll be here all week, at least. But he needs better material.
  25. TAFKAG

    The Dutch

    Hella Haasse has died, no English report yet as far as I can see.

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