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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. themaninblack

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    False accusatons of rape are very common these days, because the assumptions favour the woman's story over the men's...
  2. themaninblack

    Star Wars Deaths

    Jones voice, Prowse body...although another actor did the fight scenes so I'm told!
  3. themaninblack

    Dead Pop Stars

    Yeah, I'm a bit surprised that the BBC didn't follow up too. Still, who cares how the ball went in the net, it's in!
  4. themaninblack

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Another chunk of my 80s childhood has melted away like an iceberg... At least it wasn't Ian Livingstone That 'Starship Traveller' was an absolute bastard to complete! I never did...
  5. themaninblack

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Another chunk of my 80s childhood has melted away like an iceberg...
  6. themaninblack

    Dead Pop Stars

    He's in 36 pieces now...
  7. themaninblack

    Scottish Independence

    "Turkeys voting for an early Christmas" as Jim Callaghan said...
  8. themaninblack

    Dead Pop Stars

    I think I've heard the rustle of a chilled bucket...
  9. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2014

    Well your wife can't have her....
  10. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2014

  11. themaninblack

    The Dead Of 2014

    Casualty actress Rebekah Gibbs has died of cancer aged 41.
  12. themaninblack

    Death Anniversary Thread

  13. themaninblack

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    Saw a clip of him in his present state on Sky Sports News. Doesn't look too good...
  14. themaninblack

    Political Frailty

    very real potential that both leaders will be challenged directly after the election or even before. Green-Lab-SNP-Lib-UKIP coalitionis my bet on the government after the election. WTF? Cameron's not going anywhere sadly. Also who right now gives a flying fuck who the leaders are after the election? Anyway I'm loving seeing Ed Miliband in trouble. The Labour party are showing balls I never thought they had, talking about changing leaders this "close" to an election.... does anyone else think he's done now? A lot people on Thurs/Friday were essentially saying this phase will pass but the talk has got way more powerful over the weekend. Can't stand the sodding weirdo, surely they are going to get rid of him now, you can't have this much talk from party people about someone being useless without getting rid of them.......? Labour party rules do not allow the leader to be removed from within the party this close to an election so unless he falls on his own sword he will be leader in May 2015. I do get the impression with a lot of this talk is that it is designed to make Ed Milliband look weak rather than evidence that he is weak. What he could really do with is a couple of high profile celebrity deaths to keep the press occupied so they don't spend their time thinking up stupid Ed Milliband stories. Ed Miliband is actually one of the most effective Leaders of the Opposition in recent memory. After all, his intervention prevented the Syrian bombing (thus in retrospect preventing said country to be handed to IS on a plate), forced the issue on higher energy prices, stood up to Murdoch over the BSkyB takeover and hacking and had the cannonballs to stand up against his Blairlite brother against all expectations and win. To top it off he's taken a principled stand over Palestine which has pissed off the Zionists and no mistake. If that's what he's like in opposition, what will he like as PM? Hence the plotting to get rid of him...
  15. themaninblack

    Jimmy Savile

    Revving up a little today as the number of NHS institutions involved in the Savile enquiry rises to 41. http://www.bbc.co.uk...health-29932391 at this rate of growth I'm guessing statisticians would predict the entire planet will be involved in the enquiry by early 2021. Aye, we are starting to talk telephone numbers in terms of how many he abused the length and breadth of the country. To be absolutely fair, you have got to hand it to the scum bag, the lengths he went to to cultivate and groom a nation so that he could do what he did was incredible. How many marathons did he run for "charidee"? All so that the public would think he was a generous and loveable fella. Im amazed he had any energy left to fuck a corpse.... Summat else that borders on surreal is how close Gerry Sadowitz' "what a man" ironic appreciation comedy routine about Savile has now be turned to the absolute truth. Sadowitz - if I remember correctly because I was helpless with laughter - accused Savile of necrophilia, abusing kids and hospital patients, hoodwinking professionals including the police and doctors and shagging pensioners. Am I missing owt or is it just hard proof of interfering with the elderly that is now lacking to complete the set. Well the inquiry is looking at a wide spectrum of ages from 5 to 75. The problem will be finding pensioners still alive to testify. Its nailed on Mary, any hole was a goal, any age dead or alive. Full fuggin house, You mean he fucked Pete Burns as well? Now that IS fucking sick. Some people will do anything to get on Top of the Pops...
  16. themaninblack

    Death Anniversary Thread

    As my schoolfriend Dave said at the time "Cap'n Bob, bob, bob, bob..."
  17. themaninblack

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    That's true, so don't buy the champers just yet...
  18. themaninblack

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Latest pages are up. Time to start thinking of 2015, boys and girls it's all over for this year!
  19. 5ft 5in is above average height for a woman but a man with that would be considered a bit of a shortarse...
  20. themaninblack

    So, How's Your 2015 Shortlist Looking?

    40 names jotted down in the back of my diary, with one or two scribbled out (Lynda, obv!). Must get round to seeing how they're all faring...
  21. themaninblack

    O.J. Simpson: Run Out Of Juice?

    Do you think Saxo have shares in supermarket tabloids? No, only in Daily Express weather forecasts...
  22. themaninblack

    Stairway To Heaven/ Highway To Hell

    'bout fuckin' time frankly, quite a few DJs (myself included once over) have bored listeners by putting "Taurus" back to back with "Stairway to Heaven." Bring on It's a Beautiful Day dragging the surviving Deep Purple Mk 2s into court to question the parentage of "Child in Time." None of these people at the time seriously thought they were writing music that would have such staying power, or so many lawyers making money off it 45 years later. Funnily enough, I was reading up the other day about the Nirvana/Killing Joke/Damned imbroglio over the former's 'Come As You Are' being a rip off of the middle's 'Eighties' which in turn bears some similarity to the latter's 'Life Goes On'.
  23. themaninblack

    I Miss Badegg

    I miss Iain. Only joking.
  24. themaninblack

    Richard Branson

    Reports sketchy about the death at this stage. If so though, our Spaceship Roulette competition has claimed its first victim...http://www.abc.net.a...-flight/5859442 Dunno if I posted it somewhere else - like the astronauts thread - but... I read an article a while back suggesting the "spaceship roulette" problem was real. Basically pointing out that Virgin's ambitions were combining cutting edge computers and aeronautics with rocket science that wasn't keeping up. The problem being that the size of rockets in the machinery was pushing their performance to the limit. Can't Google and find it at the moment, but I'm fairly sure it was in The Guardian. As with the rocket planes 50 years ago, it might be the test pilots rather than any passengers that pay the price in development. Absolutely. As we've seen with the other rocket failure this week that technology is still fallible and stuck in the 1950s...
  25. themaninblack

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    Sorry.... WTF? Did you put on your favourite Doctor Who outfit this morning without realising a bad wash had rendered it the exact same bunch of colours as Roy Chubby Brown's on-stage gear? That was Colin Baker's costume, wasn't it?

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