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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Thought I'd chuck in Norman Mailer, after seeing him in the doc on BBC4, when he's arguing with Germaine Greer.....
  2. themaninblack

    Fidel Castro

    I can think of worse political leaders. That does seem to be the consensus regarding Castro, perhaps the closest leader we've had to the notion of the 'Benevolent Dictator'. No doubt someone will point out examples of tyranny and political malpractice, He hasn't after all been leader of Cuba for so long without a fair bit of suppression. But he's no monster on the scale of Stalin or Pol Pot, unless of course the stories come out when he goes....
  3. themaninblack

    Jeremy Thorpe

    Mind you, a Parkinson's stricken septugenarian on the brink of death would probably string a few sentences rather better than potato head Wayne Rooney could without his ghost-writer Hunter Davies.....
  4. themaninblack

    Great Gigs In The Sky

    I suppose that much speculated Clash reunion won't happen now that Joe Strummer's six foot under.... ...The Smiths?
  5. themaninblack

    Barbara Windsor

    On what evidence?
  6. themaninblack

    Jeremy Thorpe

    Could be ghost-written though....
  7. themaninblack

    Jeremy Thorpe

    Gordo won't be attractive to Middle England until he reduces his stealth taxes. Never has so much money been wasted by so few. There will always be taxes...
  8. themaninblack

    Jeremy Thorpe

    Didn't anyone have a read on the article concerning Broon's non-existant voting record on gay rights? Hmm interesting. It seems that Gordy might end up being more attractive to Middle England than we think...
  9. themaninblack

    Brooke Astor

    There was a report on News 24 last night (relayed from ABC in America) about Astor and how badly she's treated. There should no probs with the obits for her, which might come quite soon...
  10. themaninblack

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    The one's you could add at the end of the year are recently ill and they're probably on the list anyway!
  11. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    After a rather inert period of suggestions, here are some new ones... Grahame Crowden (b.1922) - veteran actor and two Goods... I.J 'Jack' Good - Mathematician. Worked at Bletchley Prk in WWII. Probably get an obit in The Times or Guardian. Born 1916... Jack Good (b.1931) - TV Producer, actor, now a monk...
  12. themaninblack

    Gerald Ford

    Probably not the right to die at the moment for Gerald, with all this stuff going on in the Middle East. A nice quiet period news-wise would be just the ticket for him, particularly as we wasn't president for very long... Incidentally, who has had the shorter presidency: Kennedy or Ford?
  13. themaninblack

    Pink Floyd

  14. themaninblack

    Pink Floyd

    Thank you , pulphack. And props to you for even jokingly suggesting that it was Mo. I was convinced that the bow or whatever she has around her neck was disguising an Adam's apple. I'm curious to see what TMIB will choose for his next avatar. .....which is this!! (Again, just so as you know....)
  15. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    Oh dear. He was a great director - 'The Deadly Assassin' was my favourite (that's the story when he returns to his old planet folks!). He wasn't that old was he? He must have been ill..
  16. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    That's a shame although I thought he was dead anyway. Anyone seen the film 'Used Cars'? Good film. Warden has 2 roles in it..
  17. themaninblack

    Pink Floyd

    Give that man a cigar! Correct. Probably taken late 69/early 70. Mo Tucker's at the front, so its not a long-haired geezer. Doug Yule 'The Underated One', Sterling Morrison and the Louster complete the lineup.... I'm off to find another Avatar which you can guess... (Just so people know what the hell we're on about here...)
  18. themaninblack

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    I think Octopus has done a fabulous job. Saves me the bother of compiling a big list. Can't think of any to add.... Robert Wyatt ('Rock Bottom')? Paraplegic, past 60...
  19. themaninblack

    Near misses 2006

    Yeah, treble drat! I was thinking of having him in my DDP, along with someone else who's name escapes me for the moment...
  20. themaninblack

    Pink Floyd

    New York Dolls, Ramones, Talking Heads, Heartbreakers.... ...what do they all have in common?
  21. themaninblack

    Pink Floyd

  22. themaninblack

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Saw a picture of Alan 'Fluff' Freeman in the Mail on Sunday...hmmm looks ancient. Plus he's in a wheelchair and recently had an operation on his jaw. Oh and he has arthritis. Not 'arf dead death-pickers!
  23. themaninblack

    Pink Floyd

    No. I'll give you a clue, it's not as they're normally known to look like....
  24. themaninblack

    Pink Floyd

    Wrong. Anyone else for a guess?
  25. themaninblack

    John Spencer

    If these things come in threes as no doubt they do, we can expect a good break with Higgins and Hunter next to pot. Is it just me or are they dropping like flies at the minute? I suppose I had better scrub Spencer off my 2007 draft... Should have got in earlier... A good player, although I can only remember him when he was passed his peak.

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