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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    The Deathlisters Alternative Footie Thread

    My team is consistent.......consistently mediocre...
  2. themaninblack

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Well we're having one of our own... Winston Churchill died on this day in 1965, exactly 70 years after his father... No wonder I'm always a bit jittery on February 7th....
  3. themaninblack

    Patrick Swayze

    Swayze to write memoirs
  4. themaninblack

    Political Frailty

    That's caused by the British Government being stuck in it for the last six months I'd imagine...
  5. themaninblack

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Salvador Dali, died on January 23rd 1989...
  6. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    About DDT's woman. No extra points. And that is only because we've already had a precedent, with Choi Yo Sam or whatever his name was - the boxer. I felt that, no matter how he ended up in the coma, he still died of "natural causes". So if I didn't allow it for him, I can't then turn round & award it for Enguluaaulu or whatever she is called. Extra rules 1) clutter it up 2) considering the incredible stupidity of some DDP players, is it really wise to make things even MORE difficult with sub-clauses? 3) It's all very well me doing all this, but what if I give it up? It might be a lot of headaches for anyone taking over 4) It's a very antiquated system when it comes to entries etc. It may completely bollock up the system 5) I have enough work to do 6) "OoO's whim" works just fine for me... TMIB, If people are picking Bobby Moore, FFS as a pick, do you really think for one minute, they are going to read this & think.. oh, I can pick John Darwin but not Noel Martin but I can pick Bobby Robson but not Linda Uttley etc etc.? I'm all for a new rule(s) but it really has to be kept as simple as possible, from both the players & organiser's (me or anyone else) point of view & that's why it's a bit difficult to enforce so simply. What I mean is that the 'rules' when entering the competition would be the same ones that are on the DDP website, but there would exist a more detailed, definitive rules which is not mandatory reading, but useful for those who query points being allowed/ not allowed. Not everyone HAS to know, but it would be there. Anyway, I'll shut up about it now...
  7. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    This story could run and run... Hopefully into 2010. I certainly hope not. Another clinic has stepped in to help her out. I do apologise for cluttering up the DDP thread with stories about this woman. Maybe she could have her own thread?? I never asked OoO at the time because he was so frazzled uploading everything, but will I get an unnatural death bonus if she is starved to death? I don't think it would merit unatural causes points because she is being legally obliged to die 'naturally'. No different than when someone is in a coma for a short while and it is decided not to keep them alive for much longer... Good points, but surely if someone is "legally obliged" to die, then by definition, they will not be dying when Mother Nature might have intended. She is only in this predicament, by way of unnatural causes - a car crash. Just say she'd been in a vegatitive state for a month after a car crash and then died after her machines were switched off, I'd probably get an unnatural death points bonus. Should it make a difference because she's been brain dead for seventeen years? And can being starved to death on purpose ever be thought of as a "natural death"? I won't say anymore on the subject, as I wouldn't want anyone to think that I really am bothered about the extra points. Heaven forbid! Very good point. It is death delayed. I think there needs to be a more detailed set of rules behind the vaguer ones that are on the entry page. One that would definitively set out who counts as 'famous' or 'notable' and what news sources are required for an obit and what is considered a natural or unnatural death. All clauses and sub-clauses and stuff. Like the rules for Association Football. The official rules and regulations of the Derby Deadpool death prediction competition...something like that. Octopus, over to you....
  8. themaninblack

    Time Added

    Beckham visits Stefano Borgonovo
  9. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    Jose Torres, former World Light-Heavyweight Champion, writer and political activist, has died aged 72...
  10. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    I seem to recall you spent quite a lot of time last year informing us of how Sir Edmund's death was not particularly noteworthy as most young Americans had not heard of him. Now that you have a new little theory, which we'll probably hear about all year, he's suddenly significant. The least you can do is be consistant. Re the optimism - I've seen it before with Blair in 97 (only time I've ever voted) and look how many celebrity deaths there that summer. Oh God Han, you put a finger on something there. I must go out to purchase some earplugs just in case Elton John has another one in him. He only sings songs for dead blondes though. Do you think Jade Goody would count? I can just imagine it. Not anymore, she's bald...
  11. themaninblack

    Members' User Names

    The name of Grim's DDP team, I think...
  12. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    This story could run and run... Hopefully into 2010. I certainly hope not. Another clinic has stepped in to help her out. I do apologise for cluttering up the DDP thread with stories about this woman. Maybe she could have her own thread?? I never asked OoO at the time because he was so frazzled uploading everything, but will I get an unnatural death bonus if she is starved to death? You greedy git. You should be thankful for the 56,967 pts you'll get for if she carks it... I don't think it would merit unatural causes points because she is being legally obliged to die 'naturally'. No different than when someone is in a coma for a short while and it is decided not to keep them alive for much longer... However, this case may well be encouraging and this may well have qualified for unnatural causes points had anyone spotted this at the time...
  13. themaninblack

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Lenin died 85 years ago today...
  14. themaninblack

    The Ones That Got Away...

    They knew better than to get on such shoddy British handywork which sank on it's first voyage...
  15. themaninblack

    Death Anniversary Thread

    25 years to the day since Jackie Wilson died after 8 years in a vegatitive state...
  16. themaninblack

    Edward Kennedy/Curse of the Kennedys

    Nah, it'll be Roast Ox stuffed with geese with the other Bullingdon Boys...
  17. themaninblack

    Patrick McGoohan

    One of the greatest ever...
  18. themaninblack

    Edward Kennedy/Curse of the Kennedys

    Well that'll put a damper on the Democrats marquee day...
  19. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    It was more to do with the level of rudeness. And Rude Kid thought he was rude...! To be honest, it's more RK's story to tell, but to keep it simple 1) It was late 2) TF had an almighty strop about allowing the AP feed for obits & it was his reaction (completely over-reacting to a trivial matter in such a foul way) to that which saw his entry rejected. He always seemed a rather prickly character on the forum to me...
  20. themaninblack

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Make that a minority of 2 H, I've never cared for her either. She was great in Breakfast at Tiffany's, Charade and that one where she was blind. But she should never had been Eliza Doolittle..
  21. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    Good idea, though I would say that when it's down to someone else to keep the list of the banned alive. Re the fame bit, there is also an issue where a famous for famous/famous for being ill candidate then goes on to achieve other things on the back of said fame. So - for example - Harry Patch is now a best-selling author, there are obit worthy candidates - like Edwin Morgan - who don't have book sales to rival 'The Last Fighting Tommy,' he might have come by the book deal by default, but it's still an achievement and - arguably - qualifies him to avoid any famous for being famous deductions. I think that WW1 veterans and the World's oldest are a difficult group to place. Personally, I would ban them because they are only famous due to their advanced age. For example, Patch didn't do anything extraordinary during WW1 - he did what was common for men of his generation to do. The only thing that makes him special is that most men of his generation are dead (and his book complicates things further). On the other hand, some could be seen as celebrities - Patch and Allingham especially so. To be honest, I'd be content if the famous for being ill rule only went as far as the likes of Joanne Evans, Tara Jones, Josie Grove, the drug trial men, etc, likes. I like the idea of a kind of 'blacklist' of names. But again, how do you regulate it? What would be the point of banning the old crocks? There barely worth anything points wise anyway...
  22. themaninblack

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    He was a bit nervous, wasn't he? I'm not surprised though. It's been said that the American people see themselves in Obama, but apparently that's the plexiglass...
  23. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    That's a hit for Grobler...
  24. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    There's a great picture of her here, which could have been taken last week, she looks so modern...
  25. themaninblack

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries, etc... for 2009

    I'm less concerned that Obama is here only that Dubya will be gone...

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