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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    Docter Docter!

    Did he want a side salad with that?
  2. themaninblack

    Boris Yeltsin

    Success has many fathers, failure is a bastard I like that quote! These ones like Yeltsin are the toughest to call IMO. We know they are unwell, but their not really old. If he was over 80, then perhaps he would be on the list, but he was still in his seventies and once you get to that age, even when ill, you can hang on a bit with the right care. Same with Ronnie Biggs...
  3. themaninblack

    The Dead - 2007

    I wonder what he'll do with her...probably wrap her in a massive joint!
  4. themaninblack

    Boris Yeltsin

    Hmm touch and go I think.. In general death terms, the first heavyweight death of the year and I mean that metaphorically although he was a big man...
  5. themaninblack


    Ah.. but MIB, you've shot yourself in the foot here... There is one league team, who after being promoted from the non-league, has also not been in the third tier, having stayed down at the 4th So the list is: TOP TWO TIERS ONLY: Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Leeds United (not for long), Leicester City, Liverpool, Manchester United, Newcastle United, Tottenham Hotspur, West Ham United. FOURTH TIER ONLY: Boston United I await my prize in the post. PS Thanks to Rothmans Football Yearbook Give that man a cigar! Actually the Boston Utd stat would be a good one to bamboozle less football-savvy gentlemen (and women), that's providing they stay in the Football League of course... Now I've heard that Hartlepool could win their first prize of any kind if they go on to win League Two. I'm wondering who are the least successful team in the Football League. Don't include those fly-by-night teams such as Maidstone Utd and Scarborough, but ones who have been in the League a fair bit but without a bauble to their name...over to you OoO... well im gonna go for Middlesbrough. After forming in 1876, all they have to their name is winning the Old 2nd division three times, winning the new 1st division in 1995, and the more recent League Cup win with McLaren in 2004. and um, thats pretty much it. considering an average crowd of about 35,000 - Middlesbrough have to be up there with most unsuccessful, especially compared with loyalty from supporters. 1 Mickey Mouse Cup and a few promotions in over 125 years? They all count in the end, those divisional championships and a League Cup is better than diddley... I suppose there's a way of constructing a system which awards points for league positions, promotions, trophies, even minor ones such as the Watney Cup, as well as minus ones for relegations and so on. I'm thinking Torquay were not particularly successful, and are now ultimately out of the Football League all together...
  6. themaninblack


    Ah.. but MIB, you've shot yourself in the foot here... There is one league team, who after being promoted from the non-league, has also not been in the third tier, having stayed down at the 4th So the list is: TOP TWO TIERS ONLY: Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Leeds United (not for long), Leicester City, Liverpool, Manchester United, Newcastle United, Tottenham Hotspur, West Ham United. FOURTH TIER ONLY: Boston United I await my prize in the post. PS Thanks to Rothmans Football Yearbook Give that man a cigar! Actually the Boston Utd stat would be a good one to bamboozle less football-savvy gentlemen (and women), that's providing they stay in the Football League of course... Now I've heard that Hartlepool could win their first prize of any kind if they go on to win League Two. I'm wondering who are the least successful team in the Football League. Don't include those fly-by-night teams such as Maidstone Utd and Scarborough, but ones who have been in the League a fair bit but without a bauble to their name...over to you OoO...
  7. themaninblack


    Yes - what a result, but trouble is we're now heading for Europe when we didn't want it... sh*t! Ah well, i think we should just enjoy the ride. Only just got in so only taken a quick glance but looks like Leeds are doomed & Colchester & Jamie Cureton have done it again! MPFC may be weeping in his cornflakes as Carlisle's recent rapid play-off chase was dented big-time by Bristol City... Hmmm..'tis the poisoned chalice the UEFA placings... Looks like the Foxes should avoid third-tier ignominy, so well done to them! Only ten teams in the League have not been in the third tier, and they are...?
  8. themaninblack

    The Dead - 2007

    An eye-witness account of events leading to her demise, containing more details than most people would want to read, and some important questions about the use of fire alarms. From the article; 'Rob Lyons, 25, a Daily Mail sub-editor, was in the flat opposite the one rented by Susan Elliott in the Hudson block of New River Village on the night the fire took hold.' That must be the first time a sub-editor has ever done anything remotely useful for society....and from the Daily Mail as well! I'm surprised he didn't let her burn and then moan about the slack response of the emergency services and how it is typical of an over-taxed mega-crypto-communist Britain!
  9. themaninblack


    Yeah, the Getafe defenders are much better!
  10. themaninblack

    The Dead - 2007

    Guardian link here 75? I had no idea he was that old...
  11. themaninblack

    World War I Veteran(s)

    There does seem to be one country we seem to miss out regarding possible survivors of the Great War...the Russians! Any veterans? What about those Georgians, they last forever...
  12. themaninblack

    Paul Hunter

    You keep comin' back for more Johnno, let's face it... U LUV US! Take the Korean chap who killed all those students, now he WAS sick! And lets face it, your frothy ranting is nearer to his side of the Wacko-scale than our celebrity-death pondering... Think about it....
  13. themaninblack

    Paul Hunter

    Are you a Leeds fan? If so.....Down, down, deeper and down. Down, down, deeper and down...etc. How apt this thread's been revived with the World Snooker Championships coming up.. Neal Robertson's my tip BTW...
  14. themaninblack


    Check this bit of genius by Lionel Messi..
  15. themaninblack

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries ,etc ...for 2007

    Happy Birthday FH.....
  16. themaninblack

    Alan Johnston

    Looks like I'm the only one who thinks he's alive....
  17. themaninblack


    From an anti-Man Utd point of view, I'm pleased Chelsea won. Blackburn would have rolled over against Utd - at least Chelsea will provide stiff opposition and try to thwart their Treble/Double/any trophy at all ambitions... On what basis would Blackburn have rolled over against Manchester Utd.? I didn't realise anyone was anti-Man Utd. these days, I thought everyone had switched their attention to the rich pretenders. On the basis that United rarely lose FA Cup finals to underdogs (Southampton (1976) and Everton (1995)excepted). Blackburn would have been like Newcastle in 1999, a pushover, for all of Sparky's knowledge/experience. If you think people have turned away from hating Man Utd, watch if they win the Treble again, it'll all come flooding back. Chelsea are like Leeds in the 1970s - their time is now and will soon pass as will the fashionable hatred.
  18. themaninblack


    From an anti-Man Utd point of view, I'm pleased Chelsea won. Blackburn would have rolled over against Utd - at least Chelsea will provide stiff opposition and try to thwart their Treble/Double/any trophy at all ambitions...
  19. themaninblack


    Hi there. What did happen to the 1988 list? Still missing...
  20. themaninblack

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries ,etc ...for 2007

    Happy Birthday In Eternum +..... Here's a cake:
  21. themaninblack


    At least he'll remember making it, or some of it anyway....
  22. themaninblack

    Damn, won't anyone die?

    Agreed. Everyone seems to be in surprisingly good health. It's April and the panic's set in already? This year's going to be rather like Man Utd v Bayern Munich in 1999, as we head into late December the Grim Reaper's going to pop up at the near post and put a few souls into the back of the net. Well last year was a bit like that. Last quarter of the year and it was raining corpses! I haven't had a hit on my 50 since January...
  23. themaninblack

    Where [was] Kurt Vonnegut?

    I removed him from my list too. Thinking that he looked fine albeit a tad frail.Other than that he seemed to be in good spirits and not likely to drop dead for at least another year. Weird though, i just lent a copy of Slaughterhouse Five to a work colleague of mine only yesterday Well in that case - not wanting to be left out - I removed him from my shadow list too! He was on my database but never seriously considered. Seems he died after 'a fall', that venerable elderly standby. I always wanted to read one of his books but never got round to it. Sad fact: the recurring phrase Vonnegut used in his books, 'So it goes' was used as the title of a Granada TV pop programme in the mid-70s which featured the Sex Pistols... Wasn't that presented by Tony Wilson, a possible 2008 candidate? Indeed it was...
  24. themaninblack

    Where [was] Kurt Vonnegut?

    I removed him from my list too. Thinking that he looked fine albeit a tad frail.Other than that he seemed to be in good spirits and not likely to drop dead for at least another year. Weird though, i just lent a copy of Slaughterhouse Five to a work colleague of mine only yesterday Well in that case - not wanting to be left out - I removed him from my shadow list too! He was on my database but never seriously considered. Seems he died after 'a fall', that venerable elderly standby. I always wanted to read one of his books but never got round to it. Sad fact: the recurring phrase Vonnegut used in his books, 'So it goes' was used as the title of a Granada TV pop programme in the mid-70s which featured the Sex Pistols...
  25. themaninblack

    The Dead - 2007

    ... it's also wort pointing out that Nick "Mr Loophole" Freeman acted as his solicitor in the above case. That Freeman deserves to have Karma too. Run over perhaps. By a speeding Premiership footballer...

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