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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    Where Have All The Ranters Gone?

    Eddy I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts - good stuff! Even better stuff - I see you have decided to join us. I hope you enjoy the banter. DWB Another convert to the cause - welcome!
  2. themaninblack

    Paul Hunter

    u f****n cruel c**ts go a F**k ureself u dirty W**ker Why are these ranters using a quote, seemingly out of context and by a non-member, as a club to beat us with. Bizarre...
  3. themaninblack

    Paul Hunter

    To be fair Dr, you are correct. I was trying to use the word as a more general term, which emcopasses the likes of Hunter as well as Castro. Is there a better term to use?
  4. themaninblack

    Ian Paisley

    Saw him on the news yesterday and he looked extremely healthy. I think he'll be alright for a while yet....
  5. themaninblack

    Paul Hunter

    I'm getting dragged into another debate as to what constitutes a celebrity, 'noted personality' or whatever. He made the national news, which makes him a noted personality in my eyes.
  6. themaninblack

    Paul Hunter

    True. From the ranter's rantings, you'd think all we did was come up with streams of jokes about poor Paul's condition, whereas a few comments apart, it's been fairly reverent. Those who have come on and had a go could have just ignored this site but deep down there was a kind of morbid curiosity and tempation won! But life (and indeed death) goes on and this current controversy will blow over when some other noted personality breathes their last.....
  7. themaninblack

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    Come on Harold, do yer Beckett then....
  8. themaninblack

    Failure Of The Death List?

    I never said that at all OoO! In a Death list of 50, there's always going to be room for also rans like Updike. I shall do my DDP on the criteria of 1. Whether I've heard of them 2. The likelihood of their death and 3. The points that could be accrued from making such a prediction There's always the dilemma of knowing about a famous or noted person being ill and likely to die because of their unfortunate circumstances. But points mean prizes and needs must...
  9. themaninblack

    Paul Hunter

    Another knotch for Meet Your Maker though... I remember watching his match in the WC six months ago and he looked pretty crook...
  10. themaninblack

    Paul Hunter

    Very sad news, he was a good player (could, perhaps should have won the World Championships in 2003) and seemed a nice lad. Here's a link.... Paul Hunter dies at 27
  11. themaninblack

    Failure Of The Death List?

    As far as dead certs are concerned, Lee Hazlewood looks a good bet, providing he survives the year. Same for Allen Carr..... The fear is missing out on the biggies - surely Fidel (who was in 05 but out 06) has got to be in future DL's.
  12. themaninblack

    Kim Jong-Il

    According to US untelligence, Osama Bin Laden was supposed to be on the verge of death from those same ailments about 5 years ago, wasn't he? And I think they pronounced something similar about Fidel Castro back in the 80s. I wish the US would issue a statement that I'm about to die of renal failure and diabetes. That diagnosis seems to be gold-standard precursor to a vigorous and belligerent old age these days. Probably the US government are trying to outfox the Death List with disinformation for some reason or other....
  13. themaninblack

    What Happens...?

    This sort of thing happened to my Granddad. One year he died on 29th December and the funeral/burial was the following year on New Years Day...
  14. themaninblack

    Failure Of The Death List?

    So are you suggesting that DL come up with a 'sexier' list rather than have candidates that may have some not-so-famous people who are likely to die?
  15. themaninblack

    Kim Jong-Il

    With the nuclear test carried out today, has the 'rogue state' signed it's own death warrant or is this just sabre-rattling by a desperate leader of a poor country. Will the US or China take executive action?
  16. themaninblack

    Failure Of The Death List?

    Well said that man. Edward Upward is even more boring than Ingmar Bergman and that's saying something. We have tons of good exciting candidates for next year, it's up to DL if they choose any or if they choose people more boring than Welsh Assembly - LIVE - 24 hour rolling coverage. But who's more likely to cark it?
  17. themaninblack

    Parting Shots

    ''How did he perform such great stunts, with such little feet?''
  18. themaninblack

    Failure Of The Death List?

    Last night I had a look at a site which keeps track of noted nonogenarians (including a sizable number of Cinematographers - must be the celluloid!). Here's the link There's a fair few and I'm not sure that all of them would make the obits. Some of these have been mentioned as candidates before. I've made a list of possibles... Ruby Mahommed - Nation of Islam (b.1897) Zheng Ji - Biologist (b.1900) Boris Efimov - Cartoonist/Propagandist (b.1900) Sir Arthur Marshall - Aviator (b.1903) Frank Stanton - US TV executive (b.1908) Charles Forte - Hotelier (b.1908) Dame Elisabeth Murdoch - Philantropist and mother of Rupert (b.1909) Gloria Stuart - Actress (b.1910) Ronald Neame - Filmmaker (b.1911) Peter Rogers - Film Producer (Carry Ons) (b.1914) Phil Drabble - TV Presenter (One Man and his Dog) (b.1914) Norman Lloyd - Actor (b.1914) Anna Wing - Actress (Eastenders) (b.1914) Peter Copley - Actor (b. 1915) Joao Havelange - Ex-President of FIFA (b.1916) Olaf Pooley - Actor (b.1916)
  19. themaninblack

    Fidel Castro

    Here's another article on the same news.... Castro Cancer 'Terminal'
  20. themaninblack

    Failure Of The Death List?

    As many dayss as what??@ THREE DEATHS IN AS MANY DAYS - IT'S AN EXPRESSION! Actually I'm wrong. There were 3 deaths in two days (8-10 Sept), but there was actually a death on the 12th, so it's FOUR DEATHS IN AS MANY DAYS (4 deaths in 4 days) see for yourself - http://www.deathlist.net/?y=2003&news=1 Is that clear?
  21. themaninblack

    Caption Competitions

    ''I'm just looking on the internet for my penis''
  22. themaninblack

    Failure Of The Death List?

    If there are no other deaths this year, then it will be the poorest since 1998. However, never give up hope. The epochal 2003 list had three deaths in as many days. You never know what's round the corner. Next year should be promising. There are a couple of terminals (Hazlewood, Allen - if they hang on) and Ross Davidson has got to give up the ghost sooner or later. And Biggs come to think of it. And of course it's the 20th anniversary.....
  23. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    I'd heard of her, and Corrie sacked her the year before I was born (though the Street and I are connected by the fact I was born on the day of it's 15th Anniversary episode. In fact, my mother squeezed me out at 7.20pm to make sure she didn't miss it). But that was only because she recorded for Joe Meek, and I have her tracks on some Meek compilation CDs. Funny that, I was born a couple of weeks before, on the day of the Porridge episode where Nasty Norris dug up the Leeds United pitch! Any other birth-days on minor TV milestones?
  24. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    I think Moss is one of those that falls into a generation gap awareness. I'd imagine between 1961-1974, she was extremely well known, but as she fell out (rather spectactulary too) of the limelight, she became forgotten. I've never heard of her, for the simple reason that by the time I started watching television (1980 onwards), she'd already disappeared off our TV screens. I agree OoO, I'd never heard of her, she was last in the public eye before I was born, so depends how old you are and who you can remember....
  25. themaninblack

    Allen Carr

    He's on the DDP 07 list as far as I'm concerned...

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