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Everything posted by Boudicca

  1. Boudicca

    Room 101

    I'll look into it. Thank you for a truly practical solution We have just had to get him out of his cot following foul D@V which has dirtied his cot, bedding and all the carpet and furniture surrounding it. Some people would say we are too soft and should have left him to wallow in the filth until he learns that night= sleep. He's now clean, dry, medicated for the temperature he had and showing no signs of sleeping just yet but he's comfortable. Wish I'd thought of just putting him in a cot
  2. Boudicca

    Room 101

    Since birth, several times every night. We only co-sleep out of sheer exhaustion, not being enchanted with the lentil-weavery of attachment parenting. We just can't bear the screams, the choking himself sick, the high temperatures and the chucking up in distress and we have a daughter who needs to get up for school and my husband who has to drive the next day. Do you have any other practical suggestions?
  3. Boudicca

    Room 101

    I know what you mean LFN. We do have over 60 episodes of In The Night Garden clogging up our Sky Plus box. He's seen them all hundreds of times and Mr Bou is in the process of editing them and burning them to DVD. I'm just incapable of doing anything more technical than changing a nappy and handing out biscuits at that time in the morning, especially since he still wakes up 4 or 5 times in the night kicking me and standing on my head. Roll on teen years and Christian Radio! Shine Jesus Shine! He's now 17 months and walking so I can't do the strapping into bouncy chair / T.V thing. He likes chewing the T.V and laptop wires too so I can't snooze on the sofa either.
  4. Boudicca

    Room 101

    I'll try that. Are you also looking forward to their sleepy teenage years? I have so far planned to do hoovering, lawnmowing and fried breakfast making at 6 a.m on the dot when our teenagers have had a hard night's clubbling. All accompanied by Christian Radio played at full volume.
  5. Boudicca

    Room 101

    I would like to wall up in Room 101 the clocks going back / daylight savings time. I was up at 4 a.m this morning with my dawn-rising son which made for a two hour wait until CBeebies came on television. I have never in my life been so glad to see The Teletubbies. Now he's knackered and miserable but it's too early for bed, unless I want to get up in the freezing dark with no T.V again tomorrow
  6. Boudicca

    Room 101

    Bus drivers who make you wake your sleeping toddler to collapse, fold and lift your pushchair onto the rack, "'cos of 'elf and safedy" when there are no disabled people on board using the wheelchair spaces. Then, before you've even done that let alone found a safe place to sit they pull off sharply, pushchair narrowly missing frail OAP and toddler crashing off several metal seat edges and landing in filthy dust on floor. And they have the cheek to display signs telling people not to leave their seats or talk to the driver while the bus is still moving. How is a fit single person leaving the bus more at risk than someone who boards the helltrain with a baby and bulky pushchair, who might also be heavily pregnant? If Windsor took my bus route the bastards would all be sacked!
  7. Boudicca

    A Joke

    No no, Credit Crunch Cereal is made from the dried tears of a thousand sacked investment bankers. Hurrah! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DgSASp4Pxr4
  8. Boudicca

    Room 101

    She's gorgeous, W and could be very handy in a fight. Looks like she can "LEAP" anyways.
  9. Boudicca

    Room 101

    Windsor v 12 year old sounds great, go you! The wee scroats need keeping in line. I'll pay your train fare and a generous fee if you want to sort out the little f***kers. No need to tell HMRC. Bring your dog for extra fearsomeness!
  10. Boudicca

    Room 101

    I will be consigning what I tend to describe as, "pre-stabbed", 11 year old boys to the depths of Room 101. I went to the park with my daughter and friend earlier. The little bastards wouldn't let them go on the tyre swing - not once. I couldn't go mental you understand as I had the baby with me and had to restrain myself. I especially hate that I have turned into an old person shocked at how the youth of today have no respect. Then again, I'm sure Windsor was complaining about this sort of thing at least four years ago
  11. A word t' th' wise: Goolin' "sexy gentleman o' fortunes" gives naugh'y images o' lasses! This be better
  12. Boudicca

    Room 101

    Try not to let it bother you Windsor. Grandmothers can be very over-protective!
  13. Boudicca

    Jane Goodie

    I wouldn't wish what she is going through on my worst enemy. But of course it's a publicity stunt. Not the cancer, but the way in which it is being reported. If this was being made public in order to raise awareness then it wouldn't be made public for some time, until JG was well on the road to recovery, then a statement could be released stating that "Jade Goody has revealed that she has been recovering from cervical cancer, and has urged women that screening is vital" etc etc. But now the public will be following her journey through treatment (through the tabloids and the trashy mags obviously), and they will (her agent hopes) begin to see her as a brave woman who is battling cancer, and everything she's done in the past will seemingly be forgotten. JG is an immensely disliked and unpopular woman, the whole celeb BB fiasco pretty much ended her "career" (if being a contestant on a reality tv show can be considered a career) and this might possibly bring her back. I don't know who is making these decisions for her though as I can't imagine that she can be in any state to be thinking about publicity, but I am 100% certain that the only reason this is being made public knowledge is for publicitys sake rather than awareness.
  14. Happy Birthday LG! Have a little glass of wine. Just the one, mind. Ah go on then - have three
  15. Boudicca


    My FB profile is only available to select DLers. It's in my married name so no past "friends" can pester contact me. Isn't that how it should be?
  16. Boudicca

    Room 101

    Cards. Greetings cards as they say in America. What a bloody waste of time, money and trees! Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Valentines, Engagements, Weddings, New Baby cards, I've had and sent thousands over the years and do I still own any? Nope - straight in the bin and off they f**k. Worst of all are Hallmark Holiday cards. Who decided a few years ago that grandparents should get one from your children on Mothering Sunday and Father's Day? My sister gave my Dad a card and mug from her kids saying, "Happy Father's Day Grandad!"* Josef Frizl was still in the news at the time. *Do these sell well in Cumbria MPFC?
  17. Boudicca

    Should He Stay Or Should He Go?

    I voted to keep him. I do understand and agree with the comments made by others, but BS has given me hundreds of laughs over the years, (sometimes even intentionally) and I have to give him credit for that. He has the unique distinction of being both amusing and infuriating in equal measures.
  18. I can see why you wouldn't have wanted to search for that CP, I got this: Harry Potter and a horse, I'm off to wash my eyes out with soap............... I wouldn't do that LG - you may come across Moaning Myrtle. Perhaps a short session in the Quidditch cupboard would suffice...
  19. We have a resident couple in Lady G and Scsi. Mr Boudicca and I met elsewhere online. Perhaps it isn't too much to hope that one day we will have our very own wedding! What are your thoughts regarding suitable attire, speeches, presents etc..?
  20. Feed your baby "discreetly" ( ) in this stylish and educational top.
  21. Boudicca

    Kate And Gerry

    http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/16962...d-body-in-days/ “I have offered my help for free. I never charge for private readings. I’ve already assured them I will say nothing to the press", he told The Daily Star today
  22. Boudicca

    Kate And Gerry

    Jose Mourinho has said that he just wants to go back to Portugal and disappear for a bit. Kate and Gerry McCann have offered to help.
  23. Boudicca

    Deathlist Dreaming

    Not sure about the orange sweaters, but the bit about the wine sounds perfectly sensible to me. Was the car a limo by any chance? As for the bottles of water, the cheap sod! I hope the chavs got him.

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