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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    Captain Beefheart

    Neither...he is beyond categorisation...he's not someone you could put into a commercial box... but one day he'll be on the list and he'll be in another form of box for sure at some stage.... True. He's already on my DL06 list and will almost certainly be on my DDP07 list...
  2. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    Oh about a tenth of what Castro's managed, or at least that Castro's murdered that we know about. I don't know why people get so worked up about Pinochet - it was only Communists he killed after all. Yeah and it's only towelheads the Americans blitzed over the last twenty years anyhow... I've never heard any figures regarding Castro, although I accept he's probably removed an 'opponent' or two in his time... Removing opponents is what Communists do. When it comes to mass murder you really can't beat a well-trained Communist. And what's more they don't hand over power to democrats once they've finished, unlike Pinochet. Castro was never a Communist, not in the Soviet sense anyway. He merely allied with them for political convenience (US Generals breathing down his neck you see.) He's a Marxist, populist socialist..so there!
  3. themaninblack

    Captain Beefheart

    Neither...he is beyond categorisation...he's not someone you could put into a commercial box...
  4. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    Oh about a tenth of what Castro's managed, or at least that Castro's murdered that we know about. I don't know why people get so worked up about Pinochet - it was only Communists he killed after all. Yeah and it's only towelheads the Americans blitzed over the last twenty years anyhow... I've never heard any figures regarding Castro, although I accept he's probably removed an 'opponent' or two in his time...
  5. themaninblack

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    Only Brown Bread and myself reside in the top ten without scoring joker points...
  6. themaninblack

    J051e Gr0ve

    How can you say in broad brush strokes that a regular contributor to this forum could never be bigger in any way with some one who has just made a life style choice (all-be it a huge one in that of not fighting a terminal illness) since using ones full life and energy to do wonderful good for others (Jane Tomlinson) could very much be much more news worthy and noted as being "bigger" in any number of ways. I guess my comments were based on what I have read from CP and what I know of myself. I've read through the arguments you have been making and understand where you (and others) are coming from. I'm not arguing with the logic, but with the morality (or absence of it) behind that logic. It's the moral escapism of the SS who believed that by taking a uniform and swearing an oath they were absolved from moral judgements because, when they shot, gassed or hanged a trainload of Jews, they were taking an objective stance (obeying orders), playing by the rules to which they subscribed when they joined. I'm sure there were SS men who felt somewhat uneasy about the things that they did but the rules and codes that governed their behaviour were sufficiently straightforward for them to defray their guilt. Their collective solidarity enabled them to absolve themselves of their crimes. For the SS too, deaths earned kudos such as promotion and medals. Points win prizes in many walks of life. With respect Godot, if you take such a line, why are you on this site? This isn't some place of ecumenical discussion - it's a deadpool site! Always a sticky argument once you throw the Nazis in IMO....
  7. themaninblack

    Lyndsey Hunter

    A bit brassy for my tastes, but I see what you mean...
  8. themaninblack

    J051e Gr0ve

    Hand up, my fault. As soon as I posted the topic, I considered the Google trouble we might get...
  9. themaninblack

    General Pinochet

    Good riddance to the old bastard (I think I said that about Botha as well) 4 points for me, my 8th hit for DDP, first for exactly 5 months.. ...well placed for a top ten finish, not bad for a virgin (of DDP, that is...)
  10. themaninblack

    Number 12 - Who, If Anyone?

    I think it's over and out for DL this year. Mind you, I said that about the tenth hit... Exactly a year after DL's final hit of 2005, Richard Pryor. Does it really seem like a year?
  11. themaninblack

    The Augusto Pinochet Poll

    Place your bets please... Note to Moderator's - this needs editing as I've ballsed up... [Like this? -- MH]
  12. themaninblack

    J051e Gr0ve

    Yes. It's a strong enough get-out clause...
  13. themaninblack

    Not Exactly Famous...

    My memory is hazy;- Which one's Jackson and who is dead? According to IMDB, Michael Staniforth, Michael Darbyshire, Molly Weir, Anthony Jackson, Edward Brayshaw, Kenneth Connor, Betty Alberge, Elisabeth Day are all dead. So, of that picture, am I right in thinking from left to right, , alive, alive (Dobbin), (witch), alive (Popov), alive?, ??? Well he's not in that picture. I thought he died years ago....
  14. themaninblack

    Here Is The News - I'm Dead!

    Very probably. I'm not the most original of thread starters I have to say...
  15. themaninblack

    Alf Pearson

    Who is Alf Pearson? A Brinsworth resident I think. http://www.eabf.org.uk/alfpearson/index.htm Oh... ...he'll probably get an obit I suppose...
  16. themaninblack

    Alf Pearson

    Who is Alf Pearson?
  17. themaninblack

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Happy birthday Lawro.... Take comfort in that I'm always slightly ahead of you age-wise...
  18. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    So he's guilty then....
  19. themaninblack

    Alan 'Fluff' Freeman

    What he needs is a decent pair of specs to make it a hat-trick....
  20. themaninblack

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Was that 'the one' OoO?
  21. themaninblack

    J051e Gr0ve

    Hmm some debate this. I created the thread because I am split down the middle. One argument to have her in is that deadpools are morally relativistic and so to place this in a moral context (draw a line in the sand, as it were) would be pointless. Another argument against her inclusion would be that she has become 'famous' simply by being ill, not through other means. Cards on the table time - I have a potential candidate on my list who is a convicted Paedophile (not the most shining example to humanity) who is seriously ill and hit the headlines a few years ago over a judicial ruling. Would I treat him as the same candidate for DDP, quite rationally, as a 'brave' 16 yr old terminal patient, or should I have a moral stance on this and cast him but not her? Or do we have neither, as to some eyes, choosing a convicted Paedophile, notorious enough to get a least a mention in one of the broadsheets of his passing, but obscure enough to win points for DDP, would be a rather 'odd' choice anyway....
  22. themaninblack

    J051e Gr0ve

    Probably.....the thing is though , she was on local tele last night ....she clearly is a fighter with LOADS of passion for life . She looks a bit like Jane Tomlinson....and I hope she survives like her too . I'd bet Josie makes it through a few years yet..... Yeah, no-one wants her to die...
  23. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    There's another (ex)footballer that's sick out there in the football cosmos...Luton Town physio Bruce Sewell has been diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease. It's in it's early stages so best to wait a year or two... I do have another football connection possibilitiy, but I'm keeping him close my chest. As it were...
  24. themaninblack

    J051e Gr0ve

    I know. But rules are rules........ I've created a thread for this in extra-curricular. If the moderators can do the honours... thanx [Posts moved from Ideas and Possibilities Thread - ff]
  25. themaninblack

    Eli Wallach

    Happy birthday Eli Wallach - 91! He'll stick around for a bit I reckon...

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