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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    Just returned from another miserable night at Anfield. Thanks to the combination of Benitez and the Daily Express' total ignorance of Joanne Evans demise, I really do have murder in mind. Unlucky no-one has Rafa or The Daily express Health section editor in their DDP. I don't think we are ready yet. But runners-up is better than a kick in the teeth. Trouble is, it'll be runners up to you know who... Only a 6th European Cup will make up for that... This is for another thread, though.
  2. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    Well the way his Kidney Stones keep flaring up, he may well be an outside bet. Better for Fergie to drop down dead. If that did happen, I honestly wouldn't have feelings other than complete elation.. I think I might retire from football, it's just silly now with Man City hoping to spend £100m on Kaka... Anyway, back to DDP. If your other half keeps doing that everytime someone croaks it, you're gonna have a looooonnng year... Soon I'm going to add a mini-anyalsis on the main contenders for this years prize, a Champions League as it were (and it includes you too and most of the other forum botherers) Watch this space...
  3. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    Oops. I meant Arvonen. But Arundell IS doomed. He won't see 2010 & is gravely ill. But I think I have been a bit hasty to announce his demise... MPFC, what is the reason for your obession with Tempus? Besides, Tempus is still banned from the DDP for his despicable antics in 2007 & wouldn't be allowed to enter without prior approval first, so none of those teams are him. TMIB, yes, she is likely to enter in 2010. She wasn't put off at all by me mentioning it. If I can persuade her friend to enter as well, it could be some good competition in the OoO household... Windsor - yes, please, if you want to get the debate going, go for it. I have a lot to do at the moment, so I'm not in a position to finalise a decision yet, but there's no harm in starting the ball rolling. Although someone like Evans not getting an obit is probably as helpful in that respect as any for these people to no longer be picked. A threesome! You dirty dog... Next time I'll try and get one my old friends involved. I've mentioned it in the past, but he was bamboozled more than anything else... Seriously though, I think most people's reaction would be of mild disgust, followed by 'Have you got such and such in the list? BTW, what did Tempus do that caused castigation? (It's alright, you can wisper in me ear, you're amongst friends....) It's not too late to have Tim Cahill entered for the DDP is it? As for the 'Famous for being ill' debate, the recent Evans disappointment for some of our players ably demonstrates the risk involved and that it is in the lap of the obit gods at the end of the day. So I don't think there should be a rule as the process presents it's own risks...
  4. themaninblack

    Sir John Mortimer

    There's a programme on BBC 4 at the moment called John Mortimer: A Life in Words. Was this shown last year? Because if I had seen it then, I would kept him in...
  5. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    He's not in DDP too either... Likely to be a newcomer guaranteed next year...OoO's 'other half'. She certainly talks a good deadpool
  6. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    His deadpooling skills are truly awesome. Is anyone gonna grass him as one who might have hung around under another name? have no insider knowledge here but, is he - like - Tempus or someone? No, I think he's new. Probably lurked around a bit before taking the plunge. I think he's mentioned that he's from the same 'stable' as Tonight Matthew etc...
  7. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    ....Unless of course he has added that last sentence to the wrong person, namely Aarne Arvonen! The Fin was mentioned in the email so....
  8. themaninblack

    2009 DDP

    Let's see if we can find one for him... I reckon there was a bit of 'Insider' knowledge about that one... Still alive according to Wikipedia.
  9. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    Bob May was the operator of the robot. Dick Tufeld (who is still alive) did the voice. It's the old Darth Vader debate isn't it? Prowse vs Earl Jones...
  10. themaninblack

    Steve Jobs

    Doctors think the cancer may have come back...
  11. themaninblack

    Alex Higgins (And Snooker)

    It was mentioned during the mid-session interval that John Street, referee of many a World final, also died recently....
  12. themaninblack

    Alex Higgins (And Snooker)

    Just as a postscript to David Vine's death, here is an article about the phasing out of Clive Everton's commentary for BBC which has a quote from the great man himself on the situation. Two days later, he died....
  13. themaninblack

    Who's Going To Be Around For A While?

    Giving birth to the Devil incarnate certainly helps her longevity...
  14. themaninblack

    Wendy Richard

    I think I might have made a mistake of leaving her out of my DDP team, after seeing that...
  15. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    Welcome GU, and here's hoping Stefano Borgonovo succeds where Evans has failed and gets the required obit (if he dies this year, of course)... Yes, the lack of Evans' obit will be a big blow, possibly fatal in terms of winning DDP, but there's enough 'quality' in the teams who chose her to suggest success in 2009. Having made a list of potential high scorers and looked at their teams (including your good self), I shall discuss the chances of the big hitters in the appropriate thread...
  16. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    It's amazing, but sad as they're all great names when I grew up: Vine, McGoohan, Mortimer (via Rumpole) and now Hart. I knew he was ill but did't really consider him for my team. I've got David Hart (no relation), two Harts would be an extravagance! Well done son, but I must warn you, there's a long way to go. Last Year I started like a bullet (5 hits in 23 days!) but faded to a respectable 6th...
  17. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    Just beat me to it... The amazing debut of Heaven Knows They're Miserable Now continues...
  18. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    Er, maybe they could have waited before giving her that news...
  19. themaninblack

    Boy George

    I think Boy George won't have any trouble...
  20. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    What is it about composers and transgender operations? Remember Walter (AKA Wendy) Carlos? Don't you mean bitch?
  21. themaninblack

    Margaret Thatcher

    She's always going to divide opinion. There are those who adore her and see no wrong and there are those who wish her a bleak death... Personally I like to see her live a little longer to witness the 'world' she help create fall apart, as it is at the moment...
  22. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2009

    What is it about composers and transgender operations? Remember Walter (AKA Wendy) Carlos?
  23. themaninblack

    Crashing Companies

    Leicester's Princess Charlotte is also on its last legs...
  24. themaninblack

    Margaret Thatcher

    You're right, but in the wrong way! so we all agree.....no more mention of " ...... "The Great One EVER on this site ever again ??? Oh I'm sure Tony Benn will be nominated one day

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