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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    Poll: 2007 Deathlist Names

    So did I...well sort of! Sci-fi double bill perhaps.
  2. themaninblack

    PW Botha

    All together now... No he's never met a nice South African And that's not bloody surprising man 'Cause we're a bunch of ignorant loudmouths With no sense of humour - ha ha....
  3. themaninblack

    Poll: 2007 Deathlist Names

    I would add the following people: Tammy Faye Messner (if she survives until 2007) Luciano Pavarotti (Pancreatic cancer has a very low survival rate) Larry Hagman (still has a drinking problem, despite getting a liver transplant) Evil Knievel (hepatitis C, liver transplant, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ) Advice to DL: take Football Fan's suggestions seriously, as he's rather good! I've got Larry Hagman in my DDP 2006, but I'm considering whether to include him for next year... Messner may not be DL material... A few suggestions from TMIB... George Blake Cahal Daly Louis Farrakan John Forsythe Dick Francis Deborah Kerr (I wish i picked Nigel Kneale for 06, I suggested him last year.. )
  4. themaninblack

    Poll: 2007 Deathlist Names

    Agreed on Di Stefano. It was a rather hasty move on the Dl's part to include him..
  5. themaninblack

    Poll : 2007 Deathlist Names

    I second that. It's about time a really top-notch Hollywood star kicked the bucket...
  6. themaninblack

    PW Botha

    Here's a quote from the BBC regarding the ANC's reaction to Botha's death... ''The ruling African National Congress, which was outlawed under Botha, was among the first to offer condolences. "The African National Congress wishes his family strength and comfort at this difficult time," it said in a statement. '' Blimey that's generous considering....
  7. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    'Course it's on Wikipedia. I put it there Sheesh! So apart from some manky Hammer Horror site, we still don't know if he's passed on? Wait for the BBC....
  8. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    Its on Wikipedia.... The Godfather of British TV Sci-Fi! Quatermass, 1984 (adaptation), Year of the Sex Olympics, The Stone Tape.... Nigel Kneale RIP....
  9. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    Can you substantiate your claim that Nigel Kneale has died?If its true it is devastating news for all fans of science fiction.I am shocked by this How shocking is it that someone dies at the age of 84? I ask solely for information..... We would have heard about this on the news surely?
  10. themaninblack

    PW Botha

    Agreed. Good riddance you Boarstud!
  11. themaninblack

    Poll - Number 10 - Who Will It Be?

    That's become almost a cliche! Pinochet - for a right-wing dictator double!
  12. themaninblack

    Michael Foot

    In the battle of the aged former Labour Leaders of the House, I think Ted Short will go first...
  13. themaninblack

    Joe Longthorne

    ....I could do with the points!
  14. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    Seven minutes? He did better than most against Tyson.... BTW Berbick was the last man to fight Ali, so a footnote in Boxing history is assured..
  15. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    You were right about the relapse. Now he's got prostate cancer. "It's the best cancer to have", he says. I'm sure if they were still alive Timothy Leary, Telly Savalas, Frank Zappa, Charles de Gaulle, Ayatollah Khomeini and Francois Mitterrand might find cause to disagree with him. He seems robust enough (at least he's still acting). He'll probably make it through 2007, but right through to 2009?
  16. themaninblack

    Michelangelo Antonioni

    Well, perhaps my confidence is misplaced.... Still, I wont leave him out of 07 - he's one of those which you'd kick yourself if he wasn't on your list and he goes and stiffs...
  17. themaninblack

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    Well, what is Death List? It started with students having a laugh... DL should be proud of being the oldest ongoing British deadpool... Leave egames to their Frats and Thanksgiving and Trick-or-Treats and Cookies and all that.... BTW, I wonder what the oldest European deadpool is?
  18. themaninblack

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I think Dame Helen has done enough of that recently... The Queen is likely to see her Diamond Jubilee in 2012. She has also privately expressed an interest in surpassing 63 years on the throne. They say people tend to live longer with goals they feel passionate about*. *One being to keep her son off the throne. How old would she be then, because I have a feeling she will vacate the throne at a nice round 90 years of age....
  19. themaninblack

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I doubt it will be the beginning of the end. She is in great health for her age and her back trouble will quickly be set right. She is a multimillionaire (secret billionaire) with access to the finest medical treatment in the country. I'm sure she'll pull through... I'm not over-dramatising, but I think she's starting to show her age, as we would at that age.. ...if we live that long of course! Worth keeping an eye on in the next ten years though...
  20. themaninblack

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Oh yes, we're very polite round here.... Some newcomers/ranters sometimes misunderstand the tone of this site, for sometimes it might have a glib/sarcastic/gallows side, it can be largely respectful of the dying/dead. The Paul Hunter thread would make a good case study: Ranters bombarded us with angry stuff under the assumption that we were being unreasonably cruel, but in the fact the mood was often reverential. I wager that most of the main contributers have had experienced death close-up in their lives - I know I have... I think the great Simon Cadell died of terminal lung cancer.. There's an embarrassingly large thread devoted to near misses and a new, sister thread detailing the deaths of those not so famous, but still regarded in some capacity... Hope that answers your queries.... [Links added -- MH]
  21. themaninblack

    Queen Elizabeth II

    The Queen pulled out of an engagement yesterday due to a pulled muscle in her back... ....and she's not at the races! The Beginning of the End??? Don't fret Windsor...she's got a while to go yet....
  22. themaninblack

    Elizabeth Taylor

    Is Liz getting married again? I think she'll be alright for a years at least, unless she's trying to secure an old friend's future....
  23. themaninblack

    George Best

    Is that to symbolise the amount of money Georgie pissed away?
  24. themaninblack

    Charles Kennedy

    If that's the case, tonite's Channel 4 programme about the best/worst places to live must seem like Deep Throat round your way.....
  25. themaninblack

    On Content and Form

    These days 'girl' black people call eachother 'N-word' like America uses the word 'what'. It's amazing how many people say it to eachother. I hear other girls call there friends 'girls' all the time. There is absolutely nothing strange about that. In todays world words are takin less harshly then in the past. It has everything to do with Deathlist. Maybe white people should turn it on its head and call each other 'whitey'....

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