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Everything posted by Boudicca

  1. Boudicca

    Jane Goodie

    It has probably all changed by now but Jack wasn't allowed to have it transferred to Jade's house where her children were living because he has been convicted of a violent crime against a minor. I think they are spending a lot of time with their Dad now. He must be very relieved, poor sod.
  2. Boudicca

    Deathlist Dreaming

    I have never seen a pheasant but I think that they are quite partial to raisins and valium.
  3. Boudicca

    Docter Docter!

    No, anaesthetic is lovely but Entonox is about as much use as a Junior Disprin. Apparently it's much better if you have a cigarette immediately after having a good few lugs of it but I couldn't test that theory at the time.
  4. Boudicca

    Docter Docter!

    IME it's amazing going under the anaesthesia. Be careful of the stitches NAP. No hard straining or blowing for a bit perhaps. Speedy recovery
  5. Boudicca

    Nelson Mandela

    You should send them your C.V Banshees. There can't be any more of this being "out of town" whenever important world events happen though. They'd take a pretty dim view of that I think.
  6. Boudicca

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    I missed most of it Did Dubya go out the right door?
  7. Boudicca

    New Year Greetings

    Happy New Year!
  8. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    Are you going to tell us who the lucky recipient of that Woolworths voucher is going to be?
  9. Happy Belated Birthday Harry!
  10. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    But the DL Ladies thought long and hard about your present this year! Such ingratitude
  11. Boudicca

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    Horrible story but, Dick Colon
  12. Boudicca

    Room 101

    I think the Irish spelling of "Owen" is, "Eoeawieaiueioan". Pound-shop Duffy aka Diana is out though Windsor, so cheer up, Laddie
  13. Boudicca


    LG is being kind. She made some brilliant suggestions all of which I am adding. You do have to send lots in order to unlock them but you wouldn't want to send a Grim Reaper to everyone on your friends list
  14. Boudicca


    That happened to me this morning. Only H showed up initially due to being first in the list. Mr Dunn is safe with me though. Check the "sent" tab and you should see him there.
  15. Boudicca

    Room 101

    12 items or less checkouts. Fewer fewer fewer fewer fewer fewer And people who sneer at you for taking a trolley through them. I do have 11 items actually, the trolley is for the baby
  16. Boudicca


    Your request has been confirmed by admin
  17. Boudicca


    From the BBC page: Are they trying to say that there might be something wrong with having the brain of Mr Bush or is he being used as an acceptable substitute for the more descriptive but highly offensive "moron / imbecile"? It's good to know that GWB is proving to be of some use, to someone, somewhere. And there was me thinking that he was finally knuckling down to learning joined-up handwriting and finishing, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". There are some very tricky words in that you know.
  18. Boudicca

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Don't forget the ironing and hand-darning of Grim Reaper's silk boxer shorts. Can we be a bit less free with the moderator nominations please? I don't fancy having to add specialist stain-removal to our list of chores honours.
  19. Boudicca

    Human Health

    Was that the poll which only had one voting option? This is much better. I've decided to drink, smoke and live forever.
  20. Boudicca

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    I'm bored and will bite at the risk of Harry winning another $100 / £3.50 Here's another example of something which would be racist if Obama were to be depicted: There has been no historical tradition of hanging white women purely on the basis of their skin colour. It is not so common that a word exists to describe such an act. See the difference?
  21. Boudicca

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    Well there were a few other issues I had with Palin. Overturning Roe v. Wade, Creationism in schools, putting her unborn SN child in jeopardy, her astounding ignorance - that sort of thing. Aerial shooting of wolves sounds pretty cool though. Uppity Negroes TH? You need to put the boy in his place quick smart. Tell him you need a shine next time you see him, that should do the trick
  22. Well I have every faith in CarolAnn Has Banshees voted yet do we know?
  23. Boudicca


    I'm hiding too. You could always try this "great tip" from a friend of mine which is to leave a basket of treats on the step with a little note: "Please help yourself but do leave some for the next little witch or wizard!" Whaaaaat? Where I live the first scumbag to pass by would have the whole lot away.
  24. Boudicca

    Room 101

    He has been to a doctor thanks. No mention of over-feeding. The Exorcist Effect is perfectly normal with older babies.

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