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Everything posted by Boudicca

  1. Boudicca

    The Monkeys

    Best post in the joke thread? This one (I was actually looking for her Myra Hindley joke which was very funny )
  2. Boudicca

    Gerald Ford

    I'm not sure that would be a particularly profitable business venture. Bit like George Best running a pub.
  3. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    A handy tip for the party season:
  4. Boudicca

    The Monkeys

    I didn't even notice
  5. Boudicca

    The Bible

    Not counting theives or killers. And probably not if you're a masochist
  6. Happy Birthday Grobler, and good luck with your 2007 list
  7. Boudicca

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Congratulations to TLC on a cracking 600th post
  8. Boudicca

    The Monkeys

    I'll second that AtJ. A magnificent piece of work. The best thing is that the accompanying tune can be heard everywhere during the festive season bringing cheer and joy in the most unlikely of circumstances. Only last week a brass band was playing it in our local shopping centre. Dodging the crowds muttering, "I'm a chutney farmer / lovely lovely lovely", it made the experience much more bearable.
  9. Boudicca

    Richard O'Sullivan

    The post in question was a quote only affair. I've lost my copy of the unwritten rules but I think it's policy not to leave such efforts lying around. They make the place look untidy.
  10. Have a lovely day, honez
  11. Thank you Many Happy Returns VSBfromH! Here's a nice cake for your little be-chavved avatar:
  12. Boudicca

    The Monkeys

    Best post: BHB's "King of Crows" story in the drunken thread.
  13. Wishing you plenty of music, passion and fashion on your birthday W90!
  14. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    "Most Dangerous Toys" 2006. This could cause a nasty accident. Does anyone know if Clive Dunn has young grandchildren?
  15. Boudicca

    Poll - Number 10 - Who Will It Be?

    DL fav Mr Dunn
  16. Boudicca

    Death List Convention

    The Grendels and Yogi on the far right. Me under the green thing on the wall sporting a comedy goatee
  17. Happy Birthday Handrejka! Have a Bellini or six at Harry's Bar - And don't fall in the canal
  18. Shop for food on the internet.
  19. Boudicca

    Where Have All The Ranters Gone?

    "... congealed offerings at the bottom of an abortion bucket"? You do have a delightful, and dare I say, tasteful turn of phrase Mr Apollo. No irony in that I suppose. Carry on abusing us for mocking death...
  20. Boudicca

    Parting Shots

    I'm quite fond of Leonardo DiCaprio dying in, well - just about any film really... I expected him to drown much earlier in "Titanic" when Kate Winslet went over the railing
  21. Boudicca

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Congratulations on your 700th post, Lady Grendel! LG for Post-Twunt 2007
  22. Boudicca

    Suicidal Celebs

    Are you talking about accidental suicide Banshees?
  23. Congratulations on your promotion, Mr Hopkins!

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